When to order breast pump through insurance

Hello, my name is Amanda Cole and I am the owner of Yummy Mummy, a company dedicated to All Things Breastfeeding.

At Yummy Mummy, we ship hundreds of breast pumps every day to moms throughout the country who are covered for a breast pump under their insurance plan, usually as part of the Affordable Care Act. Now, there is still a lot of confusion out there about how to obtain a breast pump through insurance, so I wanted to take a moment and help you navigate what can be a very challenging process to some moms.

Under the Affordable Care Act, most insurance plans are required to cover preventative services for women, including a breast pump, and usually with no cost to the mom. Now coverage varies widely, not only from one insurance carrier to the next, but also from one plan to the next. Some plans will offer a mom a double electric breast pump, while other plans will offer them a manual pump, some moms have a choice between both. Some plans might only offer a hospital-grade pump for rent, and usually they will require you to have a prescription showing some sort of medical necessity. Some plans might require a prescription for any type of pump.

Another difference: when you can get your pump. Some moms can get a pump at any point during their pregnancy, other moms will have to wait until 30 days before their due date, and some moms can’t get a pump until they have actually delivered.

The great news is the breast pumps that you get under your insurance plans are the same exact pumps you would buy in a store. Now, they might not have all the bells and whistles, the freezer bag or the tote as you would buy at the store, but what is important -- the motor, the mechanics, the functionality of the pump -- is 100% identical.

Now one of the major misconceptions out there is that you can purchase your insurance pump or get your insurance pump at any retail store and that simply is not true. Most insurance plans require you to work with an in-network provider, such as Yummy Mummy. We are the largest durable medical equipment provider in the country specializing in breast pumps.

So what are your next steps?

  • You’re going to call your insurance provider.
  • Ask them which pumps you might be eligible for and whether you need a prescription and at which point during your pregnancy they can ship you the pump.
  • You are then going to call an in-network durable medical equipment provider and order your breast pump.

At Yummy Mummy we are in network with over 25 insurance plans so chances are we'll be able to help you get a breast pump you need with as little hassle as possible.

So congratulations to all of you expectant and new moms. This is a really exciting time in your life and we hope we can help you. So give us a call or visit us online at yummymummystore.com. Your home for All Things Breastfeeding.

So, you’ve decided to breastfeed and are wondering when the best time is to order your breast pump. It’s a good thing that you're thinking ahead because deciding what kind of breast pump to get can take some time. The earlier you start thinking about which pump features are most important to you and your pumping needs, the better.

The first thing to consider when deciding which breast pump is best for you is to think about when and where you will do most of your pumping. Will you be returning to work after your maternity leave? Do you plan to travel a lot and will need to carry your pump with you, or will you pump mainly in one spot near an electrical outlet? Spend some time doing your research and thinking about what you value the most in a breast pump. Yummy Mummy is proud to offer only top-quality breast pumps from brands like Ameda, Elvie, Evenflo, Lansinoh, Medela and Spectra, so you can be sure no matter which pump you choose from our selection, you will get first-rate breast pump. If you are still considering your breast pump options, you can compare different pumps with the Yummy Mummy Breast Pump Comparison Guide.

Once you decide which breast pump is best for you, you will need to figure out if your insurance plan will cover a breast pump and how to place an order for one. Since the Affordable Care Act came into effect in 2013, the majority of insurance plans now cover the cost of a breast pump, and trusted breast pump providers like Yummy Mummy can help new and expectant moms get a breast pump at little to no out-of-pocket cost. Yes, that is right, you can get a free breast pump if your insurance plan covers a breast pump and you place your order through a company like Yummy Mummy. We are in-network with over 100 insurance plans, including Aetna, Anthem, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Emblem, Humana Medicaid and Tricare so chances are we can help you out.

You can place your order with Yummy Mummy at any time during your pregnancy or even after you give birth, but one thing that is important to remember is that different insurance companies have different rules that determine when a mom can receive her pump. Some plans allow moms to receive their breast pumps 30 days before their due dates, others allow them to receive their pumps 60 days before their due dates, and some require the baby to be born before a breast pump provider can ship the pump to mom.

You can place your order for an insurance covered breast pump at any time in your pregnancy, but why not get it done early so that you can check it off your “to do” list? Remember, once you place your order to receive a breast pump through your insurance plan, you can sit back and relax. Yummy Mummy will handle all the paperwork. We will verify your insurance coverage and ship the pump to your door as soon as your insurance plan allows us to.

If your insurance company is one of those that requires birth first, make sure you have all the required information and documents in order before your baby is born, and be sure to get the necessary information from the hospital after birth. In some instances, a prescription is needed. If that is the case the breast pump provider like Yummy Mummy will let you know and can provide you with the Rx form for your doctor to fill out. Then your doctor can submit the form, or you can upload it yourself.

The bottom line is that Yummy Mummy is here to help you get your breast pump through insurance. Just pick which pump you want; enter your info and we will verify your insurance and ship your pump straight to your door.



Disclaimer: The author of this article used research available on various reputable websites to compile the piece. The article contains information that may be supported or disputed by an individual lactation professional. The information and content provided on this website is for informational purposes only. Any advice or information provided on this website does not create a professional relationship, is not an aid to making medical decisions, and is not marketed, promoted or otherwise intended to be used to diagnose any disease or other condition, or to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease. This website is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice or persuade readers in any one particular direction. The information on this website is made available with the understanding that the content and service providers are not engaged in rendering medical, health, psychological or any other kind of personal professional services through this website. Nothing on this website is intended to replace the advice of a healthcare professional, medical diagnosis or treatment. The information provided by Yummy Mummy is intended to educate and help mothers find information and services that they might need. Any action taken by a user in response to information obtained from this website is at the user's discretion. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

How far in advance should I order a breast pump?

We've found that most mamas order a breast pump around week 30, but you can order your pump at any time during pregnancy. We recommend beginning the process prior to your third trimester, so that there is plenty of time to have everything squared away before your baby arrives.

How long does it take to get breast pump through insurance?

It typically takes 5-7 business days to complete the processing of your insurance breast pump order. It may take longer if your doctor does not sign the prescription. If a delay occurs for this reason, we may contact you for your assistance in reaching your OB-GYN.

How often do you get a new breast pump through insurance?

How Often Does Insurance Cover a Breast Pump? Standard insurance plans cover one breast pump for mothers for every pregnancy. This means that you'll be able to get a new breast pump with each additional child.

Can you get 2 breast pumps through insurance?

Will insurance cover a second breast pump? Most insurance plans will cover a new double electric breast pump for every pregnancy, so you can breastfeed with the most up-to-date equipment for each baby.