Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

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  2. Federal Student Loans

  • August 16, 2022

    Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) announced that it will discharge all remaining federal student loans that borrowers received to attend ITT Technical Institute (ITT) from January 1, 2005, through its closure in September 2016.

  • December 13, 2021

    Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a series of new actions to help improve customer experience and Government services for the American people.

  • August 26, 2021

    Today, the U.S. Department of Education announced it will make $1.1 billion in closed school discharges available to an additional 115,000 borrowers who attended the now-defunct ITT Technical Institute (ITT). This decision is based on a new review of the problems leading up to ITT's closure. These borrowers did not complete their degree or credential and left ITT on or after March 31, 2008.

  • August 19, 2021

    Over 323,000 borrowers who have a total and permanent disability (TPD) will receive more than $5.8 billion in automatic student loan discharges due to a new regulation announced today by the U.S. Department of Education.  The change will apply to borrowers who are identified through an existing data match with the Social Security Administration (SSA).

  • August 9, 2021

    Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) released a new legal interpretation that revises and clarifies its position on the legality of state laws and regulations that govern various aspects of the servicing of federal student loans. This action will help states enforce borrower bills of rights or other similar laws to address issues with servicing of federal student loans.

  • March 30, 2021

    Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) announced an expansion of the pause on federal student loan interest and collections to all defaulted loans in the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. This action will help more than one million additional borrowers burdened by debt during the COVID-19 emergency.

  • March 18, 2021

    Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) announced it will streamline debt relief determinations for borrowers with claims approved to date that their institution engaged in certain misconduct.

  • January 21, 2021

    At the request of President Biden, the Acting Secretary of Education will extend the pause on federal student loan payments and collections and keep the interest rate at 0%. Too many Americans are struggling to pay for basic necessities and to provide for their families. They should not be forced to choose between paying their student loans and putting food on the table.

Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury
The new relief law is set to combat the economic crash related to COVID-19, and Americans expect to see stimulus checks in their mail boxes or bank accounts in the coming weeks.

However, because many receive funds from the U.S. Treasury via check, there will inevitably be an uptick in check scams, as fraudsters hope to make extra cash. There are already fraudsters trying to scam people by sending out bad checks, as they print and send checks that look similar to the U.S. Treasury’s.

Here are some helpful tips to help you understand what a check scam is and what security features the U.S. Treasury has implemented so that you can cash your check with ease.

What is a Check Scam?

According to the Federal Trade Commission, a fake check scam consists of an individual sending you a check for more money than you anticipated, and requesting that you send money back, usually via wire. The scammers typically explain away the over payment, but entice you to cash the check by avoiding taxes, fees or something similar.

They anticipate you depositing the check and wiring the money quickly - too quickly to notice that the check may look odd. By the time the bank discovers the check is bad, the scammer is long gone with your money, and you’re left paying back the bank.

Check scams have been around for a while, however, the FTC reports that there is a steady increase in scams over recent years, especially around tax season or when there are nation-wide checks being issued by the government. 

U.S. Treasury Check Security Features

As you are on the lookout for check scams, the U.S. Treasury has built-in security features on their checks to help you decipher whether or not your check is fraudulent. Here are some things to look out for on a U.S. Treasury check, so that you can tell the difference between the real deal and a fake check.


Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

Example of U.S. Treasury Check


One thing to take note of on a U.S. Treasury check is microprinting, which are words printed so small they appear as a line. However, under a magnifying glass, the line is revealed to be tiny text that cannot be duplicated by an ordinary copier. When a check is counterfeit, this microprint will appear as a solid line or series of small dots. Currently, there are three areas microprinting is utilized: bottom line above the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) line, signature line on the back of check, and on the garment of Lady Liberty. 


Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

Example of Micriprinting

Treasury Seal

Another security feature of a U.S. Treasury check is the seal. The U.S. Treasury has a distinct seal, which states the “Bureau of Fiscal Services.” There is also an old seal that is still in rotation that states, “Financial Management Services.” Any other seal will expose the check to be fraudulent.

Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

Example of Treasury Seal

Bleeding Ink

The U.S. Treasury also instituted bleeding ink for the treasury seal. When moisture is applied to the seal, the ink will “bleed” red, proving that it is an authentic check from the U.S. Treasury.


Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

Example of Bleeding Ink on U.S. Treasury Seal 


Watermarks are another security feature the U.S. Treasury employs to ensure their checks are authentic. The watermark you can look out for reads “U.S. Treasury,” which is visible from the front and back of the check when held up to a light. The sheerness of this watermark makes it so that it cannot be reproduced by a copier. Any check you receive that does not have this distinct watermark is fraudulent.


Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

Example of Watermark on Treasury Checks

Ultraviolet Overprinting

For those that might have a black light, you can find ultraviolet overprinting on the right and left-hand side of the check. On the right is the United States eagle and on the left is four lines of “FMS,” with the FMS seal bordering both sides.  


Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

Example of Ultraviolet Overprinting

When it comes to deciphering whether a check is fraudulent, relying on security features should be your first line of defense! These features are in place so that you can rest assured knowing that you are not depositing bad funds into your account.

If you believe that you have come across a check that is fraudulent, contact the U.S. Department of Treasury. Remember: the government will never ask for a payment to be made in return or send a check for an amount greater than you are to receive. Checks will always come from the United States Treasury and not any other entity.

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Federal student loan refund check from united states treasury

Jessica Hendon

VP Physical & Information Security

Why did I get a federal student loan refund check?

If you made voluntary payments between March 13, 2020 and Dec. 31, 2022 and your current loan balance is less than your maximum forgiveness amount, you will receive automatic refunds for your payments after you're approved for student loan forgiveness.

Why did I receive a check from the US Department of the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service?

It sounds like your refund was offset by the Bureau of Fiscal Services for a debt you owed--either back taxes, child support or delinquent student loans. The IRS will send you a letter of explanation in several weeks.

Why is the U.S. Treasury sending out checks 2022?

Tomorrow the Treasury Department will send out 8.210 million advance payment checks to taxpayers for more than $3.467 billion in tax relief. These checks will be sent to taxpayers whose last two digits of their Social Security numbers are 30-39.

Are federal student loans being refunded?

That is, if you qualify for $10,000 in cancellation but paid the balance down to $8,000 during the pandemic, your balance of $8,000 would be discharged and the remaining $2,000 would be refunded. While that process will be automatic for many borrowers, others will have to successfully apply for debt cancellation first.