When your husband has no interest in you

You went into marriage, understanding a long-term commitment would take work. You knew it would not be sunshine and roses every day but trusted that your love for each other would get you through any future storms that would come.

But now that you are on the other side of the wedding (be it 3 years or 30), something feels off, and you’ve found yourself wondering if love is all it truly takes.

Is he just busy, or has love faded?

If you find yourself worrying, “Is my husband attracted to me?

It is important to remember that if you are feeling a lack of affection from your husband, it might not be that he has lost attraction for you. Maybe he is extremely busy, and he isn’t making the effort he used to make.

Or, perhaps he is dealing with a stressful situation at work or a health problem that has made you take a back burner. In this case, the signs your husband is not attracted to you could point to a personal problem with him that could be resolved with a simple conversation.

If you are wondering about the signs your husband is not attracted to you, read the 15 red flags below and find out what you can do to keep the love alive.

Related Reading: Signs to Show Your Husband Is Not Happy in Your Marriage

15 signs your husband is not attracted to you

If you find yourself wondering, “Is my husband attracted to me at all?” or “How do I know if my husband is still attracted to me?” chances are that you are worried he’s not into you anymore.

Perhaps you have a non-affectionate husband or are noticing other behaviors that suggest lost attraction to the wife.

Consider the following 15 signs your husband is not attracted to you:

1. You rarely talk

Reasons Why You Have an Emotionally Withdrawn Husband

3 Reasons why he might not feel attracted

If you are noticing some of the signs your husband is not attracted to you, you are probably wondering why he has seemingly lost attraction.

There can be several reasons for this.

  1. Your husband may be dealing with a declining sex drive, which occurs naturally with age. This may mean that you need to make extra effort to reignite the spark between the two of you.
  2. Another reason for the loss of attraction could include poor communication between the two of you. If you just haven’t been on the same page or have had a great deal of conflict, the psychological attraction between you two may decline.
  3. The attraction may also decline if you are struggling with your own lack of confidence. Perhaps you don’t feel your best, or you haven’t been taking care of yourself. When you don’t feel good about yourself, it can affect the way others perceive you, too.
Also Try: Does My Husband Take Me for Granted Quiz


Feeling unwanted by your husband can cause a lot of emotional pain. It is important to remember that sometimes we get comfortable in our marriage and maybe give off messages we do not mean to.

Miscommunication can create tension. So, it is always important to work towards expressing and actively listening to your husband. Couples or Family Therapy are both good solutions to improve or learn new skills for our relationship.

No matter what direction you decide to try, the most important thing is how you feel about yourself. Take time to focus on yourself, and as you build up your confidence, your husband (and others!) will notice.

What should I do if my husband is not interested in me?

Here are nine things you can consider trying if you're starting to feel like your partner is no longer attracted to you..
Focus on your own self-worth. ... .
Remind your partner why they were attracted to you from the start. ... .
Make an effort to understand your partner's needs. ... .
Communicate what you're feeling..

What are the signs your husband doesn't love you?

25 Signs your husband isn't in love with you anymore.
Increase in demand for personal space. ... .
Decrease in communication or 'we' time. ... .
Sudden increase in unrealistic expectations. ... .
Constant arguments and fights. ... .
Relinquished efforts and interest from his end. ... .
Sex is missing. ... .
Lack of affection. ... .
He is cold and distant..

Why do husbands lose interest in wife?

Stress at work, problems at home, managing relationships, all this can take a toll on the best of men. But when it starts affecting you in the bedroom, it's time you realized you have a problem.

What are the signs of a one sided marriage?

Signs of a One-Sided Relationship.
You don't feel a strong, deep, meaningful connection. ... .
You feel exhausted by the relationship. ... .
You are the only one who ever apologizes. ... .
You're the only one who sacrifices or gives. ... .
You make all the plans. ... .
You make a lot of excuses for your partner's behavior. ... .
You are the “big decision maker”.


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