Yugioh 25th anniversary kaiba set pre order

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25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba SetNamesSet informationMediumTypePrefixNumber of cardsYugioh-Card database IDRelease datesJapanese
25th(トゥエンティフィフス) ANNIVERSARY(アニバーサリー) ULTIMATE(アルティメット) KAIBA(カイバ) SET(セット)
トゥエンティフィフス アニバーサリー アルティメット カイバ セット
Tuentififusu Anibāsarī Arutimetto Kaiba Setto
Collector's Set
  • KC01-JP (jp)
  • 1000008503000 / 1000008503001 (ja)
  • April 23, 2022

  • Number Complete File -Piece of Memories-

25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set


25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set is a made-to-order product in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game. It includes a fixed set of cards, contained within a replica duralumin case.

It was available for pre-order on the konamistyle website and at Konami Card Game Station Satellite Shops from September 21, 2021 to October 31, 2021. It was shipped on April 23, 2022.


  • 1 Breakdown
  • 2 Galleries
  • 3 List
  • 4 Promotional cards
  • 5 Cards used by Seto Kaiba
  • 6 External links


Each 25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set contains:

  • 3 Secret Rare copies of "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in a display case, printed with the Series 1 layout
  • 61 Ultra Rare cards used by Seto Kaiba (58 reprints and 3 new cards)
  • 1 Kaiba Attache Case


  • Japanese
    Unlimited Edition


25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set


Unlimited Edition galleriesJapanese

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Promotional cards[edit]

English nameJapanese nameRarityCategoryQuantity
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" 「青眼の白龍(ブルーアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴン)」 Secret Rare Normal Monster 3

Cards used by Seto Kaiba[edit]

Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategoryPrint
KC01-JP001 "Attack Guidance Armor" 「攻(こう)撃(げき)誘(ゆう)導(どう)アーマー」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap New
KC01-JP002 "Life Shaver" 「削(けず)りゆく命(いのち)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Trap New
KC01-JP003 "Magical Trick Mirror" 「機(き)械(かい)じかけのマジックミラー」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap New
KC01-JP004 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" 「青眼の白龍(ブルーアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴン)」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP005 "Hyozanryu" 「ダイヤモンド・ドラゴン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP006 "Judge Man" 「ジャッジ・マン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP007 "Swordstalker" 「復(ふく)讐(しゅう)のソード・ストーカー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP008 "Steel Ogre Grotto #2" 「鉄(てつ)腕(わん)ゴーレム」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP009 "Gyakutenno Megami" 「逆(ぎゃく)転(てん)の女(め)神(がみ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP010 "Gadget Soldier" 「ガジェット・ソルジャー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP011 "Rude Kaiser" 「ルード・カイザー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP012 "Vorse Raider" 「ブラッド・ヴォルス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP013 "X-Head Cannon" 「X(エックス)-ヘッド・キャノン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP014 "La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp" 「ランプの魔(ま)精(せい)・ラ・ジーン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP015 "Battle Ox" 「ミノタウルス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP016 "Ryu-Kishin Powered" 「ガーゴイル・パワード」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP017 "Mystic Horseman" 「ケンタウロス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP018 "Grappler" 「グラップラー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP019 "Hitotsu-Me Giant" 「サイクロプス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP020 "Ryu-Kishin" 「ガーゴイル」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP021 "Saggi the Dark Clown" 「闇(やみ)・道(どう)化(け)師(し)のサギー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP022 "Obelisk the Tormentor" 「オベリスクの巨(きょ)神(しん)兵(へい)」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP023 "Masked Beast Des Gardius" 「仮(か)面(めん)魔(ま)獣(じゅう)デス・ガーディウス」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP024 "Kaiser Glider" 「カイザー・グライダー」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP025 "Invitation to a Dark Sleep" 「暗(あん)黒(こく)の眠(ねむ)りを誘(さそ)うルシファー」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP026 "Des Feral Imp" 「デスグレムリン」 Ultra Rare Flip monster Reprint
KC01-JP027 "Blade Knight" 「ブレイドナイト」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP028 "Y-Dragon Head" 「Y(ワイ)-ドラゴン・ヘッド」 Ultra Rare Union monster Reprint
KC01-JP029 "Z-Metal Tank" 「Z(ゼット)-メタル・キャタピラー」 Ultra Rare Union monster Reprint
KC01-JP030 "Lord of D." 「ロード・オブ・ドラゴン-ドラゴンの支(し)配(はい)者(しゃ)-」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP031 "The Wicked Worm Beast" 「邪(じゃ)悪(あく)なるワーム・ビースト」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP032 "Ancient Lamp" 「マジック・ランプ」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP033 "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" 「青眼の究極竜(ブルーアイズ・アルティメットドラゴン)」 Ultra Rare Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP034 "XYZ-Dragon Cannon" 「XYZ(エックスワイゼット)-ドラゴン・キャノン」 Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP035 "XY-Dragon Cannon" 「XY(エックスワイ)-ドラゴン・キャノン」 Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP036 "Rabid Horseman" 「ミノケンタウロス」 Ultra Rare Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP037 "Monster Reborn" 「死(し)者(しゃ)蘇(そ)生(せい)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP038 "Polymerization" 「融(ゆう)合(ごう)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP039 "Stop Defense" 「『守(しゅ)備(び)』封(ふう)じ」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP040 "Mesmeric Control" 「催(さい)眠(みん)術(じゅつ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP041 "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" 「ドラゴンを呼(よ)ぶ笛(ふえ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP042 "Soul Exchange" 「クロス・ソウル」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP043 "Silent Doom" 「黙(もく)する死(し)者(しゃ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP044 "Lullaby of Obedience" 「天(てん)声(せい)の服(ふく)従(じゅう)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP045 "Cost Down" 「コストダウン」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP046 "Card of Demise" 「命(いのち)削(けず)りの宝(ほう)札(さつ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP047 "Fiend's Sanctuary" 「デビルズ・サンクチュアリ」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP048 "Shrink" 「収(しゅう)縮(しゅく)」 Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Reprint
KC01-JP049 "Enemy Controller" 「エネミーコントローラー」 Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Reprint
KC01-JP050 "Megamorph" 「巨(きょ)大(だい)化(か)」 Ultra Rare Equip Spell Reprint
KC01-JP051 "Dark Energy" 「闇(やみ)・エネルギー」 Ultra Rare Equip Spell Reprint
KC01-JP052 "Spell Absorption" 「魔(ま)法(ほう)吸(きゅう)収(しゅう)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Reprint
KC01-JP053 "Crush Card Virus" 「死(し)のデッキ破(は)壊(かい)ウイルス」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP054 "Gift of The Mystical Elf" 「ホーリー・エルフの祝(しゅく)福(ふく)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP055 "Ring of Destruction" 「破(は)壊(かい)輪(りん)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP056 "Virus Cannon" 「魔(ま)法(ほう)除(じょ)去(きょ)細(さい)菌(きん)兵(へい)器 (き)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP057 "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" 「亜(あ)空(くう)間(かん)物(ぶっ)質(しつ)転(てん)送(そう)装 (そう)置(ち)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP058 "Cloning" 「クローン複(ふく)製(せい)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP059 "Shadow Spell" 「闇(やみ)の呪(じゅ)縛(ばく)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Trap Reprint
KC01-JP060 "Final Attack Orders" 「最(さい)終(しゅう)突(とつ)撃(げき)命(めい)令(れい)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Trap Reprint
KC01-JP061 "Negate Attack" 「攻(こう)撃(げき)の無(む)力(りょく)化(か)」 Ultra Rare Counter Trap Reprint

