How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled

When Instagram users want to take a break from the platform, they have two options – to delete their account or temporarily disable it. While deleting your account is a long-term decision, temporarily disabling it means that you plan to stop using it for a certain period of time. If you choose to temporarily disable your Instagram account, you can recover it any time you want.

How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled

In this guide, we’ll discuss what happens to your Instagram account when it’s temporarily disabled. We’ll also talk about how to disable and recover your Instagram account.

There are many reasons why you might want to turn off your Instagram for a while. It’s a well-known fact that all social media platforms are extremely addicting, and Instagram is no different. The explore feed alone offers an unlimited amount of content, which you can scroll through for hours. You might be forced to disable your account so you can focus on your studies, work, or other productive activities. Others might just be fed up with the content presented on this popular app, and they want a so-called social-media detox.

When you disable your account for a certain period of time, it basically stays “hidden” from your followers and mutuals. It also means that all your posts, chats, likes, and comments will disappear until you come back to Instagram. However, you won’t lose any data. Instagram introduced this feature so its users can take a break from the app with the option to return when they feel like it.

Temporarily disabling a profile on Instagram comes with certain rules. For example, you are allowed to disable your Instagram only a limited number of times. To be more specific, you can only disable your account once a week. The good news is that there is no time limit to how long your account can stay disabled. This isn’t the case with other social media platforms, where your account gets automatically deleted if you don’t reactivate it after a certain period of time.

If you’re wondering whether your followers will find out that you temporarily disabled your account, don’t worry. Instagram won’t notify anyone. They will only notice they have lost one follower. Also, your followers and the accounts you follow won’t be notified when you reactivate your account. However, if someone were to try to search for your username, no results would show up.

If you don’t want to use your Instagram anymore, the logical solution is to delete your account. Once you do this, there won’t be an option to recover your account. All your likes, comments, and photos will be deleted forever. If you ever wish to rejoin this social media app, you will have to create a new account and start all over again.

How to Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account

It will only take a few minutes of your time to disable your Instagram temporarily. Note that it’s only possible to do this from the web browser and mobile browser. It can’t be done on the mobile app.

This is how you can disable your Instagram on the web browser:

  1. Launch Instagram on your computer.
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled
  2. Sign in to your account.
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled
  3. Visit your profile picture.
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled
  4. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled
  5. Scroll down to “Temporarily disable my account” in the “Edit Profile” section.
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled
  6. Below “Why are you disabling your account?” choose one of these options: “want to remove something,” “just need a break,” “too many ads,” etc.
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled
  7. Type in the password in the field below.
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled
  8. Click on “Temporarily Disable Account.”
    How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled

You can also disable your account from the mobile browser. The steps for disabling your Instagram on the mobile browser are the same.

How to Recover Your Disabled Instagram Account

How long can i keep my instagram account temporarily disabled

If you change your mind about Instagram, you always have the option to come back. The good news is that reactivating your account is even easier than temporarily disabling it. To reactivate your account, just sign in again, and that’s it. Enter your username or email and password like you normally would, and your account will be restored.

Note that when you reactivate your account, you won’t be required to re-follow anyone or re-like old posts. Your Instagram profile and account settings will be the same as they were when you disabled your account. In other words, all your messages, comments, posts, and likes will reappear like you were never gone.

Take a Break From Instagram

If you want to delete your Instagram profile without actually deleting it, Instagram gives you the option to temporarily disable your account. Doing this means that you “pause” this app, which you can return to any time you want. Simply log back in to your account to do so.

Have you ever temporarily disabled your Instagram account before? Why did you do it? Did you reactivate it after some time? Tell us about your experience with Instagram in the comments below.

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Will Instagram delete my account if I temporarily disable it for a year?

Temporarily disabling your account hides your profile, photos and comments but does not delete them.

Can I get my Instagram account back after temporarily disabled?

If you think your account was disabled by mistake, you may be able to appeal the decision by opening the app, entering your username and password and following the on-screen instructions. If you don't see a disabled message, you may be experiencing a login issue.

Can I stay temporarily deactivated on Instagram for two years?

You can keep your Instagram account temporarily disabled for as long as you want without fear of losing your personal information. Previously, Instagram would automatically reactivate your account after one week.