Car insurance quotes without giving personal information

What You Should Know

  • You can get an auto insurance quote without providing personal information, but it might not be as accurate
  • Auto insurance companies can use your credit score to calculate rates in all but three states
  • To actually purchase insurance, you will need to provide your personal information to the company

When you are shopping around for multiple auto insurance quotes, you might be prompted to provide some personal information. Need to know how to get an auto insurance quote without personal information? We’ve got you covered. It can be done.

A lot of factors go into your rate. Some are about the car, and some are about you. The personal information you need to get an instant auto insurance quote can include your name, age, gender, and driving history.

When you shop with different auto insurance companies, you might notice each company asks for different information.

In order to protect your identity and your credit score, this guide will help you find accurate auto insurance quotes without submitting personal information.

Read more to learn about the information required to get an auto insurance quote, and how auto insurance companies use your personal information to generate auto insurance rates.

Compare auto insurance rates and get auto insurance quotes without giving your personal information by entering your ZIP code above.

Now can you get an auto insurance quote without giving personal information? Let’s dig in.

  • Can I get an auto insurance quote without giving personal information?
    • What personal information do auto insurance companies need?
    • Can I get an auto insurance quote without my phone number?
  • How does getting an anonymous car insurance quote work?
  • How can I get a reliable anonymous auto insurance quote?
  • How do auto insurance companies use my personal information?
    • Why do auto insurance companies look at my credit score?
    • How many points does an inquiry drop my credit score?
    • How does my credit score affect my auto insurance?
  • How can I get a cheap insurance quote without giving my personal information?
  • How can I compare free anonymous auto insurance quotes?
  • How can I find the auto insurance coverage I need?
  • Should I ask about insurance bundles?
    • Are you paying too much for auto insurance?
    • How can I find reputable auto insurance companies?
  • What are the best auto insurance companies by location?
  • Can you get an auto insurance quote on a car you don’t own?

Can I get an auto insurance quote without giving personal information?

If you’re shopping for cheap auto insurance quotes, you should avoid auto insurance companies that prompt for sensitive data like your driver’s license and Social Security Number. You don’t need to show a driver’s license to apply for auto insurance.

Besides the possibility of negatively affecting your credit score with excessive requests for your credit history, providing this type of sensitive information increases your chances of having your identity stolen.

With this data, identity thieves have everything they need to create multiple accounts in your name, ruining your credit and causing stress and frustration trying to find these fraudulent accounts and clear your name.

You don’t need to give this sensitive information to get an insurance quote.

If you do decide to use a smaller insurance company, it’s a smart decision to verify their business identity and make sure that they are who they say they are before giving them your sensitive personal information.

What personal information do auto insurance companies need?

Getting the best auto insurance quotes requires a little work on your part. You may not want to give out your personal information, but don’t worry. If you are using a legit insurer, your identity will be protected.

Be sure to provide accurate information, don’t be shy about your traffic violations, and answer each of the questions honestly. By providing the most accurate information you can get the most accurate auto insurance quote.

You will need to provide this information for an auto insurance quote:

  • Your name
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • How long you have been a licensed driver
  • Make, model, and year of your car
  • Mileage of your car
  • Vehicle usage
  • Dates of major and minor violations
  • Slug or prior insurance company
  • Credit score

This is the general information needed for an insurance quote, as each factor will influence the cost of auto insurance rates. For example, preferable mileage on your car can save money on your auto insurance rates if you qualify for auto insurance for low mileage. Having a clean driving record can also save you on your insurance cost.

Your gender, age, and marital status will also influence your auto insurance quote. There are some states that have passed laws to prohibit companies from basing insurance rates on gender, but if you don’t live in one of them, be prepared to encounter higher or lower rates based on your gender.

Teen males, for example, will have higher rates than females, and married couples will have cheaper insurance rates than single drivers.

Take a look at some auto insurance comparisons in the table below.

Whether you get an auto insurance quote from The General, a GEICO quote, or another option, your auto insurance company might ask you for specific information. Different auto insurance companies may ask for different information, including:

  • Employment history – You might be asking: Can you get an auto insurance discount from your job? Certain jobs qualify for auto insurance discounts, including military, first responders, and teachers.
  • Driving history – Auto insurance companies want to know if you’re a high-risk driver, and they will look at your driving record, accident history, and points on your license (if any).
  • Your address – The place where you live might have lower rates.

Your zip code is often all you need to get an auto insurance quote online.

Can I get an auto insurance quote without my phone number?

Auto insurance companies can request multiple forms of identification, but you are not obligated to give out any more personal information than what’s listed above.

Auto insurance companies might ask for your email address, phone number, or Social Security Number to identify you, but you don’t have to provide that information if you don’t want to.

