Yugioh 25th anniversary kaiba set pre order

Yugioh 25th anniversary kaiba set pre order
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25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set
Yugioh 25th anniversary kaiba set pre order
Japanese25th(トゥエンティフィフス) ANNIVERSARY(アニバーサリー) ULTIMATE(アルティメット) KAIBA(カイバ) SET(セット)
Furiganaトゥエンティフィフス アニバーサリー アルティメット カイバ セット
RōmajiTuentififusu Anibāsarī Arutimetto Kaiba Setto
Set information
TypeCollector's Set
  • KC01-JP (jp)
Number of cards64
Yugioh-Card database ID
  • 1000008503000 / 1000008503001 (ja)
Release dates
  • April 23, 2022

  • Number Complete File -Piece of Memories-

25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set


25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set is a made-to-order product in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game. It includes a fixed set of cards, contained within a replica duralumin case.

It was available for pre-order on the konamistyle website and at Konami Card Game Station Satellite Shops from September 21, 2021 to October 31, 2021. It was shipped on April 23, 2022.


  • 1 Breakdown
  • 2 Galleries
  • 3 List
  • 4 Promotional cards
  • 5 Cards used by Seto Kaiba
  • 6 External links


Each 25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set contains:

  • 3 Secret Rare copies of "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in a display case, printed with the Series 1 layout
  • 61 Ultra Rare cards used by Seto Kaiba (58 reprints and 3 new cards)
  • 1 Kaiba Attache Case


  • Yugioh 25th anniversary kaiba set pre order

    Unlimited Edition


25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set


Unlimited Edition galleriesJapanese

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Promotional cards[edit]

English nameJapanese nameRarityCategoryQuantity
"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" 「青眼の白龍(ブルーアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴン)」 Secret Rare Normal Monster 3

Cards used by Seto Kaiba[edit]

Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategoryPrint
KC01-JP001 "Attack Guidance Armor" 「攻(こう)撃(げき)誘(ゆう)導(どう)アーマー」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap New
KC01-JP002 "Life Shaver" 「削(けず)りゆく命(いのち)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Trap New
KC01-JP003 "Magical Trick Mirror" 「機(き)械(かい)じかけのマジックミラー」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap New
KC01-JP004 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" 「青眼の白龍(ブルーアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴン)」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP005 "Hyozanryu" 「ダイヤモンド・ドラゴン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP006 "Judge Man" 「ジャッジ・マン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP007 "Swordstalker" 「復(ふく)讐(しゅう)のソード・ストーカー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP008 "Steel Ogre Grotto #2" 「鉄(てつ)腕(わん)ゴーレム」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP009 "Gyakutenno Megami" 「逆(ぎゃく)転(てん)の女(め)神(がみ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP010 "Gadget Soldier" 「ガジェット・ソルジャー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP011 "Rude Kaiser" 「ルード・カイザー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP012 "Vorse Raider" 「ブラッド・ヴォルス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP013 "X-Head Cannon" 「X(エックス)-ヘッド・キャノン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP014 "La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp" 「ランプの魔(ま)精(せい)・ラ・ジーン」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP015 "Battle Ox" 「ミノタウルス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP016 "Ryu-Kishin Powered" 「ガーゴイル・パワード」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP017 "Mystic Horseman" 「ケンタウロス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP018 "Grappler" 「グラップラー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP019 "Hitotsu-Me Giant" 「サイクロプス」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP020 "Ryu-Kishin" 「ガーゴイル」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP021 "Saggi the Dark Clown" 「闇(やみ)・道(どう)化(け)師(し)のサギー」 Ultra Rare Normal Monster Reprint
KC01-JP022 "Obelisk the Tormentor" 「オベリスクの巨(きょ)神(しん)兵(へい)」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP023 "Masked Beast Des Gardius" 「仮(か)面(めん)魔(ま)獣(じゅう)デス・ガーディウス」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP024 "Kaiser Glider" 「カイザー・グライダー」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP025 "Invitation to a Dark Sleep" 「暗(あん)黒(こく)の眠(ねむ)りを誘(さそ)うルシファー」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP026 "Des Feral Imp" 「デスグレムリン」 Ultra Rare Flip monster Reprint
KC01-JP027 "Blade Knight" 「ブレイドナイト」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP028 "Y-Dragon Head" 「Y(ワイ)-ドラゴン・ヘッド」 Ultra Rare Union monster Reprint
KC01-JP029 "Z-Metal Tank" 「Z(ゼット)-メタル・キャタピラー」 Ultra Rare Union monster Reprint
KC01-JP030 "Lord of D." 「ロード・オブ・ドラゴン-ドラゴンの支(し)配(はい)者(しゃ)-」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP031 "The Wicked Worm Beast" 「邪(じゃ)悪(あく)なるワーム・ビースト」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP032 "Ancient Lamp" 「マジック・ランプ」 Ultra Rare Effect Monster Reprint
KC01-JP033 "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" 「青眼の究極竜(ブルーアイズ・アルティメットドラゴン)」 Ultra Rare Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP034 "XYZ-Dragon Cannon" 「XYZ(エックスワイゼット)-ドラゴン・キャノン」 Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP035 "XY-Dragon Cannon" 「XY(エックスワイ)-ドラゴン・キャノン」 Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP036 "Rabid Horseman" 「ミノケンタウロス」 Ultra Rare Fusion Monster Reprint
KC01-JP037 "Monster Reborn" 「死(し)者(しゃ)蘇(そ)生(せい)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP038 "Polymerization" 「融(ゆう)合(ごう)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP039 "Stop Defense" 「『守(しゅ)備(び)』封(ふう)じ」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP040 "Mesmeric Control" 「催(さい)眠(みん)術(じゅつ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP041 "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" 「ドラゴンを呼(よ)ぶ笛(ふえ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP042 "Soul Exchange" 「クロス・ソウル」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP043 "Silent Doom" 「黙(もく)する死(し)者(しゃ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP044 "Lullaby of Obedience" 「天(てん)声(せい)の服(ふく)従(じゅう)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP045 "Cost Down" 「コストダウン」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP046 "Card of Demise" 「命(いのち)削(けず)りの宝(ほう)札(さつ)」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP047 "Fiend's Sanctuary" 「デビルズ・サンクチュアリ」 Ultra Rare Normal Spell Reprint
KC01-JP048 "Shrink" 「収(しゅう)縮(しゅく)」 Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Reprint
KC01-JP049 "Enemy Controller" 「エネミーコントローラー」 Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Reprint
KC01-JP050 "Megamorph" 「巨(きょ)大(だい)化(か)」 Ultra Rare Equip Spell Reprint
KC01-JP051 "Dark Energy" 「闇(やみ)・エネルギー」 Ultra Rare Equip Spell Reprint
KC01-JP052 "Spell Absorption" 「魔(ま)法(ほう)吸(きゅう)収(しゅう)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Reprint
KC01-JP053 "Crush Card Virus" 「死(し)のデッキ破(は)壊(かい)ウイルス」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP054 "Gift of The Mystical Elf" 「ホーリー・エルフの祝(しゅく)福(ふく)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP055 "Ring of Destruction" 「破(は)壊(かい)輪(りん)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP056 "Virus Cannon" 「魔(ま)法(ほう)除(じょ)去(きょ)細(さい)菌(きん)兵(へい)器 (き)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP057 "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" 「亜(あ)空(くう)間(かん)物(ぶっ)質(しつ)転(てん)送(そう)装 (そう)置(ち)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP058 "Cloning" 「クローン複(ふく)製(せい)」 Ultra Rare Normal Trap Reprint
KC01-JP059 "Shadow Spell" 「闇(やみ)の呪(じゅ)縛(ばく)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Trap Reprint
KC01-JP060 "Final Attack Orders" 「最(さい)終(しゅう)突(とつ)撃(げき)命(めい)令(れい)」 Ultra Rare Continuous Trap Reprint
KC01-JP061 "Negate Attack" 「攻(こう)撃(げき)の無(む)力(りょく)化(か)」 Ultra Rare Counter Trap Reprint

  • konamistyle.jp 25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set (Japanese)

  • v
  • t
  • e

Starter, Structure, and Preconstructed Decks

Starter Decks


  • Starter Box
  • Theatrical Release
  • EX Starter Box
  • EX-R Starter Box


  • Yugi
  • Kaiba
  • Joey
  • Pegasus
  • Yugi Evolution
  • Kaiba Evolution
  • Jaden Yuki
  • Syrus Truesdale
  • Yugi Reloaded
  • Kaiba Reloaded


  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • Duelist Entry Deck VS
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019


  • Duelist Entry Deck VS
    • Saber Force
    • Dark Legion

Traditional Chinese

  • Duel Starter Deck

Simplified Chinese

  • 2020
  • 2021


  • 2006
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's 2009
  • Duelist Toolbox
  • Dawn of the Xyz
  • Xyz Symphony
  • V for Victory
  • Space-Time Showdown
  • Saber Force
  • Dark Legion
  • 2-Player: Yuya & Declan
  • Yuya
  • Link Strike
  • Codebreaker
  • Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon
  • Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor

Speed Duel

  • Destiny Masters
  • Duelists of Tomorrow
  • Ultimate Predators
  • Match of the Millennium
  • Twisted Nightmares

Rush Duel

  • Yuga - Cut Through! Sevens Road!!
  • Luke - Explosive Supremacy! Dragias!!
  • Yuga vs. Luke
  • Saikyo

Structure Decks


  • Yugi
  • Joey
  • Kaiba
  • Pegasus
  • Yugi 2
  • Joey 2
  • Kaiba 2
  • Marik


