What to use for oily skin on face

If you have oily skin, you know the struggles that come with trying to manage your skin. You’ve tried blotting sheets, cleansers, and anything that will help tame the shine and clear clogged pores, acne, and reduce pimples.

There are several natural home remedies for oily skin that are simple, affordable, and effective. Here are some natural home remedies for oily skin.

1. Lemon Juice
2. Honey
3.  Egg Whites
4. Cucumbers
5.  Apple Cider Vinegar
6. Bananas
7. Yogurt
8. Aloe Vera

1. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice instantly brightens up your complexion; its citric acid also works as an astringent, helping to tone and control oily skin.

How to:
Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and ½ teaspoon distilled water to your skin with a cotton ball.
Leave on for 10 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.

2. Honey

Honey is a powerhouse when it comes to all things skin; it helps reduce excess oil, clears pores, moisturizes (without making skin oily), and has natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties that may benefit acne-prone skin.

How to:
Apply a thin layer of honey over your face. (raw honey is preferred)
Let it sit and dry for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.

3. Egg Whites

With a high vitamin A content, egg whites can dry out blemishes, as well as tone and tighten oily skin. If you do not have egg allergies you can use egg whites as follows.

How to:
Whip one egg white until stiff
Spread on your skin
Allow to dry
Wash off with warm water

You can also make an egg white – lemon face mask, combining the two natural remedies.

Egg-white lemon face mask
Mix 1 egg white with 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
Spread on your face
Allow to dry
Wash off with warm water

4. Cucumbers

Cucumbers contain a high vitamin and mineral content (including vitamins A and C, magnesium, and potassium), which is ideal for keeping oily skin under control.

How to:
Before bed, cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices.
Gently rub over your face.
Leave overnight.
Rinse in the morning with warm water.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the many benefits of apple cider vinegar is its ability to tone and moisturize oily skin. It also has antibacterial properties that will help you avoid breakouts due to excess oil build-up.

How to:
For an easy toner, dilute ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with ¾ cups distilled water. Apply to your skin with a cotton ball.
Leave for 10 minutes.
Rinse with cool water.

6. Bananas

Bananas are packed full of nutrients, like vitamins A, B, E, and potassium, which help moisturize skin cells without adding excess oil or grease.

How to:
For a simple facial scrub, mash one ripe banana and mix in 1 tablespoon of milk and 2 tablespoons oats.
Apply to your clean skin.
Massage for 5 minutes.
Let sit for 20 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.

7. Yogurt

Dairy products such as yogurt and milk contain lactic acid that helps gently exfoliate the skin and absorb excess oil.

How to:
Apply 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt to your face.
Let sit for 15 minutes.
Rinse with cool water.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe is well-known for treating sunburns, but it is also ideal for treating acne-prone skin due to its antimicrobial properties. It can also help absorb excess oil from your skin!

How to:
Apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel to your face 2-3 times a day, or you can apply before bed and leave it overnight.

Aloe Vera can cause an allergic reaction. Test on forearm before use.

You can purchase Aloe Vera gel from several stores or online.

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On the bright side, oily or combination skin tends to age much slower than normal and dry skin, keeping away fine lines and wrinkles for a longer period of time.

We have noticed an uptick in acne due to increased mask use. You can find more about the dreaded Maskne and how to manage your skin here.

Updated September 7th, 2021

  • Introduction: 
  • What Causes Oily Skin? 
  • Symptoms of Oily Skin:  
  • Suggested Home Remedies for Oily Skin:  
    • 1. Soy  
    • 2. Fuller’s Earth  
    • 4. Gram Flour 
    • 5. Aloe Vera 
    • 3. Face Wash 
    • 4. Blotting Paper 
    • 5. Moisturiser 
    • 6. Avoid Touching Face 
    • 7. Choose Oil-Free Products 
    • 8. Other Remedies 
  • When to Seek Medical Help? 
  • Conclusion:  
  • Frequently Asked Questions 
    • What are the home remedies to get rid of oily skin? 
    • What causes oily skin? 
    • Does oily skin cause acne? 
    • Can I use aloe vera for oily skin? 
    • Should I use moisturiser if I have oily skin? 
    • Can washing the face frequently cause overproduction of sebum?  
    • Should I contact a healthcare professional for my oily skin? 
  • References: 


Oily skin is a common problem many men and women face in their everyday lives. Oil on the skin gives it a shiny or greasy appearance. The skin of the face is rich in sebaceous or oil glands that produce sebum, which is a mixture of lipids. This sebum causes the skin to become oily. This sebum has several merits as well demerits. It acts as a protective barrier to the skin and performs antioxidant and antimicrobial functions. But excess sebum can block skin pores, impart oiliness to the skin and nourish acne-causing bacteria that live on the surface. It also promotes the formation of acne.1  

You might want to remove the excess oil from the face for these reasons. Several home remedies can help you get rid of that extra oil and leave you with fresh and glowing skin.