You are not obligated to provide this information, and you can get a car insurance estimate without personal information. However, your auto insurance quotes may not be completely accurate.

If an insurer asks you for your email or phone number, this is likely for advertising purposes. When shopping for online auto insurance, only give your phone number and email address to companies you trust.

Do you have to give a Social Security number for auto insurance? If an insurer asks for your Social Security Number and you don’t provide it, they might ask for other information.

When you refuse to provide the personal information auto insurance companies ultimately require, they may not be able to verify important details. You are likely not to get accurate insurance quotes if you don’t provide some key points of information.

If you can’t avoid giving your Social Security Number or other personal information to an auto insurance company, pick a company you trust and are truly interested in. Protecting your personal information is always important.

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How does getting an anonymous car insurance quote work?

Auto insurance companies want you to choose them versus their competitors. Most insurance companies offer free and anonymous auto insurance quotes online for drivers.

Online auto insurance quotes are accurate, as they pull the same information that insurance agents do, including your zip code, credit score, and driving history.

To provide an accurate quote, the insurance company will need to know various pieces of information about you. They will need to know your age, gender, occupation, and the type of residence in which you live.

They’ll also want to take a look at your driving history and how you plan on using the vehicle.

You don’t need to give out your personal information in order to get an anonymous motorcycle insurance quote or car insurance quote online. You might even be able to use a fake name, but using an address that’s not yours can result in an inaccurate quote.

You will find yourself eventually having to provide some sort of personal information in order to get an accurate auto insurance quote. Aim to provide honest and accurate information when filling out the information you’re comfortable with for insurance quotes.

How can I get a reliable anonymous auto insurance quote?

This is a common question, along with, “can I get a car insurance quote with anonymous details”?

Reliable insurance companies typically start by simply asking for your ZIP code. They need this information to learn about the community that you live in, especially looking at what the crime rates are in that area.

Using this info along with the necessary, non-sensitive personal information you provided about yourself, an insurance company should be able to give you a reasonably accurate insurance quote without personal information.

That’s why auto insurance quotes without giving personal information are only good for estimating costs.

How do auto insurance companies use my personal information?

How do you think some auto insurance companies determine your risk as a driver? They do this by analyzing various pieces of your personal information history.

Auto insurance companies have a wealth of statistical data to assist them in estimating your risk. They don’t do this manually. Instead, they enter all of this information into specialized actuarial software that does all of the calculations for them.

Now, here’s where things get tricky:

Auto insurance companies will check your credit score to determine your risk as a driver and what to charge on an insurance policy. Keep in mind that the best way to find the cheapest auto insurance policy is to get auto quotes from several different insurance companies.

But the funny thing about credit checks is that getting too many requests for them can negatively affect your overall rating.

So in your pursuit to ensure that you are not paying too much for auto insurance, keep your credit request history in mind.

If you provided your Social Security number to seven to 10 insurance companies, each may send requests to the credit bureaus inquiring about your credit history, which might inadvertently hurt your credit score.

Lowering your credit score can lead to paying more for your auto insurance, and may also affect your ability to secure low-interest rates on a mortgage, hurt your chances of getting a job, prevent you from renting a car, and so forth.

In our credit-based society, the last thing in the world that you want to do is to damage your credit history.

Make no mistake, when you do choose an auto insurance policy to purchase, you will need to provide your Social Security number for the insurance company to verify your personal information, including your identity.

However, when you are at the stage of comparing insurance quotes and want to remain anonymous, there’s no good reason to forfeit sensitive information like your Social Security number.

Why do auto insurance companies look at my credit score?

Keeping a good credit score is important not just for loans, but for getting get auto insurance rates. Auto insurance companies can and will use your credit score to determine your rates in most states. Some states, like California, Hawaii, and Massachusetts, prohibit insurers from doing this.

Other states use the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that requires that consumers are notified when the use of the credit report results in the adverse action.

If you get an adverse action notification, it will list the reasons why your credit score wasn’t good.

If your credit is not good, or even fair, it can result in higher insurance rates. Drivers with good credit will have lower rates.

How many points does an inquiry drop my credit score?

Too many inquiries can affect your credit score. Soft inquiries will not affect your credit score. A soft inquiry occurs when you check your credit report or when a business you have an account with checks your credit score for preapproval or general information gathering.

A hard inquiry does affect your credit score. Hard inquiries happen when a person’s credit report is checked for the purposes of final approval. This can occur when you are applying for a loan or a credit card.

A single hard inquiry can drop your score up to five points. Multiple hard inquires can drop your credit score 10 points each time.

How does my credit score affect my auto insurance?

