What year was the first model t

On October 1, 1908, Ford Motor Company introduced one of the first mass production automobiles on the market – the Model T. The Model T’s low price helped make automobiles accessible to the masses for the first time. By the time Ford stopped producing the Model T in 1927, it had produced more than 15 million cars. All those automobiles changed the landscape of America. We’ve searched through our archives to find news clippings illustrating how the Model T helped change the world.

Alma Record: October 1, 1908

Henry Ford built his first car in a home workshop in 1896. Seven years later, he formed the Ford Motor Company. The company made at least eight automobile models, but they were expensive and difficult to maintain. For example, this 1906 advertisement for a Ford Model K shows a price tag of $2700 (nearly $90,000 in today’s dollars). Ford wanted to design a lower cost-automobile, accessible to families, that was easy to operate and maintain.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram: April 9, 1956

The Model T was the answer. The Model T, nicknamed the Tin Lizzie, was one of the first automobiles built on a production line. Since the components were mass manufactured, costs went way down. Suddenly, owning an automobile was within reach of many Americans. Ford sold more than 6,000 Model T’s in the first year, and the price tag was $850. To demonstrate the vehicle’s durability and the freedom it provided, Henry Ford embarked on a 10-day hunting trip driving a brand new Model T. He traveled more than 1300 miles without mechanical difficulty except for punctured tires. Many of those miles were on unimproved roads.

The Pittsburgh Press: December 22, 1914

With each passing year of production, costs to produce a Model T continued to decline. By 1915, Ford had sold nearly half a million Model T’s. Many of them cost about half of the original price in 1908. With more automobiles on the roads, communities across the country grappled with how cars might share the road with horses and buggies. Filling stations popped up, and traffic signals were installed to help manage the chaos on city streets.

Meanwhile, Ford provided thousands of jobs. Employees received an appealing wage of $5 per day and worked reasonable hours. They also had access to education, healthcare, and entertainment, helping workers establish a solid middle class.

In 1927, 19 years after introducing the Model T, Ford retired the car. A melancholy Henry Ford summed up the impact of the Model T, “It was the car that ran before there were good roads to run on. It broke down the barriers of distance in rural sections, brought people of these sections closer together, and placed education within reach of everyone. We are still proud of the Model T Ford car.”

The Model T remained the best-selling car until the 1970s when the Volkswagen Beetle bumped it off the top of the list. Would you like to see old advertisements and read amusing stories about the Model T and the early days of automobiles in America? Search Newspapers.com™ today!

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This is the Ford Motor Company record of the very first Model T which was assembled on September 27, 1908 at the Piquette plant in Detroit. The production card lists it as Model 2090, car #1. It had 4 cylinders, 2 levers (the second for reverse) and 2 foot pedals. 1,000 of these early T's were produced.

This is the Ford Motor Company record of the very first Model T which was assembled on September 27, 1908 at the Piquette plant in Detroit. The production card lists it as Model 2090, car #1. It had 4 cylinders, 2 levers (the second for reverse) and 2 foot pedals. 1,000 of these early T's were produced.


Record (Document)

Date Made

27 September 1908

Subject Date

27 September 1908

Object ID



From the Collections of The Henry Ford. Gift of Ford Motor Company.


Paper (Fiber product)


Printing (Process)


Black-and-white (Colors)


Height: 5 in

Width: 8 in


Printed at top: FORD MOTOR COMPANY / MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT / Car No. [handwritten:] 1

How much did the Model T cost in 1908?

Before the Model T, cars were a luxury item: At the beginning of 1908, there were fewer than 200,000 on the road. Though the Model T was fairly expensive at first (the cheapest one initially cost $825, or about $18,000 in today's dollars), it was built for ordinary people to drive every day.

What does the T in Model T stand for?

So why was it named the Model T? Well, the story behind that is much simpler than you might think. Throughout the development process, Henry Ford named his first design the model A and simply worked his way through the alphabet with each new design. It really was as simple as that, making design number 20 the Model T.

Which was first Model A or T?

Henry Ford conceived a series of cars between the founding of the company in 1903 and the introduction of the Model T. Ford named his first car the Model A and proceeded through the alphabet up through the Model T, twenty models in all.

How fast did a Model T car go?

The engine was simple and efficient, with all four cylinders cast in a single block and the cylinder head detachable for easy access and repair. The engine generated 20 horsepower and propelled the car to modest top speeds of 40–45 miles per hour (65–70 km/h).


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