Fun things to do in the snow with friends

I love the winter – but I haven’t always.  Truthfully, I use to really dislike it.  REALLY.  But, I love the outdoors and I love having my kids outside.  And where I live we have snow for a good 5 months of the year, which is a very long time to dislike something.

So a few years ago I started to plan some activities to do with my kids outside.  Some fun things to do in the snow which truthfully made me enjoy being outside. At least for January …

Here are 15 fun things to do in the snow:

1.  Tie-dye the snow.  My kids love art just about as much as they love being outside, so this activity has been great for us!  And best of all, I bet you have everything you need for this activity already!

2. Make a road and play with trucks.  Drawing a road in some snow (or even shoveling out a path) is a great way to have fun in the snow.

3.  Make a snow volcano.  Growing a Jeweled Rose created these awesome snow volcanoes with her kids in the snow.  How cool are these?  What a fun outdoors science lesson too!

4.  Blow frozen bubbles.  Fireflies and Mudpies figured out how to blow some frozen bubbles.  My kids love blowing bubbles outside in the summer … I know these will be a hit!

5.  Create some Colourful Icicles.  These absolutely stunning icicles were created by Housing a Forest.  Just looking at them would make me enjoy being outside in the snow!

6.  Play Mr. Potato Head with snowballs.   Happy Hooligans had the great idea to bring the Mr. Potato head pieces outside.  now that is a fun thing to do in the snow!

7.  Hunt for Buried Treasure.  Premeditated Leftovers has 5 great ideas for playing in the snow.  My favourite is her idea for hunting for buried treasure!  My kids will love this!

8. Snowball Toss to learn letters.  Why not bring some letter learning outdoors?  Learning games are fun things to do in the snow!

9. Glow sticks in the snow.  Since it gets dark so early outside in the winter, playing with lights is a great idea! Simple Fun with Kids had the great idea to play with glow sticks!

10. Maple Syrup on snow.  What about a sweet treat to reward yourself for braving the cold temperature?  This maple syrup on snow recipe from Ben’s Sugar Shack would certainly give me the motivation I need to get outside on a chilly day!

And I thought we would finish this list with 5 classic fun things to do in the snow!

11. Build a snowman.  Or a snowdog.  Or a snowpig.  Or a snowgoat.

12. Make a snowfort.  My husband loves this activity almost more then the kids do!  He is almost always the last one out there – just adding some “finishing touches” – as the kids and I sip hot chocolate and admire from the kitchen window.

13. Go tobogganing or sledding.  This is awesome exercise too!  It’s a great feeling to crawl into bed after a day on the hill with a sled and some kids!

14. Look for animal tracks.  We love to do this right after Christmas … we almost always find some of Santa’s reindeer’s prints.

15.  Play.  Run, jump, sing, dance.  Almost anything you can do inside you can do outside!  Make some memories with your kids, and you will make some sweet ones for yourself too!

Some days it is tough to find the motivation to go outside.  I have this list printed off and on my fridge for days when I need a reminder and gentle push to ‘just get outside!’  It’s helpful to look at this list and remember all of the fun things to do in the snow! At least for January …

Of course this winter you will most certainly be needing Quiet Bins! The winter ones in this book are brrrrr-iliant!

What can you do with your friends on a snow day?

Top 10 Things To Do with Your Residents or Roommates During a SNOW DAY!.
Sleep in. ... .
Go sledding. ... .
Play in the snow. ... .
Do some crafts with friends. ... .
Play video games. ... .
Watch a movie, or five. ... .
Play board games. ... .
Play with a baby (if you can find one).

What is the most fun thing to do in snow?

Jan 3, 2018.
Have a snowball fight..
Go sledding — try making a DIY duct tape sled first!.
Go skating at an outdoor rink or on a pond..
Build a snowman..
Spray paint snow with food colouring and water — simply mix it up in a spray bottle. ... .
Make a snow maze..
Make snow angels..
Build a snow fort..

What are some kinds of activities people do in the snow?

5 Fun Activities To Do In Winter.
Skiing and Snowboarding. What's more fun than going down the slopes with the cold wind in your face? ... .
Cross-Country Skiing. Another fun winter activity is cross-country skiing. ... .
Ice Skating. ... .
Snowmobiling. ... .
Longboarding is a New Fun Activity to do in Winter..

What can you do with friends in cold weather?

Fun Winter Activities to Do Outside.
Build a snowman or snow fort..
Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt..
Go winter camping as a family and learn survival skills..
Have a snowball fight..
Hold a bonfire and let your teen invite friends over..
Host a snow sculpture competition..
Ice fishing..
Ice skating..


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