How to relieve nerve pain on top of foot

Living with nerve pain can be a long-term proposition. Some neuropathic pain gets better with treatment or on its own, but that can take months or years. Other nerve pain stays the same for years or worsens slowly. Some nerve pain can't be reversed.

Your doctor can help you identify and treat neuropathic pain with the best available therapies. But there are also plenty of things you can do on your own to take care of pain.

What Causes Nerve Pain?

Neuropathic pain comes from nerve damage. Most commonly, this is caused by medical conditions such as diabetes, side effects from drugs or chemotherapy, or injuries.

Damaged nerves are more likely to misfire, sending pain signals when there is no cause for pain. They can also put you at risk for more serious problems such as foot infections.

All the causes of nerve pain are still largely a medical mystery. Researchers have identified several different ways nerves can misfire, and this has led to treatments that help many people.

Still, in surveys of people with nerve pain, most say they still have pain despite the best efforts of doctors. If you're one of them, you may want to look beyond conventional medicine for relief. Almost half of those with nerve pain report trying complementary or alternative approaches to improve their pain.

Strategies for Easing Nerve Pain

In addition to relieving pain, many self-care and home treatments can help prevent more serious problems and protect overall health. Some of these strategies may even trigger the body's natural painkillers, having the added benefit of making you feel good.

Keep on top of diabetes. If you have diabetes, keep blood sugar under control. Normal blood sugar levels are the best possible treatment for diabetic nerve pain.

Walk it off.Exercise releases natural painkillers called endorphins. Exercise also promotes blood flow to the nerves in the legs and feet. Researchers believe that regular exercise may create a long-lasting expansion in blood vessels in the feet, nourishing damaged nerves back to health. Start with a daily walk, gradually increasing pace and distance.

Pamper your feet. If the feet are affected by nerve pain, it's time to focus on good foot care. Nerve pain usually means impaired sensation, making injuries and infections more likely. Reduce the risk by examining your feet daily, wearing comfortable shoes, and seeing a podiatrist regularly. No wound or injury to your feet is too minor for a consultation with a doctor.

Soak it away. A warm bath might be the easiest -- and least expensive -- home treatment for nerve pain. Warm water temporarily increases blood flow to the legs and can help ease stress as well. Avoid burns by measuring water temperature with your arm before stepping in.

Skip happy hour. Heavy alcohol use is toxic to nerves and can worsen nerve pain. There's no magic number for how many alcoholic beverages you can have and still avoid nerve pain, but some experts advise four drinks or less per week.

Sleep on it. Nerve pain can worsen at night, disrupting sleep and making it more difficult to cope with pain. Help break the cycle with good sleep habits. Limit afternoon caffeine intake, keep a consistent bedtime that allows for eight hours of sleep, and reserve the bedroom for sleep and sex.

Burn it out.Capsaicin cream, made from hot chili peppers, causes an uncomfortable burning sensation when initially applied. Some individuals find the burning sensation to be intolerable, especially when they are already suffering from a painful condition. But those who stick with it for weeks often report improvement in nerve pain (and less burning over time).

Numb it up. The anesthetic lidocaine -- in gel, ointment, or patches -- is available in prescription and over-the-counter preparations. The relief from lidocaine is satisfying, although temporary.

Rub it out. Some studies have shown that applying botanical oils such as geranium oil can reduce the pain of postherpetic neuralgia. Other oils, such as lavender oil, have been shown to help relax people, which may also help take the mind off nerve pain.

Meditate on it. Techniques such as guided imagery, meditation, biofeedback, and hypnosis help some people with nerve pain live better. Finding the right professional at a reasonable price can be challenging. Do your homework and ask for a referral from your doctor or someone whose advice you trust.

As many as 28-32 million Americans have nerve pain in the lower extremities (feet and ankles). Sadly, we cannot help all of them here at Fixing Feet Institute. If you live in the greater Phoenix community and are one of those tens of millions of affected individuals, however, you might want to come see us at our Surprise, AZ office.

We can help!

Dr. Peyman Elison actually specializes in diagnosing and treating nerve problems. On top of that, he is currently President of the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons. And twice a year Dr. Elison teaches other doctors and surgeons across the country (and around the world) how to properly evaluate and treat nerve problems in the feet and legs, as well as how they can better help their patients find relief. Dr. Elison was awarded the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons (AENS) 2021 Jules Tinel Award. The award is given to a Fellow member of AENS who has shown dedication and commitment to nerve treatment during his professional history.

How to relieve nerve pain on top of foot

Understanding the Basics of Nerve Pain

There are two major reasons nerve pain is so prevalent:

  1. Anyone can develop nerve issues.
  2. There are many different possible root causes.

Some of the reasons nerves become damaged—thereby becoming a source of pain and frustration —include diabetes, exposure to toxins, nerve compression, malnutrition, infections, and inherited disorders.

If you have burning, tingling, shooting pain, cramping, or tightness in your foot or leg and aren’t sure what is happening, the odds are decent you’re suffering from a nerve issue.

While painful sensations are a concerning symptom, numbness within a limb or extremity could be a sign of extreme nerve damage.

Losing feeling in any part of your body can be stressful and frightening. These emotions are further compounded when your feet become numb. In addition to having to determine the source of the problem, you may fear you will lose your mobility as well.