Your credit score and insurance score are not the same, according to the NAIC. Auto insurance companies use your insurance score to determine if they want to insure you. Having a good credit score is important, but there is other information about your credit that can affect your insurance score.

Take a look at the average rates by good, fair, and poor credit score in the table below:

Things that can bring down your auto insurance score:

  • If you have a lien, foreclosure, collection, or bankruptcy.
  • If you are not on time with your payments, you can bring your score down.
  • A long history of bad credit.
  • Too many credit inquiries on your credit report.

The better your insurance score is the more likely you are to be insured.

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How can I get a cheap insurance quote without giving my personal information?

With hundreds of auto insurance companies online, you’re likely to find cheap insurance rates if you know how to look for them. Ideally, you should shop for insurance every six to 12 months.

Not everyone does this. Some people might keep the same insurance policy without knowing they are overpaying. If you recently moved, bought a new vehicle, or your driving history is no longer the same, it might be the best time to shop for auto insurance.

You want to shop around for the lowest auto insurance premium as possible. Remember, your deductible is not the same as your insurance premium.

A deductible is an amount you have to pay before your insurance company pays their part. A premium is the amount of money paid for an insurance policy.

Shopping for insurance may sound like it’s a lot of work, but don’t worry. You don’t have to call around to different insurance companies, you can just use price comparison websites to get anonymous auto insurance quotes online.

Filling out a form online will take you less than five minutes, and you will get several quotes back.

How can I compare free anonymous auto insurance quotes?

Auto insurance quotes are an estimate of how much you will pay for auto insurance. An auto insurance quotes comparison will give you the power to compare quotes from each company you choose to see who has the best rates.

When comparing companies you should choose more than two options and request quotes with the same coverage levels. You can check the company’s ratings and find out how many complaints are pending before picking the right company for you.

Why are insurance costs higher in some ZIP codes? Some ZIP codes are more expensive than others. Two different ZIP codes can equal two different rates even though they are in the same city.

If you live in an area that is densely populated and has many registered vehicles, your rates can be higher.

Here’s why: The more cars that are on the road, the more likely they are going to become in contact with one another.

If you live in an area where there are many natural disasters, or if you live in a place with multiple auto thefts, you are going to get quoted higher rates. Cities can also affect your insurance rates as some cities will have higher rates than suburbs or rural areas.

For more a randomized, anonymous search of rates, you can search for a car insurance calculator online that won’t require your personal information. Keep in mind that this information will be very general and not as specific to your information or needs, since this estimate will be missing your personal information.

How can I find the auto insurance coverage I need?

Every state in the United States requires drivers to have auto insurance. Auto insurance is protection just in case you get into a car accident. You should look for rates for liability coverage.

Every state requires a liability minimum. It would be best to purchase more liability insurance in case the damages exceed the insurance you have.

Liability insurance doesn’t cover you; it covers other cars’ damages. You should consider getting comprehensive insurance that covers non-collision damages to your vehicles and collision insurance when you get into an accident.

Owning a car is not necessary for getting an auto insurance quote or to get an auto insurance policy. You can get quotes for a non-owners policy, which is for drivers who don’t have cars or access to cars. Your quote can be lower if you get a non-owner auto insurance policy.

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Should I ask about insurance bundles?

As an insurance policyholder, you should also try and hop on any and every discount. Auto insurance can be expensive and there are ways to cut the cost. You can’t negotiate your auto insurance rate, but you can shop around and try to find the lowest rates.

Don’t go with the first company that gives you a quote, because you might find one somewhere else that’s even lower. There are a lot of auto insurance companies that provide discounts for bundling auto and home insurance. You can save a lot of money this way and still get great coverage.

With Progressive, you can save up to 10% if you bundle home and auto insurance. State Farm offers bundling for home, auto, and life insurance. You can save between 17% and 20% by bundling all three.

American Family Insurance offers bundling for home and auto and renters, motorcycles, boat, and life insurance. Customers have claimed that they have saved 29% on auto insurance and 20% on home insurance by bundling.

If you get Farmers, you can get home and auto policies customized to your unique needs. With Nationwide, you can bundle your car, home, renters, condo, and life insurance. You can save up to $700 a year. If you just decide to bundle home and auto insurance you can save up to 20%.

You can save hundreds by bundling home and auto with Liberty Mutual, but it might be more expensive than others. Liberty Mutual does offer accident forgiveness and new car replacement, which is a plus.

Many auto insurance companies have deals for bundling, so that can save you a lot of money on insurance. Shop around and you can find the right company for you.

Are you paying too much for auto insurance?

Do you wonder if you are paying too much for auto insurance? If you have had auto insurance for a long time and haven’t changed your policy, you should think of doing it.

