How to find incognito history on android


Do you want to learn how to see incognito history?

Today teenagers are very smart. They know that their parents are keeping an eye on what they do online. For this reason, many teenagers use incognito browsing while many others delete all their browsing history after visiting dangerous websites such as gambling sites, adult sites, and adult dating sites. This can be worrying if the child doing this is yours.

However, you should not give up yet. This is because there is a way you can see incognito search history. To learn more read on.

Is It Possible to Check Incognito History?

The truth is that you can view someone’s incognito browsing history. However, it is not as easy as many people claim. Incognito browsing is a browsing mode that makes sure that no browsing history is saved on the device. Furthermore, the few cookies saved as one browse are immediately deleted once the individual signs out. This makes it almost impossible to find someone’s browsing history.

However, using powerful tools such as KidsGuard Pro for Android, you can recover and see someone’s browsing history even if the individual is using the incognito browsing mode.

To view someone’s incognito browsing history you need the KidsGuard Pro for Android tool.  This is a powerful tool designed to remotely monitor what someone does on their Android device.

With this tool, you will get someone’s browsing history remotely including those deleted ones. You will also monitor more than 30 other activities. KidsGuard Pro is easy to use and does all the monitoring remotely.

How to Use KidsGuard Pro for Android to Check Incognito History? – 3 Steps

To use KidsGuard Pro for Android you need just three steps. These three steps are:

Step 1: Create a KidsGuard Pro Account

Open the KidsGuard Pro for Android’s official web page and then hit the ‘Sign Up/Monitor Now‘ icon. You will be directed to enter your email address and then choose a plan to use this tool.

Step 2: Download and Set Up the KidsGuard Pro app

Once you have an active KidsGuard Pro account, next you need to download and install the app on the device you want to monitor. Then, follow the onscreen instructions to set it up.

Step 3: Start Checking Incognito History

Once the app is installed on the target Android device, simply log into the account you created on a computer or your phone, then you can check the incognito history on the KidsGuard Pro dashboard.

What Can You Do with KidsGuard Pro for Android?

Besides monitoring incognito browsing history, you can use the KidsGuard Pro for Android to carry out many other activities. These include:

Check Browsing History

If you have teenage kids or employees that you want to monitor their activities online then you will love this application. KidsGuard Pro makes sure that you can monitor someone’s browsing history as well as the incognito history remotely at all times.

Read Text Messages

You can also use this application to access and read the messages sent from and received on the target device. This is important if you want to find out what someone is up to.

View Call Logs & Record Calls

If you want to know who the individual you are monitoring has been talking to you will want to access their call logs. KidsGuard Pro for Android lets you remotely access the call log on the target device and see the calls made and the duration of each call.

In addition, you can remotely record calls so that you can listen in and be able to know what is happening.

Check Social Media Apps

You can also use this application to access someone’s Facebook account, Snapchat, and Twitter among other social media accounts. This will enable see what the person posts, who they chat with, what they say, and how they present themselves online.

Track Location

Tracking location is very important especially if the person you are monitoring is traveling alone or you suspect that he engages in illegal activity. With KidsGuard Pro for Android, you will be able to know the location of the individual in real-time.

Set Geofence

Let’s say you talk with your delinquent teenage son and agreed that he will no longer visit a given neighborhood where he often gets into trouble. You can geofence that neighborhood so that every time he lives you will be notified.

Take Screenshot & Pictures

If you want evidence of what the person does on their device or even their location you may decide to remotely take photos and screenshots. KidsGuard Pro for Android will do this without being detected and then you can import them to your device and save them for use when needed.

Record Keystrokes

If you want to find out passwords to someone’s email account, social media, and other accounts you can record keystrokes as they type those passwords on their phone. Then you can use this information to log into those accounts to find out more information about the individual.

How to Delete Incognito History?

Deleting incognito history varies from device to device. If you are using a windows device then follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

In the search box next to the start button in the bottom left corner type ‘command Prompt’ and press enter to search. Now open the Command Prompt.

Step 2: flush the DNS entries

To flush the DNS simply type ipconfig/flushdns in the Command Prompt and then click enter. This should clear all your browser history so that no one can recover it.

This will flush the DNS entries and nobody will be able to see the websites you have visited.

FAQ about Seeing Incognito History

Can I Check Deleted Incognito History?

Yes. You need a powerful tool such as KidsGuard Pro for Android to be able to check deleted incognito history.

Can Parents See Child’s Incognito History Remotely?

Yes. Using KidsGuard Pro for Android parents can remotely see their kid’s incognito history and gain access to many other features on their kid’s phones.

Can I see incognito history without being detected?

Yes. With powerful tools such as KidsGuard Pro for Android, you can remotely view someone’s incognito history without being detected. This is because this app works in stealth mode.


Incognito browsing is popular because it helps ensure that you privately browse the internet without being monitored. However, as a parent, you want to keep an eye on your kid. This means that you will want to see their incognito history. This may not be easy. But, with powerful tools such as the KidsGuard Pro for Android, you can check your child’s incognito history remotely without being detected.