How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Facebook recently announce videos monetization, so first you can setup facebook videos monetization then go to creator studio and then Monetization section, you will see your revenue and ads impression as well as below picture.

Monetize Facebook videos

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Facebook videos creator studio interface

How Much Facebook pays per 1000 impressions (CPM)

some peoples thinking about facebook pays per 1000 views or per Million views but you are wrong, Facebook pays per 1000 ads impressions on your videos, it does not depend on the Million views or thousand views.

Some peoples earn $5 or more on per 1000 ads impressions and some people earn $1 or less because it depends on the country where your videos watching.

Facebook pays some countries like Asian countries $1 or less and European countries $3-$5 on per 1000 impressions. It is also known as (CPM) Cost per impression.

Impressions x Cost Per Impression / 1000 = Earning


Imp= 5000

CPM= $3

Then earning 5000 x $3 / 1000= $15

Easy Withdraw

Facebook allows users or publishers to earn some handsome money like youtube and withdraw money monthly by Paypal/Bank A/c.

If you have any question about that article so feel free ask in the comment section thanks a lot for reading

As a content creator looking to make money, Facebook is one of the most reliable social media platforms that will pay you to accumulate views on it.

This allows you to make money off minute-long videos and live stream events. Another advantage of this is that more advertisers get the opportunity to put up more ads; thereby driving up earnings for the platform.

While making money as an individual sounds interesting, it's worthy to note that Facebook's decision wasn’t entirely borne out of goodwill.

A major concern for it was that it was quickly losing users to more content creator friendly platforms like TikTok and YouTube. To stern this tide, it introduced its own revenue share policy to monetize views on the platform.

According to Yoav Arnstein, Facebook's director of app monetization, he said “the company is looking to further empower creators that generate short-form and live videos”.

The social-media giant's new incentive gives creators an easier way to make money from videos while making the platform as competitive as ever with the revenue creators can create.

In this article, I will examine in details, all the truths about Facebook’s ad break as well as exactly how much you can earn from the platform.

Can I Make Money From Facebook Views?

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Yes, you can!! With Facebook’s monetization for videos, content creators can now make money by engaging their audience with video contents.

Facebook has always maintained that its main goal is to provide brands with a strong reason to continue using the platform, while also keeping as many active users as possible.

This is because a large share of its earnings comes from advertisers, and the major reason is due to its large user base.

Video monetization allows Facebook to achieve these two targets without breaking much sweat. While allowing businesses the opportunity to advertise their products and services, the video monetization serves as an incentive for content creators to post consistently.

What this means for the platform is that it continues to see a rise in the levels of user activity on it.

Consequently, there are three ways in which creators like you can use Facebook video monetization to make money from views. They are:

  • Ad Breaks or In-Stream Ads
  • Brand Collaboration Manager and,
  • Fan Subscriptions.

What Are Facebook Ad Breaks?

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Facebook ad break gives content creators the ability to monetize their video contents on the platform. Ad breaks are essentially short ads in form of:

  • Pre-roll ads which are ads that play before your video starts
  • Mid-roll Ads that play at specific intervals during your video. You can choose automatic placement or determine the placement yourself
  • Static ads that are displayed under your content—below your video, not over it

They are infused at natural breaks in any of your eligible video content.

While this feature is not entirely new, many users of the platform were less receptive of it in its first years. Presently, the feature seems to be gaining ground among diverse users, and we’ve seen a couple of them make well over hundreds of thousands of dollars from it.


Don’t get too excited, as not all video contents on Facebook qualify for ad breaks. Before you can utilize this feature as a creator on the platform, you have to first check your page’s eligibility.

Thankfully, the process of verification of eligibility isn’t difficult. Navigate to the Join Ad Breaks page; if eligible, you will be notified instantly.

On the chance that your page isn’t eligible for Facebook ad breaks, you will also be notified. In such instance, it means your page is yet to meet the requirements necessary to qualify for Ads break.

Here Are The Ad Breaks Requirements.

