What medications should be avoided with crohns disease

Also called: Regional enteritis, Regional ileitis

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What is Crohn's disease?

Crohn's disease is a chronic disease that causes inflammation in your digestive tract. It can affect any part of your digestive tract, which runs from your mouth to your anus. But it usually affects your small intestine and the beginning of your large intestine.

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Ulcerative colitis and microscopic colitis are other common types of IBD.

What causes Crohn's disease?

The cause of Crohn's disease is unknown. Researchers think that an autoimmune reaction may be one cause. An autoimmune reaction happens when your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body. Genetics may also play a role, since Crohn's disease can run in families.

Stress and eating certain foods don't cause the disease, but they can make your symptoms worse.

Who is at risk for Crohn's disease?

There are certain factors which can raise your risk of Crohn's disease:

  • Family history of the disease. Having a parent, child, or sibling with the disease puts you at higher risk.
  • Smoking. This may double your risk of developing Crohn's disease.
  • Certain medicines, such as antibiotics, birth-control pills, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen. These may slightly increase your chance of developing Crohn's.
  • A high-fat diet. This may also slightly increase your risk of Crohn's.

What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease?

The symptoms of Crohn's disease can vary, depending where and how severe your inflammation is. The most common symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Cramping and pain in your abdomen
  • Weight loss

Some other possible symptoms are:

  • Anemia, a condition in which you have fewer red blood cells than normal
  • Eye redness or pain
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Joint pain or soreness
  • Nausea or loss of appetite
  • Skin changes that involve red, tender bumps under the skin

Stress and eating certain foods such as carbonated drinks and high-fiber foods may make some people's symptoms worse.

What other problems can Crohn's disease cause?

Crohn's disease can cause other problems, including:

  • Intestinal obstruction, a blockage in the intestine
  • Fistulas, abnormal connections between two parts inside of the body
  • Abscesses, pus-filled pockets of infection
  • Anal fissures, small tears in your anus that may cause itching, pain, or bleeding
  • Ulcers, open sores in your mouth, intestines, anus, or perineum
  • Malnutrition, when your body does not get the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs
  • Inflammation in other areas of your body, such as your joints, eyes, and skin

How is Crohn's disease diagnosed?

Your health care provider may use many tools to make a diagnosis:

  • A medical history, which includes asking about your symptoms
  • A family history
  • A physical exam, including
    • Checking for bloating in your abdomen
    • Listening to sounds within your abdomen using a stethoscope
    • Tapping on your abdomen to check for tenderness and pain and to see if your liver or spleen is abnormal or enlarged
  • Various tests, including
    • Blood and stool tests
    • A colonoscopy
    • An upper GI endoscopy, a procedure in which your provider uses a scope to look inside your mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine
    • Diagnostic imaging tests, such as a CT scan or an upper GI series. An upper GI series uses a special liquid called barium and x-rays. Drinking the barium will make your upper GI tract more visible on an x-ray.

What are the treatments for Crohn's disease?

There is no cure for Crohn's disease, but treatments can decrease the inflammation in your intestines, relieve symptoms, and prevent complications. Treatments include medicines, bowel rest, and surgery. No single treatment works for everyone. You and your health care provider can work together to figure out which treatment is best for you:

  • Medicines for Crohn's include various medicines that decrease the inflammation. Some of these medicines do this by reducing the activity of your immune system. Medicines can also help with symptoms or complications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-diarrheal medicines. If your Crohn's causes an infection, you may need antibiotics.
  • Bowel rest involves drinking only certain liquids or not eating or drinking anything. This allows your intestines to rest. You may need to do this if your Crohn's disease symptoms are severe. You get your nutrients through drinking a liquid, a feeding tube, or an intravenous (IV) tube. You may need to do bowel rest in the hospital, or you may be able to do it at home. It will last for a few days or up to several weeks.
  • Surgery can treat complications and reduce symptoms when other treatments are not helping enough. The surgery will involve removing a damaged part of your digestive tract to treat
    • Fistulas
    • Bleeding that is life threatening
    • Intestinal obstructions
    • Side effects from medicines when they threaten your health
    • Symptoms when medicines do not improve your condition

Changing your diet can help reduce symptoms. Your provider may recommend that you make changes to your diet, such as:

  • Avoiding carbonated drinks
  • Avoiding popcorn, vegetable skins, nuts, and other high-fiber foods
  • Drinking more liquids
  • Eating smaller meals more often
  • Keeping a food diary to help identify foods that cause problems

Some people also need go on special diet, such as a low-fiber diet.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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  • Crohn's Disease
    What medications should be avoided with crohns disease
    (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)
    Also in Spanish
  • The Facts about Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America) - PDF
  • What Is Crohn's Disease? (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)

  • Arthritis and Joint Pain in IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America) - PDF
  • Bone Loss in IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: Emotional Factors (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Extraintestinal Complications: Kidney Disorders (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Eye Complications (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • General Healthcare Maintenance of IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Nutrition (North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition) - PDF
  • Intestinal Complications of IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Is Fatigue a Common Crohn's Disease Symptom? What Can Be Done about It? (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish
  • Liver Complications (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Managing Flares and IBD Symptoms (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Sex Intimacy and IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Skin Complications of IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)

  • Current Research Initiatives (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)
  • Inflammation
    What medications should be avoided with crohns disease
    (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease Prevalence (IBD) in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • The Facts about Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America) - PDF

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (For Teens) (Nemours Foundation) Also in Spanish
  • Navigating IBD as a Teen (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health)
  • Pregnancy and IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)

  • Young Adults and IBD (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America)

  • Colonoscopy (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
  • Crohn disease (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
  • Crohn disease - children - discharge (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
  • Crohn disease - discharge (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
  • Low-fiber diet (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
  • Lower GI Series
    What medications should be avoided with crohns disease
    (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)

What medications make Crohn's disease worse?

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)—These include aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen. They can lead to bowel inflammation—making symptoms worse.

What should Crohn's patients avoid?

Crohn's disease: Foods to avoid.
Whole grains. The high amounts of fiber in foods like whole-grain bread, whole-wheat pasta, popcorn and bran can cause a lot of traffic through the gastrointestinal tract. ... .
Beans. ... .
High-fiber fruits and vegetables. ... .
Nuts and seeds. ... .
Alcohol and caffeine. ... .
Sweeteners. ... .
Dairy. ... .
Spicy foods..

What can trigger a Crohn's flare

Summary. People with Crohn's disease experience flare-ups, during which symptoms like diarrhea, cramping, fever, fatigue, and joint pain are active. Flares can be triggered by factors like dietary changes, new medications, antibiotic use, stress, or infections. Sometimes, the cause of the flare-up is unknown.

What painkillers can I take with Crohn's disease?

For mild pain, your doctor may recommend acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) — but not other common pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve).