Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business SDVOSB Subcontractor DevSecOps for CI CD and Software Factory

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)

The United States is blessed with countless individuals who have willingly risked their lives to uphold American values throughout the world. These men and women have served this nation with great distinction. To keep us safe and our flag flying high, some of them unfortunately suffered injury. The transition back to civilian life can be tough, especially for veterans who return with a disability. We must all play a part in recognizing the sacrifices of these heroes. The United States government has established several programs through the Department of Veteran Affairs to play its part. These programs aim to pave a way for our veterans and smooth their transition back to civilian life. The Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program (SDVOSB) is an excellent example of such an initiative.

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

What is the SDVOSB program?

The Federal government is the biggest spender in the economy. To carry out the various projects that it undertakes, the government recruits the help of contractors. Contracts are awarded to various companies based on their proposals.The government always aims to ensure that the process is just and transparent, the purchase is competitively priced, and it receives high-quality service. With these requirements in mind, it still tries to award a considerable portion of available contracting opportunities to specific businesses.These businesses include those owned by women, minorities, or service-disabled veterans. The SDVOSB program focuses specifically on helping out service-disabled veterans.The SDVOSB program is meant to fulfil a requirement first laid down by the Veterans Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act of 1999. The act states that no less than 3% of all prime and sub-contracting opportunities provided by the federal government should be exclusive to small businesses owned and operated by service-disabled veterans.This idea was pushed further by the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003. Under this act, contracting officers were empowered to restrict competition for SDVOSBs by awarding a set-aside contract to such enterprises.The purpose of the SDVOSB program is to encourage economic opportunities for veterans, especially those who returned with a disability. To do so, the program gives agencies responsible for procurement the authority to award set-aside contracts to SDVOSBs.Furthermore, the program also increases the likelihood of SDVOSBs gaining access to federal contracts by restricting competition from all other enterprises. These contracts allow veterans to gain employment and unlock economic opportunities that they may not have had otherwise.Naturally, several criteria must be met to qualify for the program. They are as follows:

  • The Service-Disabled Veteran must own 51% of the business.
  • The Service-Disabled Veteran must hold the highest position at the enterprise.
  • The Service-Disabled Veteran must be familiar with and involved in the day-to-day operations and management of the business.
  • The Service-Disabled Veteran must have a disability connected to their service and verified by either the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense.
  • The SDVOSB must fall under the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code designated to the procurement.

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business or SDVOSB can be recognized as a government verified enterprise or a business with minimum unconditional ownership of 51% and being controlled by one or more service disabled veterans. Moreover, the firm must be operating in accordance with the NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System). If the veteran is permanently disabled, their spouse or caregiver can be in control of the business operations.

Types of SDVOSB Program Contracts

There are primarily two types of contracts that procurement officers can award to SDVOSBs. These are:

  • Set-Aside Competitive Contract: If the officer believes that at least two SDVOSBs will submit proposals for the contract, they can award a competitive set-aside contract and restrict competition from other enterprises.

Note that basic requirements must still be met. The contract must be awarded at market value, the entity must be responsible, and the subsequent service should be of reasonably high quality.

  • Sole-Source Contract: This is for situations when the officer is not certain or cannot say with a reasonable degree of certainty that at least two SDVOSBs will submit proposals for the contract. In such cases the contract can be awarded to the only SDVOSB that applied provided that the basic requirements mentioned above are met.

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

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Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

Transforming for Innovation and Sustainability securing future competitive advantage

CCT for Direct Federal Contracts

Castillo Technologies, LLC dba Cloud Computing Technologies is a SDVOSB recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our comprehensive suite of services includes:

  • Software Development
  • DevSecOps
  • Cloud Solutions
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with Agile Scrum

Primarily we can offer three main services to compete for Federal contracts:

Custom-Made Software Factory

One of the main drawbacks of the software development process in the past has been the clear inefficiencies that are inherent to it. The development of the end-product lags at several stages due to the disharmonious nature in which the entire process is structured.

Many companies are still stuck in the past and utilize these inefficient processes. While they may ultimately get the job done, they are unable to take advantage of the cost savings that can be unlocked through better processes.

At CCT, we take great pride in our software factory development capabilities. We take advantage of manufacturing principles to develop software at unrivalled speed and cost. Not only that but the whole model is built on the principles of continuous evolution.

This means that we’re always learning. When you partner with CCT, you receive our technical capabilities and the vast experience we’ve accumulated over the years. We can use this knowledge base and modify the specifications from previous projects to deliver an excellent offering for you.

With a custom-made software factory, the end goal of the contract can be achieved in a more streamlined manner. The fact that it is built with your needs in mind means that it is optimized with the end goal and is far more efficient than any other software factory.


As an SDVOSB, CCT understands the importance of security better than anyone else. Our technological inclination, combined with our appreciation of secure processes, makes us particularly skilled in DevSecOps solutions.

We understand that security is not some added feature that should be considered as an afterthought. This has been common practice throughout our industry for a large portion of its history. With the increasing complexity of software and the changing business environment, DevSecOps have become more important than ever.