As with every monetization technique available online, there is always a set of rules to guide its operation. If you wish to earn from your views on Facebook, then you must meet the following conditions before you can use the feature:

  • Your page must comply with Facebook’s  Partner Monetization Policies. These include community standards, copyright enforcement, authenticity, and engagement.
  • You must reside in one of the eligible countries and create contents in one of the acceptable languages. While not all countries are currently eligible for this feature, Facebook has continued to expand its list.
  • You must publish contents on a business page, not your personal profile. Facebook’s public documentation specifies that a page must have at least 10,000 fans. This can be discouraging for pages with lesser than that amount, but the good news is that Facebook is testing a 1,000 fan minimum for some regions.
  • Also, your page must have achieved any of these milestones in the past 60 days: 15,000 engagements; 180,000 minutes viewed across all your videos; or 30,000 1-minute views on 3-minute+ videos.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.

Another advantage of the eligibility check is that it highlights specific areas you need to focus on while working towards monetization. For instance, you may need to improve the ways you adopt to increase views.

Getting Started With Earnings From Facebook Views with Ad Breaks...

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Getting your page to be eligible for ad breaks is the first step towards earning money from the platform. Below are the steps to help you begin your journey:

Submit Your Facebook Page for Approval...

From Facebook Creator Studio, you can set up and manage your Facebook ad breaks. Here are the processes:

  • To begin, choose the eligible page you wish to monetize.
  • Click the Monetization tab in the left navigation. Concisely review and accept the monetization terms and conditions.
  • Choose your preferred method of receiving earnings and select a payment account.
  • As a creator, you can enable automatic placement of ads in your videos published in the last 30 days.
  • Once you are done, finalize your page setup

Typically, the approval process for Facebook ads break is fast so long you haven’t run out of any of their guidelines.

Dictate Placement of Facebook Ad Breaks In Your Content...

As creator, you can choose the placement of an ad appearing on your contents at the page or video level. You can set this up during configuration for monetization or later on in monetization settings.

With this, you can dictate exactly where you want the ads to appear, by manually controlling placements. To use this, simply tick the box to tell Facebook to insert ad breaks by 10 seconds.

Or you can simply let Facebook insert ads automatically at points of natural pause in your content. Both settings are great, but I tend to favor the automatic approach. Give you one less thing to worry about!

Create Contents Optimized For Facebook Ad Breaks Monetization...

By choosing page-level monetization option, Facebook will automatically pass every video content you publish on it through the content review process. Generally, the review process starts as soon as video content is published, and you may even earn limited revenue while still in the review state.

Facebook places premium on best-performing or higher “velocity” videos. This means it will get to analyze these types of content first and determine its performance by the number of views it gets in the first few minutes after publishing.

For instance, if your content gets too amassed around 30 views in its first 10 minutes, then Facebook will consider it as a performing content. In contrast, if your video contents take around 30 minutes to amass a similar view count, then it is seen as less performing. The implication of this is that your initial video will get priority for review over the less performing one.

Facebook specifically states that the review process for each video can take as much as 48 hours, but in most instances, it’s much faster. During the process, you can view the status of each video on the Ad Breaks tab. After the review process, each video is labeled appropriately, and you get to know if your content qualifies.

On the offset that your content gets labeled as “Limited/No Monetization,” each creator has the opportunity to launch a one-time appeal. Before running off to appeal, always remember that not all 3-minute videos will qualify for monetization.

For this reason, it's best to understand the Facebook’s Content Monetization Policies adequately and infuse them appropriately into your video content strategy.

Review Your Facebook Ad Breaks Revenue...

I consider this more of a personal advice; not everyone thinks there is a need to review their ads to break revenue. This step comes after you’ve started making money with your monetized views.

Besides, Facebook allows you to do this, so why not use it to improve your earnings?

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

From Facebook Creator Studio, you can view the performance of your contents with regards to ads breaks. Click on the Monetization button and navigate to the “Insights” button, click this.

The Insights tab gives you an idea of your top-earning videos, percentage of 3-minute+ videos, and many other details. Furthermore, you can break down the data for each of your 1-minute video views and estimate earnings for each.

If your contents are engaging up to the audience being willing to share, Facebook still credits you for these watched minutes.

This simple attribute has led to Facebook having a noticeable higher and faster view rate than other social media platforms. With its built-in viral functionality, creators are able to earn more from the platform without needing to go the extra mile.

USER TIP: How Can I Block Facebook In-Stream Ads?

As an audience, in-stream ads can be annoying and frustrating. If you want to learn how to block these ads, there are quite a few ways to achieve this. One popular way is to simply skip the ads entirely. Follow the steps below:

Adjust Facebook Ad Preference.

