How to tell which chicken is eating eggs

Most of us who are in the business of raising backyard poultry are doing it for the eggs. Am I right? When your chicken’s eating eggs, nobody wins.

There really is nothing like a fresh egg. Beautiful in color and delicious in taste, once you’ve had fresh eggs, it is hard to go back. So, you understand why, when I found that one of my chickens had eaten one of her eggs, I was annoyed. I wanted those eggs for myself! Then she did it again and I was REALLY annoyed, so I started to do some research and implemented a bunch of different techniques that I learned. Many practices on this list are not only great ways to prevent your chickens eating eggs, but are also good ways to keep your backyard chickens happy and healthy.

How to tell which chicken is eating eggs

Top 10 Ways to Prevent or Break the Egg-Eating Habit

  1. Make sure your chickens are getting enough protein. Read up on what to feed chickens. The protein ratio in their layer feed should be at least 16%. You can supplement their diet with milk, yogurt and/or sunflower seeds.
  2. Keep the eggshells strong. It is important to make sure that your hens are getting enough calcium in order to build strong shells. A thin shell is a broken shell and an eaten egg. The easiest way to do this is to supplement with oyster shells. If an egg does break, clean it up quickly!
  3. Put a wooden egg or golf ball in the nesting box. The chicken will peck it hoping to break the “egg” open and get a yummy snack only to find it unbreakable. They will eventually give up.
  4. Fill an empty egg with English mustard. (Most) chickens don’t like mustard. Blow out an egg.  Carefully fill it with mustard and place it in the nesting box. When your egg eater goes to eat it, she’ll get a nasty surprise and be turned off.
  5. Collect eggs frequently. Try to collect eggs 2-3 times a day.
  6. Provide a cushioned nesting box. No, you don’t need to sew an ACTUAL cushion. Just make sure there is enough natural material in the box that when the hen lays the egg, it falls softly and doesn’t crack.
  7. Keep nesting boxes dim/dark. One great way to do this is to sew and install some nesting box curtains.
  8. Only feed your chickens cooked/scrambled eggs. A lot of people like to supplement their chickens’ diets with eggs. Chickens eating eggs are fine. Just make sure that you are never feeding them raw eggs. They should always be cooked so that your girls don’t get a “taste” for raw eggs.
  9. Build/buy slanted nesting boxes.  You can build or buy nesting boxes that are slanted so that when the hen lays her egg, it rolls away and out of her sight.
  10. Give them plenty of things to do and peck at. A bored or crowded chicken will take to pecking at things, even their own eggs.  One easy, homemade thing you can do is make toys for chickens, to keep your hens busy and pecking at the “right” thing.

How to tell which chicken is eating eggs

Implementing some or all of these recommendations should help with your egg eating problem.  It did with mine!  For some, the very last thing to do is cull. Some feel this is incredibly cruel, others view it as a flock problem that must be dealt with seriously. Personally, I can see both sides. Egg eating CAN be a hard problem to solve and it can spread to other hens if not solved effectively. At the end of the day, it is a personal decision that we each have to make.

Sometimes you may be getting fewer eggs than you expect, even when your hens are laying well. This can happen if they develop the bad habit of eating their own eggs.

Egg eating can start by accident, sort of. Maybe a hen stepped on an egg and punctured the shell. Or maybe once when you were gathering eggs, an egg slipped from your hand, fell to the floor of the coop and broke. Chickens, quick to eat anything that looks like food, voraciously lap up the white and yolk of the broken egg.

Once a hen has tasted fresh egg and found it to be good, she may start breaking eggs intentionally in order to eat them. Once she’s learned to do that, other hens will learn it from her, and soon you may be very short on eggs.

So how do we prevent this? Or, if egg eating has already become a problem, how do we cure it?

How to Prevent Egg Eating

It’s easier, and more effective, to prevent chickens from eating eggs than to cure egg eating once it has started.

First, make sure that your chickens are getting an adequate and balanced diet with plenty of protein and calcium. Calcium helps form strong egg shells, which are less likely to break. Lack of protein in a hen’s diet can make her more inclined to break and eat eggs.

We recommend that you keep a free choice feeder of ground oyster shells available to your adult layers, and use a good quality layer feed with at least 16% protein. If your chickens have access to table scraps or scratch grains, that will lower the average protein content of their diet, so use these in moderation.

