When to use a comma after thank you

  • #1

Hi there!

Is a comma necessary in short expressions like this: "Thank you(,) X." (where X is some person). There is a similiar situation in a little bit longer expressions like this: "Thank you for Y(,) X." (where Y is something we thank some person X for). As far as a question of some example goes we can take a look at a caption that turns up here, in the forum, when we log in. That's: "Thank you for logging in, X."

Well, first in these expressions the person's name is vital, isn't it? Second if we said that, we wouldn't pause after saying "thank you", would we? That's just a one, flowing sentence, right?

Many thanks in advance!

  • #3

But if your close friend did something for you, would you really pause before his name? Not a short, flowing expression, like: "Thank you Joe!"?

When to use a comma after thank you

  • #4

We're told that the comma is essential. But the teacher who told me that has been dead these 30 years, and in a short sentence I would now omit it.

When to use a comma after thank you

  • #1

A:How are you?

B: I’m fine, thank you.
(Kid’s Box 1, Oxford University Press)

Teachers always tell us when you finish a sentence, you have to use a stop at the end of the sentence unless there’s a conjunction between the sentence and another one. In this way, you have two clauses. But in the second sentence above, there’s a comma between the two clauses. I think the sentence should be changed to ‘I’m fine. Thank you.’ or ‘I’m fine, and thank you.’ What do you say?


  • When to use a comma after thank you

    • #2

    "Thank you" isn't really a clause, b&m. A comma before "thank you" in that sentence looks ordinary to me.

    When to use a comma after thank you

    • #3

    Thanks, owlman. What about ‘I’m fine. Thank you.’ or ‘I’m fine, and thank you.’ Are they OK?

    When to use a comma after thank you

    • #4

    Yes. The second sentence, "I'm fine, and thank you.", is unusual. People don't usually use "and" before the interjection "thank you." I don't really care about the punctuation in the first version. It's possible to use a comma or a period after "I'm fine."

    When to use a comma after thank you

    • #5

    Several kinds of element are attached to a main clause with a comma. 'Please' and 'thank you' are one kind, 'yes' and 'no' another, and personal names and titles such as 'sir' and 'madam' are a third.

    'I want some more, please.'
    'Yes, I do want more.'
    'I want some more, sir.'

    When two of these come together, they don't need a comma between them:

    'Please sir, I want some more.'
    'Yes sir, I do.'

    When quickly responding to someone do you put a comma after Thank you and then there name?

    Is it:

    Thank you, John. Or Thank you John.

    What happens if you add something after the name?

    Is it:

    Thank you John, for taking care of this. Or Thank you, John, for taking care of this. Or Thank you John for taking care of this.

    For replying to Birthdays

    Is it:

    Happy Birthday, John! Or Happy Birthday John!