  • After logging in, go to settings
  • Scroll down to “Ads”
  • Click on “Ad Preference”
  • Set your interests to ensure you receive less relevant ads in your Facebook videos.

A variation of the above step is to turn off online interest-base adverts.

  • Follow steps one and two above
  • Tap on ad settings
  • Edit the settings for “Ads based on data from partners” and “Ads based on your activity on Facebook company products you see elsewhere” to “Not Allowed.”
  • You can also edit the section “ads that include your social actions” from “seen by friends” only to “No One.”

Use an Ad Blocker.

While there is a limitation to how you can block ads on Facebook, the simple truth is that nothing is entirely impossible.

With the right ad blocker software, you might be able to block such ads. Keep in mind now that you have to ensure any blocker you use is safe and it works with mobile.

Ad blockers such as AdGuard, Ad Block or AdAway are a few to help you get started.

Getting Started With Earnings From Facebook Views with Brand Collaborations...

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Another means you can use to monetize your Facebook views is by becoming a Brand Collaborations Manager. Facebook launched this new monetization technique as a means of connecting businesses or brands with influential content creators.

To me, this is just a fancy way of saying influencer marketing seeing the both functions in similar fashion. That said, as a brand collaboration manager, brands will pay you to create promotional contents for their products and services to your audience. 

If you command authority with your contents in your niche, then finding and securing a brand deal is a reputable way to make money with your Facebook views.

Technically, any creator can sign up for the Brand Collabs Manager, but there are a few rules and guidelines you have to meet and adhere to. Also, it’s important to get all your facts right when it comes to this mode of video monetization.

Here's How It Works...

Like the popular saying, “it takes two to tango” so is using this technique to earn money from Facebook views. For you to earn, there must be a brand willing to partner with you; therefore, the full cycle of Brand Collabs Manger requires the advertiser and the creator (which is you): 

Advertisers are brands looking to create buzz and awareness for their products and services. For an advertiser, Brand Collabs Manager is a simply straightforward approach to get their products in front of the right audience.

As simple as this sounds, an advertiser still has the task of picking the appropriate content creator. The fact that creators are surplus presents a headache of its own.

That said, the screening process for content creators is rigorous and you can be sure that all content creators in the program are exceptional in their respective niches.

So you are sure of getting a reputable creator who has a large enough following worthy of your brand.

As an advertiser, you will also get access to examine Insights data which tells you about the performance of each branded video a creator has posted.

This program is an excellent way to improve your reach and get your business in front of potential clients who are interested in what you have to offer.

Working as a creator in the Brand Collabs Manager is where you want to be. To become a member of this program as a content creator you will at least need a Facebook page.

It’s worthy to note that regardless of the number of friends or followers you have, you can’t sign up with a personal Facebook profile. That said, you will need to meet the following conditions to be eligible for video views monetization:

  • Be in good standing with respect to the policies mentioned above.
  • Attain a minimum of 1,000 followers.
  • Have 15,000 post engagements.
  • Must have 3,000 hours of watch time in the past 60 days.
  • Have at least 30,000 one-minute views for three-minute videos in the past 60 days.
  • Must be a Page admin for the page you’re submitting for monetization.
  • Be in a country that’s eligible for Brand Collabs Manager.

Once you meet the above standards, you qualify for the program. Sign up for the program and continue to improve on your stats. It takes time to get noticed but eventually, a brand will reach out.

The best part of this is that you get to negotiate your rate and you can start earning money from your Facebook video views.

Getting Started With Earning From Facebook Views with Fan Subscriptions...

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Not many people will favor having to promote other people’s business. If you fall in this category, there is still yet another way to make money from your Facebook views. Facebook gives creators the option to enable subscriptions for their pages. 

Consider this as a rip-off from Patreon’s playbook! Facebook allows you to place a portion of your content behind a paywall.

So, if you have a large fan base that frequently engages with your content, you get to make money from these dedications. You now have the opportunity to separate your audience into normal followers and paying subscribers; offering you the chance to make money.

It’s important to note that with subscription-based monetization, it’s important to strike a balance. You now have to cater to the needs of your regular followers by providing engaging contents for them.

