Good moral character sample character reference letter for court pdf

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The purpose of a character reference for court is to present the judge with a written statement about the defendant’s moral or mental qualities from a family member, friend, or coworker. 

The letter is frequently presented in child custody and/or drunk driving (DUI) cases, but it can be utilized in any situation when the court needs to hear about the defendant’s personality and character in order to draw the case in their favor.

Sample 1 – Character Reference Letter For Court Template

[Your Name]
[Phone Number]

[Date of Letter]

The Honorable [First, Last Name]
Judge of [Circuit, District or other Court Name]
[Address of Judge]

RE: [Name of Defendant] – Expungement of Misdemeanor Larceny Charge

My name is _______________. I am over the age of 18 years old. I am not related by birth or marriage to the petitioner.

I have known the petitioner since __________ The petitioner attends church (or synagogue or mosque) at ____________. He volunteers at the local soup kitchen twice a week and has done so for three months.

During the little league baseball season, the petitioner helped me coach the team. The parents and I have appreciated his work. I also see the petitioner help people in need.

I have not seen the petitioner use illicit drugs, become intoxicated, or engage in dangerous or improper behavior. To my knowledge, the petitioner has not engaged in criminal activity.

I am familiar with his general behavior, character and reputation. The petitioner exhibits and otherwise is of good behavior and character in the community.

He has a good reputation in the community. I do not consider him to be a threat to the community in which the petitioner.

I offer this letter in support of the petition to expunge the petitioner’s conviction for ________________.

Respectfully Submitted,

[Your Name]

Sample 2 – Character Reference Letter For Court Template


The Honorable [NAME OF JUDGE]
Judge of the Local Court of [CITY]


RE: [Name of Defendant] – Expungement of Basic Assault


I’m writing to ask for mercy on behalf of [NAME OF CONVICTED], who was found guilty of simple assault on [DATE] and will be sentenced on [DATE]. For the past five years, I’ve been his friend and employer at [name of company].

I appreciate your impartiality during the trial, and I believe he was fairly convicted of [basic assault]. 

I’d want to point out that, despite the fact that he started the fight, it was an extremely unusual behavior for him because he is not a violent guy. His life conditions at the time were extremely stressful, prompting him to lash out.

[NAME OF CONVICTED] has been the primary provider for his younger brother and sister since their parents died in an aircraft disaster three years ago. 

His sister fell very ill with pneumonia and had to be admitted to the hospital. He had health insurance through his job, but it was insufficient to cover all of her bills, and he was worried for her safety.

Since his incarceration, various members of the community have banded together to provide her with the assistance she required, demonstrating how much he is adored in the neighborhood. 

She is now completely recovered. He expresses deep guilt for his conduct and swears to never do it again. 

I believe him since I know him well, and I respectfully seek a lenient punishment because his family will be severely harmed if he is imprisoned.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I can be reached at [PHONE NUMBER].


Your Name

Sample 3 – Character Reference Letter For Court Template

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code


The Honorable Judge [FIRST NAME LAST NAME]
Address of Judge
City, State, Zip Code

RE: [Name of Defendant] – Expungement of Felony Drug Charge

Dear Judge [LAST NAME]:

This is a formal reference letter requesting that the court delete [Name of Person’s] criminal record. 

I knew the person’s name when he was born because I went to college with his mother and was a Maid of Honor in her wedding.

He wants a felony possession of cocaine conviction from twelve years ago removed from his record since it is affecting all of his job applications due to criminal background checks.

He served an 18-month prison sentence and has had no more drug or legal issues. He sees his conviction as the product of teenage irresponsibility, and he has no plans to get involved with illegal narcotics in the future.

He went to community college after being released from prison and earned a diploma in network management. When he seeks for a job, however, they turn him down because he has a criminal record.

I’ve watched him improve his life over the last ten years and want to help him get the second opportunity he deserves. I may be reached at [phone number] or [email address] if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance for considering my request.


Your Name

Sample 4 – Character Reference Letter For Court Template

Official Letterhead If Possible

Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code


Presiding Judge or Magistrate’s Name given by the defendant’s lawyer

RE: Character Reference for [NAME OF DEFENDANT]

Your Honor,

The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate [NAME’S] good character. For the past ten years, we’ve worked as nurses at [name of hospital]. I can attest to her being cautious, considerate, efficient, and committed to others’ well-being.

For her dedication to her work, she has garnered numerous awards, including Nurse of the Year for three years in a row. 

She is considered as a person of exceptional integrity and honesty by the entire hospital personnel. We’ve been in multiple emergency situations together, and she’s always acted rationally and compassionately.

I’m aware that she pleaded guilty to driving under the influence. However, I would want to point out that she is not a regular drinker, and this sad circumstance was most likely unique. 

She has often told me that she is deeply sorry for her mistake and that she is extremely sensitive to it. I hope that this letter gives you a sense of her good character and that you will give her another chance to establish that this was an odd incidence.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.


Your Name

Sample 5 – Character Reference Letter For Court Template

Official Letterhead If Possible

Your Honor,

I’m writing in response to Case # [1234567], in which [Name] is attempting to gain custody of [Name of Child]. 

Custody is a significant and personal commitment that a parent makes to a kid that will last for the remainder of his or her life. 

I can’t think of a finer person to be a mother than [Name], a friend and coworker. Even as a child, [Name] has always been a nurturing person.

The [Name] dollies were the prettiest and most well-dressed on the street. I’ve always known she’d make the best mother one day, and that giving her the chance to realize her aspirations would make her and her husband whole.

[Name] is naturally nurturing since she cares about and respects all living things. Her husband [Name of Husband] is the perfect balance for her, as she is more of a coddler.

He has a strong grasp on discipline and knows how to deal with even the most challenging youngster. For the past ten years, he has been in charge of our local church’s bus ministry.

He has authority over youngsters from all walks of life, and despite his harsh demeanor, I’ve seen him wrap his arms around them and hug them as well. I believe they would be ideal parents for any child if they lived together.

Finally, you should have no concerns if you are considering them for custody of [name of child]. They are good citizens in our community as well as in our close circle.

Please contact me at [phone number] if you have any more questions. [name] is another way to contact me.


Your Name

Good moral character sample character reference letter for court pdf

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How do you write a good character reference letter for court?

Tips for Writing an Effective Character Letter.
Address Your Letter to the Judge. ... .
Establish a Clear Relationship with the Defendant. ... .
Be Truthful. ... .
Be Positive. ... .
Include a Discussion of the Crime. ... .
Do Not Suggest Penalties for the Crime..

How do I write a good moral character reference for my friend?

How to Write a Character Reference for a Friend.
The relationship of the reference to the candidate..
How long the reference has known the candidate..
Positive personal qualities, including specific examples..
A statement of recommendation..
The reference's contact information..

What do judges look for in a character reference?

The goal of a character letter is to cast the defendant in the most favorable light possible. A character letter to a judge should establish your credibility, paint a full picture of the defendant and be respectful, among other things.

How do you write a character reference letter for a family member?

What To Include In The Character Reference Letter.
How long you have known the person..
In what capacity you have known them..
What positive qualities you have observed in them..
Specific examples of times when you have seen these qualities in action..
Why you believe they would be a good fit for the job they are applying for..