External links[edit]

  • konamistyle.jp 25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set (Japanese)

  • v
  • t
  • e

Starter, Structure, and Preconstructed Decks

Starter Decks


  • Starter Box
  • Theatrical Release
  • EX Starter Box
  • EX-R Starter Box

  • Yugi
  • Kaiba
  • Joey
  • Pegasus
  • Yugi Evolution
  • Kaiba Evolution
  • Jaden Yuki
  • Syrus Truesdale
  • Yugi Reloaded
  • Kaiba Reloaded

KoreanTraditional ChineseSimplified Chinese

  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • Duelist Entry Deck VS
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019

  • Duelist Entry Deck VS
    • Saber Force
    • Dark Legion

  • Duel Starter Deck

  • 2020
  • 2021

  • 2006
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009
  • Duelist Toolbox
  • Dawn of the Xyz
  • Xyz Symphony
  • V for Victory
  • Space-Time Showdown
  • Saber Force
  • Dark Legion
  • 2-Player: Yuya & Declan
  • Yuya
  • Link Strike
  • Codebreaker
  • Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon
  • Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor

Speed Duel

  • Destiny Masters
  • Duelists of Tomorrow
  • Ultimate Predators
  • Match of the Millennium
  • Twisted Nightmares

  • Yuga - Cut Through! Sevens Road!!
  • Luke - Explosive Supremacy! Dragias!!
  • Yuga vs. Luke
  • Saikyo

Structure Decks


  • Yugi
  • Joey
  • Kaiba
  • Pegasus
  • Yugi 2
  • Joey 2
  • Kaiba 2
  • Marik

  • Dragon's Roar
  • Zombie Madness
  • Blaze of Destruction
  • Fury from the Deep
  • Warrior's Triumph
  • Spellcaster's Judgment
  • Invincible Fortress
  • Lord of the Storm
  • Dinosaur's Rage
  • Machine Re-Volt