In CCT, you will find a highly competent DevSecOps solutions provider. We take great care to prioritize security at each stage of the software development process. Along with such careful consideration, we also ensure that the efficiency of the process is not compromised.

By utilizing DevSecOps principles in our approach to software development, we make sure that security is faster and easier and cheaper in the short and long-term. We know that any approach to software development that does not incorporate DevSecOps is poor practice.

This is because handling security review as a separate process can cause delays in the development process. Our DevSecOps team is one of the best in the business and knows how to seamlessly integrate security into every step of an application’s development.

As a SDVOSB, we feel we understand the need of federal bodies for high-quality, cost-effective, reliable contractors. Given our technical and institutional expertise, we believe we are the ideal fit for such contracts.

CCT Subcontractor for Prime Contractors

Prime contractors can also benefit greatly by recruiting our services. Any government contract will have a wide variety of functions that need to be performed to fulfil the obligation of the contract. We believe that our reputation as a reliable SDVOSB subcontractor partner and our technical expertise put us in a unique position that prime contractors can take advantage of.

One such consideration is the ability to apply for contracts that require partnerships with SDVOSBs. As a SDVOSB registered and recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs, we believe that prime contractors can utilize our status as a SDVOSB to compete for excellent contracting opportunities.

We don’t expect partnerships based solely on our status as a SDVOSB, though! We’ve spent years cultivating technical expertise and practical experience to be industry leaders in several areas. To our prime contracting partners, we can offer the following services:

Subject Matter Experts (SME)

As previously mentioned, not all prime contractors will have the tools needed to fulfill every aspect of the contract. When such a situation arises, it is important to seek out a competent sub-contractor. As your subcontractor, you will gain access to our technologies and our guidance and expertise on various technical issues that may arise during our partnership.

We have significant knowledge of cloud computing, DevSecOps, and Agile Scrum to improve security, optimize processes, and increase efficiency. All these can combine to deliver great value to your organization and help you fulfil the goals of the contract with ease.

Custom-Built Software Factory

If the fulfilment of the contract requires significant technical support, we’ve got you covered! We are experts in building software factories that can produce applications to support any task. Having a software factory built with your needs in mind can help deliver sensational results for your organization.

Our software factories combine manufacturing principles with our technical know-how to produce applications that deliver maximum value to you. You’ll see first-hand the improvement in efficiency and effectiveness when you partner with us.

Not only can our software factory help you develop applications for the contract, but it can also develop enterprise software for you! Enterprise software can be utilized for project management that truly stands out.

By having enterprise software built according to your needs, you can improve connectivity throughout the various parts of the organization, plan and deliver tasks on time, and uncover efficiencies like you’ve never seen before.

By partnering with us and utilizing our software factory development capabilities, you can offer a superior proposal for any federal contract. In doing so, you increase your chances of landing the contract. Not only that, you can also promise greater cost-savings thanks to the efficiencies delivered by us!

So, a partnership with a SDVOSB like us allows you to compete for contracts that you could not previously and promise and deliver high-quality work at competitive prices. What’s not to like?

DevSecOps Solutions

Software is increasingly common these days. Almost every organization uses it to manage the day to day operations. At CCT, we understand the importance of building applications for the long run. In service of this aim, we offer exceptional DevSecOps services to all our partners.

We integrate security into every step of the production cycle to ensure that the final product is as secure as possible. This proactive approach to security is a requirement of the times we live in, and as a SDVOSB nobody knows this better than us.

Our DevSecOps solutions build, test, deploy, and monitor applications with an emphasis on security every step of the way. Not only that, we go far beyond what traditional DevSecOps services offer by analyzing and improving the product based on our findings.


Frequently Asked Questions

A Microservice is the breaking up of traditionally tightly coupled application components into small specialized services that communicate through HTTPS REST and HTTPS API interfaces.

Since Microservices are small specialized services, they can be quickly and efficiently rearranged to accommodate future capabilities unknown at the present time.

Microservices are independent and modular which allows for significant flexibility in communications patterns and often prevent cascading failure.

DevOps is the combination of development and operations into a single function of software development and infrastructure management. The main priority of DevOps is the reduction of barriers to speed of delivery.

DevSecOps empowers everyone in the development process using a security focused tool set to address timely security decisions at speed and scale of each development stage. The main priority of DevSecOps is risk reduction through DevOps security accountability and governance.

Security automation in DevSecOps increases speed of code releases while reducing the risk using static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), and code dependency checking.

High business value is realized from quick and efficient response to market opportunities and challenges, optimization for innovation, and reduction of technical debt all lead to superior competitive advantage.

CCT is pleased to discuss your requirements and present a proposal for your review and consideration. Call us today at 1-800-804-9726 x105.


Small businesses play a huge role in the American economy. Small businesses have created 64% of the net new jobs, makeup 98% of exporters and 33% of net export value, and employ 50% of all private-sector workers.

Businesses owned by veterans make up 9% of all firms and have an annual payroll of $210B. In numbers, this is more than 2.4 million businesses with more than 5.8 million employees. The register sales of these businesses All these numbers mean that after years of military service, veterans return to civilian life keeping the American economy strengthened and reinforced.