Fortunately, you can find peace of mind by seeing an expert who understands the intricacies of nerve damage and is able to offer real solutions.

Dr. Elison is such an expert. He is highly-trained and experienced in diagnosing nerve conditions and providing effective treatment—and he can do the same for you!

Common Nerve Problems

Some of the more frequently-seen nerve issues we treat in our office include:

  • Nerve Entrapments. Nerve entrapments are also known as pinched nerves and will frequently cause sharp, shooting, burning and/or stabbing pain, along with sensitivity. They can be caused by injuries, repetitive stress or metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Tarsal tunnel syndrome, an entrapment of the tibial nerve as it passes along the inside of the ankle, is a common example.
  • Peripheral Neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is not just nerve pain; it is an actual disease. There are a variety of causes, but diabetes is a very common trigger. Peripheral neuropathy refers to the conditions that result when nerves that connect to the brain and spinal cord—your peripheral nerves—are damaged. This damage interrupts communication between the brain and other parts of the body, which leads to the strange or painful feelings in your feet.
  • Nerve Injury. Our feet take a beating, and really anything repetitive or traumatic can injure a nerve in your foot. If you are in pain or having odd sensations in your feet, it's best to consult an experienced podiatrist for their professional opinion.
  • Neuromas. Sometimes confused with pinched nerves, neuromas are actually nerve tissues that have become thickened and enlarged on account of physical trauma. In theory, a neuroma could develop on virtually any peripheral nerve, but the most likely place of occurrence is in the forefoot, between the second and third toes. In fact, this is so common that the condition has its own name—a Morton’s neuroma.

How to relieve nerve pain on top of foot

Diagnosing Nerve Problems at Fixing Feet Institute

If you suspect that you have a nerve problem in your feet or legs, please contact our office for an appointment with Dr. Elison. 

At your visit, you will be properly evaluated. As part of the process, Dr. Elison will listen as you answer a variety of questions relating to your pain. This is followed by a thorough, hands-on physical examination of the affected area(s).

In certain situations, you may undergo diagnostic nerve blocks to confirm the diagnosis of nerve entrapment. At other times, diagnosis can include a nerve conduction study (to determine if there is a problem higher up in your back). Once Dr. Elison has determined exactly what is happening, he will then discuss all available treatment options with you.

Treating Nerve Pain

In the same way there are several potential causes of peripheral neuropathy, there are several potential ways to address the condition. Nerve pain treatment options include measures like

  • Medication. Some of the medications we may prescribe to relieve your nerve pain include topical compound treatments, anti-seizure medication, antidepressants, and, of course, pain relievers (often nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Electronic signal transfer (EST). This is a safe and effective treatment method which uses high-frequency electronic waves. These energy waves reach damaged nerves and initiate beneficial changes at the cellular level. The EST waves enhance natural healing processes and relieve pain by increasing cellular metabolism.
  • Non-invasive laser therapy. Laser therapy can be used to regenerate peripheral nerves that have become damaged and are now causing painful sensations.
  • Therapeutic nerve blocks. In this treatment, anesthetic is injected directly into an affected nerve, which then interrupts transmission of painful signals to the brain and thereby provides relief from the pain.
  • Physical therapy. The exercises and activities physical therapists use can improve functions that have become limited on account of nerve pain. Nerve gliding activities, balance and coordination exercises, and moderate-intensity activities may all be beneficial. Physical therapists will choose the right exercises and create an appropriate program for you!
  • Peripheral nerve surgery. Whereas Fixing Feet Institute is fortunate to have skilled, experienced foot and ankle surgeons, we generally reserve the use of surgery only for conditions that do not improve with conservative measures. We will help you understand your options and discuss this potential course of action together so you can have your questions answered and make an informed decision.

Don’t Delay—Get Help Today!

Your feet are the foundation of everything you do, so proper foot care and treatment is essential for your ability to do both necessary and favorite leisure activities. If you are experiencing numbness, tingling pain, or any other concerning symptoms, come and see us here at Fixing Feet Institute!

Our doctors have the experience and skill to address a wide range of foot and ankle problems, including those causing nerve pain.

There is no need to suffer from lower limb pain, so contact us today for the help you need. Either contact us online right now or give us a call at (623) 584-5556 and our staff will be glad to answer any questions or set you up with an appointment at our Surprise, AZ office.

What nerve causes pain on top of foot?

common peroneal nerve dysfunction, which is the dysfunction of a branch of the sciatic nerve that can cause tingling and pain at the top of the foot, along with weakness of the foot or lower leg.

What causes neuropathy on top of foot?

The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy or foot numbness in the US is diabetes. Other things such as thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol use, chemotherapy and other drugs may cause it as well.

Can a pinched nerve cause pain on top of foot?

A pinched nerve can feel like shooting or burning pain. Or the surrounding area on top of the foot may feel sensitive. Pinched nerves in the feet are treated much like Morton's neuromas. Rest, wearing roomier shoes, and anti-inflammatory medications may also help.

What does pain on top of foot indicate?

Pain on top of the foot during normal everyday activities may indicate arthritis. Typically, the pain from arthritis occurs in the middle of the foot, and is known as Midfoot Arthritis. Midfoot Arthrtis has two predominant causes.