Second, provide plenty of space for your chickens, both in the coop and in the nest boxes. Overcrowding in the coop can cause your chickens more stress and can lead to multiple problems beyond just egg eating. Overcrowded nest boxes increase the likelihood that a hen will accidentally break an egg.

Start with one nest box for every four hens, and adjust from there. You’ll know they need more nest boxes if you often see more than one hen crowded into a nest box at the same time — although hens do tend to all like one nest box!

Place your nest boxes in a darker area of your coop, where the opening doesn’t face direct sunlight. Hens prefer to lay in darker, more secluded areas, so this will encourage them to lay in the nest box rather than somewhere else, and hens are less likely to break open eggs in a dimly lit nest box.

Provide plenty of fresh bedding to form a soft layer in the floor of your nest boxes. This will help protect the eggs from inadvertently being broken.

Third, if you or the chickens ever break an egg in the coop or in an area they can access, clean it up quickly and thoroughly, before they discover it. Remove any egg-soaked bedding. If the broken egg is on the ground, use water to wash away and dilute the egg white and yolk so it can soak into the soil. Remove broken egg shells or crush them into very small pieces so they no longer look like eggs.

While we’re on the subject of eggshells, some people feed their chickens eggshells as a source of calcium. This can be done, but we prefer using ground oyster shells as mentioned above. If you do decide to feed egg shells back to your chickens, wash them thoroughly and grind them into very small pieces so that you don’t encourage a egg eating either by taste or by sight.

How to Cure Egg Eating

As mentioned previously, it’s easier to prevent egg eating than to cure it. It’s not always possible to cure an egg eater, so practice everything discussed above in the Prevention section above.

Gather eggs frequently, as soon after laying as possible. Although it isn’t always convenient, checking for and gathering the eggs several times a day can make a big difference. The longer an egg is left in the coop the more likely it is to get eaten, particularly if only one hen is the culprit.

How to tell which chicken is eating eggs

Ceramic Eggs

Use artificial eggs (ceramic eggs work well for this or wooden eggs, or even white golf balls). Ceramic eggs come in white which look like real eggs, or in fun colors, but are much harder than wooden eggs. Gather all the real eggs quickly, but leave a few ceramic eggs in the nest box. As chickens peck, trying to break these eggs, they’ll find them impossible to crack and hopefully discouraging them from eating the real eggs.

Try to identify the egg eater. It’s most obvious if you catch her actually eating an egg, but you may also be able to spot dried yolk on her beak, feathers or comb. Once you’ve identified her, isolate her from the rest of the flock and see if your problem with egg eating in the main flock goes away. Moving the hen disrupts her behavior somewhat and will help to break the habit. Gather eggs quickly and frequently from the isolation coop so that she doesn’t have access to any eggs. If you’re continuing to lose eggs from the main coop, then you may have more than one egg eater that needs to be identified and isolated.

A suggestion from Pat Foreman, author of the book City Chicks, is to block access to the nest box where you found evidence of the broken egg. To do this, you can block the entrance or put something bulky in the nest box to occupy it. This will change the hen’s routine somewhat since she won’t be able to eat egg where she normally would, and according to Foreman, this can be successful in helping to break the pattern of egg eating.

How do you find out which chicken is eating the eggs?

Egg yolk on beak is a dead giveaway. Evidence that there is an egg eater is obvious when inspecting the nest boxes as there will be egg residue at the bottom. For nesting material, I use plastic nest pads for several reasons, including for ease of cleaning the nest boxes and identifying egg-eating chickens.

How do you get chickens to stop eating their eggs?

Top 10 Ways to Prevent or Break the Egg-Eating Habit.
Make sure your chickens are getting enough protein. ... .
Keep the eggshells strong. ... .
Put a wooden egg or golf ball in the nesting box. ... .
Fill an empty egg with English mustard. ... .
Collect eggs frequently. ... .
Provide a cushioned nesting box. ... .
Keep nesting boxes dim/dark..

Do chickens eat other chickens eggs?

Chickens may eat eggs if they aren't getting enough calcium elsewhere. Insufficient calcium intake can also lead to soft-shelled eggs or thin shells, which are more likely to crack – and then entice even the healthiest, curious chickens to eat eggs!

What are chickens lacking when they eat eggs?

A chicken may begin eating their eggs if their calcium levels are low. Calcium deficiency causes a chicken to seek out a supplemental diet of egg shell. Chickens may also eat their eggs due to accidental discovery. If a chicken coop is crowded, a chicken can very easily break an egg.