79 of 67 miles is what

The step-by-step work shows how to find what is the average of 67 and 79. The solution for 67 and 79 average is same for all the following queries but have to append the measurement units based on the measurement units of physical quantities being measured.

Unitless Measurement:

what is the average of 67 and 79?

Average Speed:

What is the average speed of a bus which covered the distance from point A to B at the speed of 67 mph (miles per hour) and B to C at the speed of 79 mph (miles per hour)?

Average Volume:

The volume of cylinder A is 67 gallons and cylinder B is 79 gallons, what is the average volume of cylinders?

Average Capacity:

A Lincoln theater has the volume of 67 seats and Brooklyn theater has the volume of 79 seats, what is the average capacity of the theaters?

Average Score or Marks:

John has scored 79 marks in mathematics and 67 marks in science in the examinations conducted. What is an average of marks John scored?

Solved Example:
what is the average of 67 and 79?

step 1 Address the input parameters and observe what to be found:
Input values:
Quantity A = 67
Quantity B = 79

What to be found:
Find the average of 67 and 79

step 2 Find the sum of quantities 67 and 79.
67 + 79 = 146

step 3 Find how many number of inputs:
The calculation involves two quantities 67 and 79, so the number of quantities is 2.

step 4 To find the average of 67 and 79, divide the sum of quantities 146 by the total number of quantities 2:
= 146/2
= 73
(67 + 79)/2 = 73

73 is the average of 67 and 79.


79 of 67 miles is what


Grade 9 ยท 2021-11-05

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79% of 67 miles is what? - Gauthmath of 67 miles is what?

79 of 67 miles is what




Based on the given conditions, formulate: 79\% \times 67 miles
Calculate: 52.93
Answer: 52.93

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Solution for What is 79 percent of 67:

79 percent *67 =

(79:100)*67 =

(79*67):100 =

5293:100 = 52.93

Now we have: 79 percent of 67 = 52.93

Question: What is 79 percent of 67?

Percentage solution with steps:

Step 1: Our output value is 67.

Step 2: We represent the unknown value with {x}.

Step 3: From step 1 above,{67}={100\%}.

Step 4: Similarly, {x}={79\%}.

Step 5: This results in a pair of simple equations:



Step 6: By dividing equation 1 by equation 2 and noting that both the RHS (right hand side) of both
equations have the same unit (%); we have


Step 7: Again, the reciprocal of both sides gives


\Rightarrow{x} = {52.93}

Therefore, {79\%} of {67} is {52.93}

Nick B.

May 3, 2018

52.93 miles


0.79 x 67 = 52.93

79% is the same as saying 0.79. You multiply the number of miles miles by 79% (or really 0.79) to get your answer.

Answer link

79 of 67 miles is what


May 3, 2018

#79%# of #67# miles is #52.93# miles.


Multiply #.79##(79#%) by #67#:

#67# x #.79# = #52.93#

Answer link