Also, you’ll have to create something “extra” for your subscribers. This can be any type of exclusive content such as behind-the-scenes content, subscriber-only posts and supporter-only Q&A.

Note: your aim should be to keep creating awesome regular contents, but also to create special contents for your subscribers.

Also, allow your paying fans to interact with you directly while factoring them in the decision-making processes regarding the type of content you put up on your page.

Here's How It Works...

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

As mentioned earlier, with fans subscriptions, you’re free to charge a set fee for the subscriptions. Also, Facebook does not take any fees for monetizing your view via this means.

For online transactions, you’ll receive 100% of your money, while with transactions made over the App store, you’ll get 70%, with a 30% charge going to the mobile provider. 

To put things in perspective, consider the fact that Patreon, YouTube and Twitch all charge 5%, 30%, and 50% of all the money you earn from subscribers respectively.

Certainly, Facebook is offering its content creators an excellent deal when it comes to its Fan Subscriptions model. 

I’m sure by now, you're probably wondering if there are set rules or guidelines to follow with this view monetization technique.

The answer is yes! You need to meet certain requirements before you can enable the subscription option for your Facebook page. Such requirements for Fan Subscription include:

  • Your page must be compliant with the Facebook Monetization Standards, Fan Funding Creator Terms, as well as App Store Guidelines for Subscriptions
  • Have at least 10,000 followers or more than 250 return views, in combination with any of the following
  • More than 50,000 post engagements in the past 60 days
  • Must exceed 180,000 minutes of watch time in the past 60 days

If you’re unsure about meeting these criteria, you can verify by navigating to Facebook’s Creator Studio and selecting Monetization.

How To Set-Up Facebook Subscriptions To Make Money From Facebook Views...

How much does facebook pay for 1000 views

Congratulations if you meet the requirement stated above, but you are not just yet ready to monetize your views via this method. You still have to understand and implement a number of technical details before you can start earning money from your Facebook subscribers.

If you have an eligible page, simply follow the processes below to set-up subscriptions on your Facebook page:

  • Head straight to the Creator Studio
  • Select the page you wish to enable subscriptions, and click Start Setup
  • Read through, understand and agree to the Terms & Conditions
  • Set up your payment account. Here you can link an existing bank or PayPal account to your Facebook page
  • Determine which benefits your subscribers will receive
  • Set the subscription price which can be any amount but I advice you to start low and increase accordingly
  • You will be notified of your request approval
  • The last step is to click Activate Subscriptions

With Fans Subscription, it is mandatory to set the type of benefits your subscribers will get. By default, they will all receive supporter badges, in the end, the decision on what perks your subscribers are up to you. Certainly, this has to be enticing enough to convince the audience to part with money.

Over time, I have discovered that it’s always a good idea to conduct in-depth research and create a strategy. Be that as it may, your model should be an infusion of content and engagement development before heading off to enable subscriptions.

Trust me, you don’t want your subscribers to feel disappointed by the type of exclusive content they get after giving you their hard-earned money.

In Conclusion...

While many might not know, it is possible to earn money from your Facebook views. This option allows video content creators to have some form of reward for their effort.

Also, there is no peg to the amount you can make with this monetization technique as it all depends on your niche and how hard you work at attaining your set goals.

Regardless, it is easy to get carried away with making money that you might cross the line. For this reason, it's important to read and understand all the guidelines associated with earning money via views; you don’t want to be caught off guard!!

How many views do you need for Facebook to pay you?

Meet our eligibility requirements for on-demand and/or live video. 600,000 total minutes viewed in the last 60 days. This can include on-demand, live or previously live videos. This does not include minutes viewed from crossposted, boosted, or paid watch time.

How much money is a 1000 views?

On average, YouTube monetization for 1000 views (also known as CPM – Cost Per Mille) ranges from 0.5 to 6 USD based on the location of viewers and the target audience. The numbers vary greatly, but most channels get 0.5 USD YouTube income per 1000 views.

Can Facebook views earn money?

In-stream ads help eligible video creators earn money by including short video or image ads in qualifying videos. Creators get a share of the revenue from the video ads shown to their viewers. Viewers must view the entire ad to continue watching a video.

How much money does 1 million Facebook views make?

How Much Does Facebook Pay You For 1 Million Views? A video will 1 Million views can earn about $1000-$1500, depending on the CPM rate.