Since some people are not aware that they are overpaying for insurance, here are a few ways to figure out if you have the best rates.

If you have auto insurance coverage, you have to check the most recent policy information. If you haven’t updated your policy in the last six months, you are likely paying too much for insurance. You don’t have to change insurance companies, but do look for deals.

There are several ways to lower your auto insurance rate. You don’t have to pay high premiums forever.

  • Seek out discounts. You can get a discount if you take a defensive driving course. Look for the discounts your company provides. If you have had no accidents or driving violations you can qualify for a discount.
  • Keep a good credit score. Since many insurers check your credit score to help determine your rates. Be sure to pay your bills on time and avoid adding new debt to your credit history. Check your credit score often.
  • Get a low mileage discount. If you have lower mileage than the average number of miles per year, you can qualify for a low mileage discount.
  • If you own a home, get your home and auto insurance from the same company. You can get a reduced car insurance rate if your vehicle and house are insured by the came company.
  • You can reduce the premium for older cars. If your car is worth less than a certain value determined by your premium, comprehensive and collision coverage may be more expensive than paying a higher deductible in the event of an accident.

These are a few ways you can reduce your auto insurance and save money. Make sure that you carefully read the terms and conditions because you could be paying for hidden fees.

Additional charges and convenience fees can cause you to pay more. Check with your insurance company to see if there are other ways to lower your auto insurance.

How can I find reputable auto insurance companies?

When you give out your personal information online, you run the risk of having your identity stolen, as millions of Americans do each year according to the Social Security Administration.

Don’t share your Social Security number with companies you don’t trust. If you suspect something strange with your credit information, check it. Recovering from identity theft can be difficult.

Since there are hundreds of auto insurance companies to choose from, you will be able to compare auto insurance quotes, and will likely find low auto insurance rates if you shop around.

You may be more familiar with the larger companies because they advertise the most, but that does not guarantee that they offer the cheapest auto insurance rates. Smaller insurance companies can provide reliable auto insurance at lower rates.

Relying on an insurer’s website is not enough to figure out if they are a reputable auto insurance company.

You can find out if the auto insurance you are interested in is trustworthy by checking with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). You can also view your state’s regulator site to verify an insurer’s information.

  • Contact your state insurance regulator to verify if insurance is legitimate.
  • Go online and view the agents and brokers directory.
  • Check the license number of the insurer.

Some companies might be legit but have poor ratings. Here are a few tricks you can use to find a company’s’ financial ratings and how it ranks when it comes to customers.

  • Check the J.D. Power and Associates site. You will have ratings for auto insurance companies.
  • Visit A.M. Best to see the companies’ financial rating.

If you are not sure about a particular auto insurance company, try another one. It’s always best to trust your consumer instincts, and avoid anything that seems suspicious.

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What are the best auto insurance companies by location?

Out of the many insurance companies, only a few outperform others. Here are the highest-ranked auto insurance companies in the United States by region, according to J.D. Power.

  • California – Esurance
  • Central – Shelter
  • Florida – Allstate
  • Mid-Atlantic – Erie Insurance
  • New England – Amica Mutual
  • New York – New York Central Mutual
  • North Central – Westfield
  • Northwest – PEMCO Insurance
  • Southeast – Farm Bureau Insurance-Tennessee
  • Southwest – The Hartford
  • Texas – Texas Farm Bureau

The best insurance company for you may differ from this list, as your car insurance coverage needs and the discounts for which you qualify might point you in a different direction.

Can you get an auto insurance quote on a car you don’t own?

Yes, you can get a quote but you cannot purchase the policy or receive a final quote without owning the vehicle with a standard policy.

We can help you compare auto insurance rates without giving insurance companies your personal information. Just enter your ZIP code below right now to compare auto insurance quotes without giving your personal information.

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Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about auto insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything auto insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by auto insurance experts.

Rachel Bodine graduated from college with a BA in English. She has since worked as a Feature Writer in the insurance industry and gained a deep knowledge of state and countrywide insurance laws and rates. Her research and writing focus on helping readers understand their insurance coverage and how to find savings. Her expert advice on insurance has been featured on sites like PhotoEnforced, All...

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Written by Rachel Bodine
Insurance Feature Writer

Car insurance quotes without giving personal information

Leslie Kasperowicz holds a BA in Social Sciences from the University of Winnipeg. She spent several years as a Farmers Insurance CSR, gaining a solid understanding of insurance products including home, life, auto, and commercial and working directly with insurance customers to understand their needs. She has since used that knowledge in her more than ten years as a writer, largely in the insurance...

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Reviewed by Leslie Kasperowicz
Farmers CSR for 4 Years

Car insurance quotes without giving personal information

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