Winds of winter game of thrones book

Winds of winter game of thrones book
A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin

Release Date

That is great news for everyone who is eager for this novel to finally come out. The estimated date is November 2023 which is a little over a year. It has been 11 years since the last novel, A Dance with Dragons and there is still one more novel after that. 

Martin is still working on the novel but it looks like he is on the tail end of the novel. It is great to get reassuring updates and hopeful the writing pace doesn’t decline so we can finally get to read the long-awaited novel.


Have you read A Song of Ice and Fire series? What do you make of this news? Keep checking back here for the latest news on The Winds of Winter! 

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Is winds of winter ever coming out?

That is great news for everyone who is eager for this novel to finally come out. The estimated date is November 2023 which is a little over a year. It has been 11 years since the last novel, A Dance with Dragons and there is still one more novel after that.

Which book is winds of winter?

That title, of course, goes to The Winds of Winter, the long-awaited sixth installment of author George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire book series, which inspired Game of Thrones. Fans have been waiting for over a decade for The Winds of Winter to hit the shelves of their local bookstores.

Is winds of winter the final book?

So, will this be the last GOT book installment? No! Even though there was a very long gap between the last book and this one, Martin still plans on this being the penultimate novel, with the series conclusion titled, A Dream of Spring.

Will winds of winter be two books?

The Winds of Winter is the planned sixth novel in the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by American writer George R. R. Martin. Martin believes the last two volumes of the series will total over 3,000 manuscript pages. ... The Winds of Winter..