What Causes Oily Skin? 

The sebaceous glands become oversized and start producing excessive sebum making the skin oily and greasy. The skin oiliness among people may vary depending on their age, climate, ethnicity, and gender.1  

The factors listed below play a key role in oil production from the glands. 

  • Hormones  
  • Genes  
  • Diet with high-fat content1,2 

Symptoms of Oily Skin:  

If you experience excessive oil on your face, your skin can: 

  • Appear shiny or greasy, commonly observed on the forehead, nose and chin (T zone) 
  • Have acne1  

You can use these remedies to get rid of excess oil and take care of your skin at home.  

1. Soy  

The application of soy on the skin can help control oil production and moisturise the skin.3 You can take some soybeans, grind them into powder, and add some water to make a paste. You can apply this paste onto the skin to get rid of oiliness.  

2. Fuller’s Earth  

Fuller’s earth or Multani mitti is a perfect ingredient for oily skin. It acts as an absorbent and absorbs all the oil and dirt, giving fresh and glowing skin. You can make many facial packs using Multani mitti.4 To make a herbal face pack using Multani mitti, take turmeric, sandalwood powder, gram flour and saffron. Mix these ingredients and add water to get a paste-like consistency. Then, apply this face mask to get rid of oily skin.  

4. Gram Flour 

Gram flour or besan is a beneficial ingredient that reduces the skin’s oiliness and prevents acne.4 Mix gram flour with some yoghurt and apply this paste evenly on the skin. Wash with cold water after some time when it is dried.  

You can make another face pack using gram flour, sandalwood powder, and turmeric to enhance the effectiveness. Add sufficient water to make a paste and apply it evenly across the skin. Wash it off with cold water when it is dried.  

5. Aloe Vera 

If you have oily skin, you can use aloe vera gel to prevent pimples and acne from forming on your face. If you have an oily face, you can also use aloe veragel as a moisturiser as it rejuvenates the skin.5  

Aloe vera gel face pack is a good remedy for oily skin. You can mix some aloe vera with Fuller’s earth to make a paste-like consistency and apply it to the face. Wash it off after some time.  

3. Face Wash 

You need to wash your face as often as you can. You can wash your face in the morning, evening, and after exercising. Do not scrub, as it might irritate your skin and make it look worse. Washing the face will help control oily skin. You should avoid using a strong face wash to get rid of oil on the face. If you use a harsh face wash, it can irritate the skin and cause an increased production of oil, which will make the skin oilier. Choose a gentle and foaming face wash.6  

4. Blotting Paper 

You can use some blotting paper to wipe off any oil present on the face. Take some blotting paper, gently press it onto the skin surface, and let it absorb the oil. Avoid rubbing the paper all over your face, or you will spread the oil all over. You can use blotting paper throughout the day to manage oily skin.6  

5. Moisturiser 

Don’t stop using moisturiser if you have oily skin. You still need to moisturise daily to keep the skin hydrated. When choosing a moisturiser, choose one that also has sunscreen in it, especially a broad-spectrum sunscreen. The sunscreen in it will protect your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays and save you time.6    

6. Avoid Touching Face 

Whenever you touch your face, you transfer oil, bacteria, and dirt from your hands to your face. Before touching the face, make sure that you wash your hands. Also, you should avoid touching the face unless you are applying moisturiser, sunscreen, and makeup or washing the face.6  

7. Choose Oil-Free Products 

When buying products for your skin, choose the products which are labelled as oil-free or non-comedogenic (something that does not block pores and cause pimples). Choosing these oil-free products (makeup, cleansers, and moisturisers) will not clog the skin pores and help prevent acne.6 

8. Other Remedies 

There are certain simple habits that you can follow to control the skin’s oiliness; these habits can help you manage oily skin.  

  • Avoid alcohol or oil-based face cleansers.  
  • Choose oil-free, water-based makeup. 
  • Remove makeup from your face before going to bed. 
  • Wear good sunscreen before venturing out.6 

Also Read: Simple Home Remedies For Acne Scars

When to Seek Medical Help? 

Oily skin is a common problem that does not lead to anything serious.  

