How to find previous employees of a company on linkedin

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How to find previous employees of a company on linkedin

Have you ever experienced the not-so-nice situation in which there are LinkedIn users whose profiles are connected to your company page and you don’t even know them? Don’t worry, the case is not so rare and there is an easy way to fix this. However, it is not so obvious, so keep on reading and find a #FastTip on the topic.

First of all, let’s make it clear how a person’s profile gets connected to a LinkedIn Page. This is entirely up to the person who, while filling in his/her Experience section, selects the company where he/she works. Then the person’s profile is automatically added to the LinkedIn page of the company.

If the person quits the job but forgets to update his/her profile, you can’t remove him/her from your page. Of course, the first thing to do might be to ask your ex-employee to correctly update his Experience section. But if for some reason this is not an option, here is what you should do. 

  1. Visit this page and contact LinkedIn support.
  2. Provide the name and link to the profile of the person who you want to be removed from your LinkedIn page.
  3. Type the name of the School, University, or company that is inaccurate on the profile being reported.
  4. State whether the reported member was previously employed or attended school at your organization.
  5. Explain how you know this account or provide other information which is inaccurate or false. You can add an attachment here.
  6. Type your name in the last box – this will count as a digital signature.

After completing these quick steps, you can wait for LinkedIn’s reply. Although the support team is usually very responsive, you should know that submission of a Notice will not necessarily result in the removal of the account or information.

The Linked Blog is here to help you or your brand have the best possible LinkedIn presence, so feel free to contact us if you need help! See what else we can do for you here.

Written by

Alexander Krastev

Alexander Krastev has been developing successful communication channels in the online realm for over 14 years. Since the end of 2017 he has been leading the BookMark Agency.
Founder and news editor at the biggest online media for books and reading in Bulgaria - the multi-award winning website He has also been giving lectures on LinkedIn at New Bulgarian University and SoftUni, Sofia. He has consulted the Bulgarian translations for several business books, among which “Creative Selection” by Ken Kocienda, “Guerrilla Marketing” by Jay Conrad Levinson, “Creative Genius” by Peter Fisk, “Social BOOM!” by Jeffrey Gitomer.

This LinkedIn automation helps you find all the employees of a company listed on LinkedIn. Download that employee list in a spreadsheet and find all the details about each employee (name, headline, URL, etc.). If you want to go deeper in the data regarding each company, plug this automation’s results into LinkedIn Profile Scraper.

How to find employees of a company on LinkedIn?

Finding and exporting every the employees of a LinkedIn page is used by marketers, salespeople, and recruiters to:

  1. Get a foot in this company. Not sure who’s the best person to talk to in this company? Extract all employees matching some criteria and ask them to get you in touch with the decision-makers.
  2. Find leads, prospects, or talents: Use the list of employees at companies to find leads for your product or services. Maybe get in touch with decision-makers or someone who can introduce you to them.
  3. Expand your audience. If you think that employees of some LinkedIn companies should be interested in what you have to say, extract them, then add them to your network automatically with TexAu auto-connect.

These are just some use-cases. TexAu lets you use each one of its automation as building blocks of any automation flow you want to build.

Start finding company employee details from LinkedIn

Here are simple steps to find employee information from LinkedIn company pages

  1. Create a free TexAu account here.
  2. Specify one (or many) URLs of LinkedIn company pages you’re targeting.
  3. Run the automation right away, or schedule it to run later.

That’s it!



After logging in to your TexAu account and adding this automation to your account, you’ll be facing this setup screen:

How to find previous employees of a company on linkedin
  1. LinkedIn Session cookie: It represents the LinkedIn profile with which you’ll perform this automation.
  2. Company URL: Enter here the URL of the LinkedIn company page that you want to extract employees from.
  3. Number of pages per company: Specify the number of pages you want to scrape for each company. They are 10 employees per page.
  4. Start page: Specify here the number of the page to start scraping from.
  5. Employee Role: Specify here some text to filter only employees with the role you’re interested in.
  6. Number of profiles per company: Mention here how many employees you wish to scrape for each company.
  7. Upload a CSV or Link a Google Sheet: Here you can upload a CSV or link a Google sheet (See details below).
  8. Launch button: Once setup click here to launch you automation.
  9. Schedule button: Click here to schedule multiple launches.


How do I add a new profile?

To connect your LinkedIn profile and perform this automation, you must:

  • Download the TexAu Chrome extension. It will establish the link between TexAu and LinkedIn.
  • Create your LinkedIn Profile in TexAu. Once your identity is created in TexAu, it will be reusable across all automations.

Why would I use Google Sheets?

When you want to export multiple targets without having to change the #2 field every time, you can use a Google spreadsheet URL instead.

To do this, simply put every target URLs you want to target in the first column of the sheet like so:

How to find previous employees of a company on linkedin

Then make your Google sheet public. Without it, TexAu won’t be able to access it.

How to find previous employees of a company on linkedin

How to schedule my automation to launch multiples times?

Automation is not always welcomed. To avoid being suspended, prefer making many small launches over one big launch.

How to download your results?

After you launch your automation, you’ll see TexAu performing its job in the log section. It will look something like that:

How to find previous employees of a company on linkedin

Once the launch is over, click “Download CSV” to download your data to a .CSV spreadsheet.

How to find previous employees of a company on linkedin
Download your results by clicking “Download CSV”.
  • How to use CSV with TexAu automation
  • How to use Google Sheet with TexAu automation
  • How to schedule a TexAu automation

Questions? Reach out to our support, we’ll be happy to assist you!

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How do I find an old company employee?

The Internet – Looking Beyond Google.
Company Website. This may seem like a no-brainer, but this most obvious source of information is commonly overlooked. ... . ... .
Professional Organizations. ... .
Media. ... .
Resume Databases. ... .
LinkedIn. ... .
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. ... .
Professional Licenses / Regulatory Agencies..

Can you search for employees on LinkedIn?

Tap the Search bar at the top of your screen. Enter your keyword into the Search bar. Select the member from the suggestions that appear in the dropdown, or tap Search to run the search. From any search results page, click the People tab at the top to only see people results for your search.

Can you download a list of employees from LinkedIn?

Select 'Data privacy'. Click on 'Get a copy of your data'. Select the data you want to export. Click the download link in your notification email.

How do I find an employee for a company?

6 ways to find employees for free:.
Use free job boards. “Free” usually sounds too good to be true. ... .
Advertise on social media. ... .
Design SEO-friendly job ads and careers pages. ... .
Ask for referrals. ... .
Build candidate databases. ... .
Attend job fairs or host career days..