  • Dragon's Roar
  • Zombie Madness
  • Blaze of Destruction
  • Fury from the Deep
  • Warrior's Triumph
  • Spellcaster's Judgment
  • Invincible Fortress
  • Lord of the Storm
  • Dinosaur's Rage
  • Machine Re-Volt


  • Surge of Radiance
  • Curse of Darkness
  • Revival of the Great Dragon
  • Advent of the Emperor
  • Undead World
  • Lord of the Magician
  • Warriors' Strike
  • Machiners Command
  • Dragunity Drive
  • Lost Sanctuary
  • Devil's Gate
  • Dragonic Legion
  • Roar of the Sea Emperor
  • Onslaught of the Fire Kings
  • The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent
  • Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons
  • HERO's Strike
  • Synchron Extreme
  • Master of Pendulum
  • Pendulum Domination
  • Yugi Muto
  • Seto Kaiba
  • Pendulum Evolution
  • Cyberse Link
  • Powercode Link
  • Master Link
  • Soulburner
  • Revolver
  • Rebirth of Shaddoll
  • Sacred Beasts of Chaos
  • Masters of the Spiritual Arts
  • Ice Barrier of the Frozen Prison
  • Cyber Style's Successor
  • Overlay Universe
  • Alba Strike
  • Legend of the Crystals
  • Forest of the Traptrix


  • Advent of the True Monarch
  • Revival of the Great Divine Dragon
  • Machine Dragon Re-Volt
  • Tyranno's Rage
  • Surge of Divine Light
  • Curse of the Dark
  • Undead World
  • Lord of Magician
  • Warriors' Strike
  • Machiners Command
  • Dragunity Drive
  • Lost Sanctuary
  • Devil's Gate

Simplified Chinese

  • Egyptian Gods' Advent: Slifer the Sky Dragon & Obelisk the Tormentor


  • Rise of the Dragon Lords
  • The Dark Emperor
  • Zombie World
  • Spellcaster's Command
  • Warriors' Strike
  • Machina Mayhem
  • Marik
  • Dragunity Legion
  • Lost Sanctuary
  • Gates of the Underworld
  • Dragons Collide
  • Samurai Warlords
  • Realm of the Sea Emperor
  • Onslaught of the Fire Kings
  • Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
  • Cyber Dragon Revolution
  • Realm of Light
  • Geargia Rampage
  • HERO Strike
  • Synchron Extreme
  • Master of Pendulum
  • Emperor of Darkness
  • Rise of the True Dragons
  • Yugi Muto
  • Seto Kaiba
  • Pendulum Domination
  • Machine Reactor
  • Dinosmasher's Fury
  • Cyberse Link
  • Wave of Light
  • Lair of Darkness
  • Powercode Link
  • Zombie Horde
  • Soulburner
  • Order of the Spellcasters
  • Rokket Revolt
  • Shaddoll Showdown
  • Mechanized Madness
  • Sacred Beasts
  • Spirit Charmers
  • Freezing Chains
  • Cyber Strike
  • Albaz Strike
  • Legend of the Crystal Beasts
  • Dark World
  • Traptrix

Preconstructed/other Decks


  • 25th Anniversary Ultimate Kaiba Set
  • Duelist Boxes
    • Duelist Box
    • Duelist Box 2012
    • 20th Anniversary Duelist Box
  • Duel Royale Deck Set EX
    • Round 2
  • Duelist Sets
    • Lightning Star
    • Dark Returner
    • Lightlord Judgment
    • Machine-Gear Troopers
  • Memories of the Duel King
    • Duelist Kingdom Arc
    • Battle City Arc
    • Ceremonial Battle Arc
  • Millennium Box Gold Edition
  • Millennium Deck
  • Dimension Box Limited Edition
  • Legendary Gold Box
  • Prismatic God Box
  • Secret Shiny Box
  • Secret Utility Box
  • Speed Start Deck
    • Link Edition
    • Synchro Edition


  • Duel Devastator
  • Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set
  • Legendary Decks
    • Yugi's Legendary Decks
    • Legendary Decks II
    • Legendary Dragon Decks
    • Legendary Hero Decks

Demo Decks

  • 2011
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • Extra Pack
  • Speed Duel
    • 2020

  • Core Boosters
  • Packs
  • Reprint sets
  • Collectible tins
  • Decks
  • Duel Terminals
  • Game guide promotional cards
  • Manga promotional cards
  • Promotional cards
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel sets
  • Sneak Peek promotional cards
  • Special Editions
  • Speed Duel sets
  • Tournament Packs
  • Tournament promotional cards
  • Video game promotional cards
  • Jump Comics lottery prizes
  • Saikyō Jump promotional cards
  • Shonen Jump promotional cards
  • V Jump promotional cards
  • V Jump mail orders
  • Weekly Shōnen Jump promotional cards
  • Unreleased sets

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  • ((Infobox set)) transclusions using (((jp database id)))