  • If having oily skin concerns you, you can reach out to a doctor or dermatologist (skin and hair doctor) and receive the necessary treatment.  
  • If the oiliness is causing blackheads or acne on the skin, you can reach out to your healthcare provider.6  


Excess oil on the face is a common problem encountered by men and women. Overproduction of sebum from the sebaceous glands makes the face oily. Though beneficial, the sebum can lead to acne and blackheads on the face. You follow simple home remedies to manage oily skin. Washing the face, moisturising and using a blotting paper to absorb excess oil are helpful remedies to manage oil on the skin. You can also use ingredients like aloe vera, Fuller’s earth and gram flour to make face packs for oily skin.   

If the oily skin is causing you concern or embarrassment, or if you also have acne, you can reach out to your healthcare provider.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the home remedies to get rid of oily skin? 

You can make use of ingredients like aloe vera gel, gram flour, Fuller’s earth, and soy to get rid of oiliness. Gram flour and Fullers’ earth can be used to make face packs. Aloe vera gel can be massaged directly on the face to get rid of oily skin. Simple tricks like washing the face often and using blotting paper to absorb the excess oil from the face can help you take care of your skin.3–6 

What causes oily skin? 

Sebaceous or oil glands present in the skin secrete a substance called sebum. These glands sometimes become enlarged and start overproducing sebum which makes the skin oily. Factors like age, gender, ethnicity and the climate affect the oiliness.1  

Does oily skin cause acne? 

Yes, oily skin can lead to acne. The presence of oil can block the pores present on the skin. Also, oily skin can become a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria and promote acne.1  

Can I use aloe vera for oily skin? 

Yes, you can use aloe vera gel if you have oily skin. People with oily skin can use aloe vera gel as a moisturiser to prevent complications like acne and pimples.5  

Should I use moisturiser if I have oily skin? 

Yes, you still need to use moisturiser if you have oily skin. Having oily skin does not mean that you stop putting on moisturisers. Using a good moisturiser helps keep skin hydrated and healthy.6  

Can washing the face frequently cause overproduction of sebum?  

Frequently washing the skin does not trigger sebum overproduction. It might cause preformed sebum to flow out through the skin pores, but it does not trigger sebum overproduction.1  

Should I contact a healthcare professional for my oily skin? 

If the presence of excessive oil on your face makes you uncomfortable, you can reach out to a dermatologist. Also, if you experience acne because of your oily skin, reach out to your doctor for advice.6  

Also Read: Simple Home Remedies For Skin Whitening


1. Sakuma TH, Maibach HI. Oily skin: an overview. Skin Pharmacol Physiol [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2022 May 17];25(5):227–35. Available from: //pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22722766/ 

2. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Oily skin [Internet]. [cited 2022 May 17]. Available from: //medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002043.htm 

3. Stallings AF, Lupo MP. Practical Uses of Botanicals in Skin Care. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology [Internet]. 2009 Jan [cited 2022 May 17];2(1):36. Available from: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2958188/ 

4. Pal RS, Pal Y, Wal P. In-House Preparation and Standardization of Herbal Face Pack. The Open Dermatology Journal. 2017 Nov 7;11(1):72–80. Available from: //www.researchgate.net/publication/320900643_In-House_Preparation_and_Standardization_of_Herbal_Face_Pack 

5. Bhowmik D. Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant Its Medicinal and Traditional Uses in India. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry [Internet]. 2012;1(4):119–26. Available from: //www.researchgate.net/publication/304253232_Aloe_Vera_The_Miracle_Plant_Its_Medicinal_and_Traditional_Uses_in_India 

6. American Academy of Dermatology Association. How to control oily skin [Internet]. [cited 2022 May 17]. Available from: //www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/skin-care-basics/dry/oily-skin 

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

How do I stop my face from being so oily?

Wash regularly. Share on Pinterest Washing with warm water and a gentle soap can reduce the amount of oil on the skin. ... .
Use a toner. Astringent toners that contain alcohol tend to dry out the skin. ... .
Pat the face dry. ... .
Use blotting papers and medicated pads. ... .
Use a facial mask. ... .
Apply moisturizers..

How do you get rid of oily skin naturally?

Methods for making the skin less oily.
Cleansing regularly. ... .
Limiting alcohol use. ... .
Using salicylic acid products. ... .
Using blotting papers or medicated pads. ... .
Moisturizing regularly. ... .
Making a facial mask. ... .
Using products with green tea. ... .
Making dietary changes..

What causes oily face?

There are many reasons for oily skin, including stress, humidity, genetics, and fluctuating hormones.

What clears up oily skin?

Lightweight, water-based moisturizers work well for oily skin. Always make this your last step after cleansing and toning. Also look for products that say they're “oil-free” and “non-comedogenic” to help keep pores clear.


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