Simplified Chinese

  • Surge of Radiance
  • Curse of Darkness
  • Revival of the Great Dragon
  • Advent of the Emperor
  • Undead World
  • Lord of the Magician
  • Warriors' Strike
  • Machiners Command
  • Dragunity Drive
  • Lost Sanctuary
  • Devil's Gate
  • Dragonic Legion
  • Roar of the Sea Emperor
  • Onslaught of the Fire Kings
  • The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent
  • Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons
  • HERO's Strike
  • Synchron Extreme
  • Master of Pendulum
  • Pendulum Domination
  • Yugi Muto
  • Seto Kaiba
  • Pendulum Evolution
  • Cyberse Link
  • Powercode Link
  • Master Link
  • Soulburner
  • Revolver
  • Rebirth of Shaddoll
  • Sacred Beasts of Chaos
  • Masters of the Spiritual Arts
  • Ice Barrier of the Frozen Prison
  • Cyber Style's Successor
  • Overlay Universe
  • Alba Strike
  • Legend of the Crystals
  • Forest of the Traptrix


  • Advent of the True Monarch
  • Revival of the Great Divine Dragon
  • Machine Dragon Re-Volt
  • Tyranno's Rage
  • Surge of Divine Light
  • Curse of the Dark
  • Undead World
  • Lord of Magician
  • Warriors' Strike
  • Machiners Command
  • Dragunity Drive
  • Lost Sanctuary
  • Devil's Gate

  • Egyptian Gods' Advent: Slifer the Sky Dragon & Obelisk the Tormentor

  • Rise of the Dragon Lords
  • The Dark Emperor
  • Zombie World
  • Spellcaster's Command
  • Warriors' Strike
  • Machina Mayhem
  • Marik
  • Dragunity Legion
  • Lost Sanctuary
  • Gates of the Underworld
  • Dragons Collide
  • Samurai Warlords
  • Realm of the Sea Emperor
  • Onslaught of the Fire Kings
  • Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
  • Cyber Dragon Revolution
  • Realm of Light
  • Geargia Rampage
  • HERO Strike
  • Synchron Extreme
  • Master of Pendulum
  • Emperor of Darkness
  • Rise of the True Dragons
  • Yugi Muto
  • Seto Kaiba
  • Pendulum Domination
  • Machine Reactor
  • Dinosmasher's Fury
  • Cyberse Link
  • Wave of Light
  • Lair of Darkness
  • Powercode Link
  • Zombie Horde
  • Soulburner
  • Order of the Spellcasters
  • Rokket Revolt
  • Shaddoll Showdown
  • Mechanized Madness
  • Sacred Beasts
  • Spirit Charmers
  • Freezing Chains
  • Cyber Strike
  • Albaz Strike
  • Legend of the Crystal Beasts
  • Dark World
  • Traptrix

Preconstructed/other Decks


  • 25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set
  • Duelist Boxes
    • Duelist Box
    • Duelist Box 2012
    • 20th Anniversary Duelist Box
  • Duel Royale Deck Set EX
    • Round 2
  • Duelist Sets
    • Lightning Star
    • Dark Returner
    • Lightlord Judgment
    • Machine-Gear Troopers
  • Memories of the Duel King
    • Duelist Kingdom Arc
    • Battle City Arc
    • Ceremonial Battle Arc
  • Millennium Box Gold Edition
  • Millennium Deck
  • Dimension Box Limited Edition
  • Legendary Gold Box
  • Prismatic God Box
  • Secret Shiny Box
  • Secret Utility Box
  • Speed Start Deck
    • Link Edition
    • Synchro Edition

  • Duel Devastator
  • Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set
  • Legendary Decks
    • Yugi's Legendary Decks
    • Legendary Decks II
    • Legendary Dragon Decks
    • Legendary Hero Decks

Demo Decks

  • 2011
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • Extra Pack
  • Speed Duel
    • 2020

  • Core Boosters
  • Packs
  • Reprint sets
  • Collectible tins
  • Decks
  • Duel Terminals
  • Game guide promotional cards
  • Manga promotional cards
  • Promotional cards
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel sets
  • Sneak Peek promotional cards
  • Special Editions
  • Speed Duel sets
  • Tournament Packs
  • Tournament promotional cards
  • Video game promotional cards
  • Jump Comics lottery prizes
  • Saikyō Jump promotional cards
  • Shonen Jump promotional cards
  • V Jump promotional cards
  • V Jump mail orders
  • Weekly Shōnen Jump promotional cards
  • Unreleased sets

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  • ((Infobox set)) transclusions using (((jp database id)))


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