Does warm lemon water help sore throat

Recipe for Sore Throat Remedy

Does warm lemon water help sore throat

I’ve been suffering through a bad cold this week and I’ve been in serious need of a good sore throat remedy. When it gets this bad nothing really helps except for hot liquids. My favorite of these is the hot lemon-honey water that my mom used to make me when I was a little girl. I used to love it when she would bring me up a cup before bedtime when I was under the weather. Unfortunately I have to make it for myself now- but it’s still delicious and incredibly soothing!

Sore Throat Remedy

Does warm lemon water help sore throat
The ingredients are basic, healthy and delicious. Plus they are all 100% natural- no chemicals here! Honey. Lemon. Water.

Does warm lemon water help sore throat

I like to make my water have a little extra citrus, as it feels incredibly good on my throat so I use 3 Tbsp. of lemon. Feel free to try it with less. Remember, you can always add more later!

Does warm lemon water help sore throat
The hot water always goes in last. I enjoy watching the honey and lemon dissolve into the water, but there’s not really a rule that says the water is last. Mix it how it works best for you and your kitchen! If you’re heating up the water in it’s mug in the microwave then it’s probably easier to just plop in everything last.

Drink up and feel better!

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Hot Lemon-Honey Water

Hot Lemon-Honey Water instantly soothes a sore throat.

Does warm lemon water help sore throat


  1. Boil the water and combine with honey and lemon juice. Drink warm

Does warm lemon water help sore throat

Hot lemon water could have some health benefits, such as helping with cold symptoms. However, many claims about the health benefits of drinking hot lemon water before bed lack any evidence.

Hot lemon water has a long history of use in alternative medicine. For example, followers use diluted lemon to treat a sore throat or clear nasal passages.

This article discusses whether hot lemon water before bed is healthful or has other health benefits.

Hot lemon water is a mixture of plain water and lemon juice or a slice of lemon. Water is essential for many bodily functions, including temperature regulation and waste removal.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlight the importance of water for preventing dehydration.

Dehydration can cause problems that include changes in mood, difficulty thinking, and other physical complications. Drinking a glass of hot lemon water before bed is a good way to stay hydrated.

Lemon is also a source of vitamin C, which has several health benefits. For example, vitamin C helps to protect cells from damage. It also supports the production of collagen, which helps wounds to heal.

However, several other foods are also rich sources of vitamin C. For example, oranges, broccoli, and some fortified juices are all rich sources of vitamin C.

Learn more about the benefits of vitamin C here.

There are many health claims about the benefits of drinking hot lemon water, from moisturizing the skin to preventing cancer.

There is a lack of research that specifically examines the health benefits of drinking hot lemon water before bed. Some studies do focus on the possible health benefits of general hydration.

A 2019 review suggested that most health claims for additional hydration lack evidence. For example, they found limited evidence that hydration could improve thinking skills, reducing kidney stone risk, or support weight loss.

The authors concluded that there are possible benefits to additional hydration, but more research is necessary.

Learn more about dehydration here.

Improving mood

A small 2014 study in 52 people examined the effects of increasing water intake in those with low hydration and reducing intake for those with high hydration.

The researchers found that increasing water intake in people with low hydration improved their calmness, satisfaction, and sleep. They found the opposite effects when reducing water intake in the other group.

Some people may find hot lemon water before bed relaxing. The experience might be beneficial for inducing sleep or improving sleep quality.

Learn more about when to drink water here.

Reducing cold symptoms

In a study from 2008, researchers found that drinking a hot drink improved cold and flu symptoms. Drinking hot lemon water before bed could help with nasal congestion or soothe a sore throat.

Lemons also contain vitamin C. A 2017 paper suggested that vitamin C can shorten the duration of colds. However, a 2018 review of evidence found no support for this claim.

Learn whether ice pops or hot drinks are better for a sore throat here.

Other possible health benefits

Hot or cold lemon water could have benefits at any time of day, such as:

  • Weight loss: A 2019 review found some evidence that increased hydration could help with weight loss, particularly if the water is replacing sugary drinks.
  • Natural detoxification: A small study in 2020 found that drinking water may support kidney function and dilute toxins in the blood.
  • Reduced risk of heart disease: A 2019 paper suggested that some compounds in citrus could reduce the risk of heart disease, but studies are necessary to test this claim directly.

Learn how lemons can benefit health here.

Lemon water is generally safe to consume for most people. However, some people may experience side effects if they consume large quantities.

For example, lemon water may cause the erosion of tooth enamel. According to a 2008 study, lemon juice was more damaging for tooth enamel than other fruits.

Learn more about keeping teeth and gums healthy here.

People with weakened tooth enamel or who are at risk of teeth problems should discuss with a dentist before regularly consuming lemon water before bed.

People looking to use lemon water as a treatment should first talk to their doctor. A doctor can assess the condition and determine if other treatments are necessary to take with the hot lemon water.

Learn more about lemon water here.

Mix lemon juice or a lemon slice with boiled water to make hot lemon water. The ratio of lemon to water will vary depending on personal preferences.

Some people may prefer warm water instead of boiling. To warm the water, use a kettle, hob, or microwave.

Learn more about when to drink water here.

Hot lemon water may induce relaxation before bed, which could help with sleep. It can also help with general hydration. Lemon contains vitamin C, which is important for several bodily functions.

Hot lemon water may provide other benefits, but there is a lack of evidence behind most health claims. Direct research into the benefits of drinking hot lemon water before bed is necessary to determine its effects.

People will make hot lemon water in a variety of ways. But the recipe usually involves mixing boiled water with lemon.

Hot lemon water is generally safe for most people.

Is warm lemon water good for a sore throat?

Lemon can help break up mucus in your throat. Plus, the citrus fruit contains lots of vitamin C, which can help boost your immune system as it fights the root cause of your sore throat. Try mixing a few tablespoons of lemon juice with a glass of warm water as needed.

How do I get rid of a sore throat quickly?

Lifestyle and home remedies.
Rest. Get plenty of sleep. ... .
Drink fluids. Fluids keep the throat moist and prevent dehydration. ... .
Try comforting foods and beverage. ... .
Gargle with saltwater. ... .
Humidify the air. ... .
Consider lozenges or hard candy. ... .
Avoid irritants. ... .
Stay at home until you're no longer sick..