This means with the right opportunities for both small businesses and veteran-owned businesses; they can only flourish more and support the American economy. Even businesses on the verge of collapse can be saved with the right investment and growth opportunity. The Government and the Department of Defense are committed to make the transition smoother for veterans and maximize the number of opportunities veterans can are present with. As a result of this initiative, the Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business program was introduced by the U.S. Government to service-disabled veterans of America.

There are many benefits provided by the SDVOSB program to benefit of veteran-owned businesses. The following are a few notable among the many.

  • The SDVOSB program awards $5 billion dollars’ worth of contracts which is reserved by the Office of Federal Procurement.
  • Contracts are being produced by government agencies but more of these contracts come from the Department of Defense.
  • SDVOSBs are inherently entitled to be prioritized in these government contract proposals.
  • Contracts related to the Department of Veteran Affairs prefer SDVOSBs with more significance compared to other government agencies and departments.

Why Cloud Computing Technologies?

We believe this makes us ideally positioned to partner with prime contractors competing for federal contracts. Our status as a SDVOSB can help you secure contracts out of reach, and our technical services can help you fulfil them. So what’re you waiting for? Reach out to us today!

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

What does it mean to be partnered with an SDVOSB managed Software Factory?

Whether you are an enterprise or an individual service or product provider, you might be competing to win government contracts from various federal agencies. As much as it is difficult to acquire the contract in such a competitive environment, some agencies might only consider other than small businesses as the prime contractor. This might also likely reduce the number of contracts that you can be eligible to apply.

Cloud Computing Technologies as your Software Factory SDVOSB, can pave the way for you to win that contract award. We can represent every partnered organization of ours and we can get you that competitive advantage in the  service disabled veteran owned small business category.

As a partner of Cloud Computing Technologies, a trusted and verified SDVOSB, increase your chances significantly, and make your win with us.

Why Partner with Cloud Computing Technologies?

We at Castillo Technologies, LLC dba Cloud Computing Technologies, are a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business firm verified by the Veterans Affairs’ Center for Veterans Enterprise and listed in the VA VetBiz directory.

CVE Verified firms are given preference on government contracts and with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, contracts are directly awarded to a verified SDVOSB like ourselves.

We are also among the very few businesses that are verified as an SDVOSB in the information technology industry. It means Cloud Computing Technologies has competitive edge when it comes to winning contracts and with our track record and expertise, our partners win with us.

Being verified as an SDVOSB also is the guarantee of a well-capable, high-quality, and unparalleled service delivery that fulfills customer requirements at an affordable cost.

Our proposals are processed and contracts are awarded usually within days, and we always communicate directly with the agencies to get the best value for what we offer. In government contracts, we can always relate to faster decision cycles for contract awarding, best value for the service, reduced administrative overhead, and overall a smoother process.

What are you waiting for?

Now that you know what’s in it for your business to partner with Cloud Computing Technologies before you apply for your next contract, consider partnering with Cloud Computing Technologies for CI CD. We are guaranteeing you a better chance of winning an award as our partnered company.

If you have a service but do not know if there are any opportunities, feel free to contact us. We are always eager to meet our next partner. Cloud Computing Technologies is always updated with upcoming contracts and will never let an opportunity slip by you.

If you have any more questions about the SDVOSB program or partnering with an SDVOSB, feel free to contact us. We have all the answers you seek.

The Cloud Computing Technologies Approach

Cloud Computing has taken the world by storm. Many organizations that thought they can build their applications with their know-how and tools have now started realizing the benefits of Agile Methodology and DevSecOps. This realization has resulted in a steep increase in the adoption of cloud technologies.

At Cloud Computing Technologies, we take pride in guiding our customers through their cloud migration. We offer secure, scalable, and fully on-demand cloud services through our enterprise-level cloud partners like Amazon AWS.

If you’d like to find out more information about all of our innovative service offerings, or if you’d just like to discuss your own needs with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact Cloud Computing Technologies today

What clients say about Cloud Computing Technologies

"CCT delivered to our needs for repeatability, versioning, and consistency with our AWS platform configurations."

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

"Through rapid growth and thoughful innovation, CCT's team scaled our cloud platform capabilites."

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

"Delivering global digital services has been realized with the support of CCT's expertise and approach."

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

"With CCT microservices development, we are more agile in public response to getting requests fulfilled with excellent efficiency."

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

"CCT has really streamlined our innovation and software delivery with AWS and Kubernetes."

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

"Our profits have soared 4x after the digital transformation led by Cloud Computing Technologies."

Service disabled veteran owned small business contracts

Experience and Agile Expertise

Further information about SDVOSB.

What means service disabled veteran owned?

Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) is a company diversity registration which designates that a company is owned and operated by a veteran who suffered a disability while in the military service.

How many veteran owned businesses are there in the US?

More than 2.4 million U.S. businesses are owned by veterans, about nine percent of all American firms. They employ 5.8 million employees and dole out $210 billion in annual payroll.