What job is best for me quiz

You’re looking for a career, not just another job. You want something that will pay you well, provide autonomy, and push you to grow.

It sounds like you’re looking for opportunities in tech. If you’re like most people who want more for their future, you’re probably wondering:

  • Am I ready for a career change?
  • What role is right for me?
  • What path suits my skills and interests best?
  • Where do I start?

Today is your lucky day. Our resident oracle, the Tech Career quiz, is here to guide you. Look into your future by answering a few questions about what you like best. Spreadsheets or art projects? Solo work or group collaboration? Coding or design? Big data or product strategy? Your destiny awaits.

Career Quiz

Take our quick quiz and find out which tech career has been waiting for you all along.

How to Choose the Right Career

Getting a sense of your own personality and source of motivation forms the backbone of making good career decisions. The problem is, our career choices are often affected by bias.  

According to research, early-career  preferences are predominantly cultivated by extrinsic factors such as  parental influence, peer pressure, status, and media. These preferences  tend to take a backseat when you actually start thinking responsibly about your career interests.

Which Tech Career is Right for You?

Ready to change your career and join the world’s next workforce? At Thinkful, we’ve got your back with various tech programs to get you equipped with in-demand skills.

Discover the best jobs for you with the powerful system of Holland career codes. This free test will identify your strongest career interest among six occupational themes: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (a.k.a. RIASEC).

You'll discover your top interest area and what that means for you. You'll also learn how you scored in the other 5 interest areas. Finally, you'll see a list of suggested careers based on your interest profile.

Whether you're still in school trying to decide what to study or if you're looking for a career change, this quick " What job suits me quiz" will help you decide what job suits you. This quiz will be helpful if you are not quite sure what to do with your life. Don't worry, a lot of people face the same problem. Just go for the quiz!

If you are exploring career changes and need professional advice, let us help you. Click here to register your interest and we’ll be in touch soon.

What job is best for me quiz
What job is best for me quiz

The Outgoing One

You are extroverted, charming and friendly, often described as the life of the party. Want to know how to play to your strengths and take steps to achieve your ideal salary? Speak to our Career Coaches to come up with a suitable career plan!

The Competitive One

You always strive to do the best in everything you do, constantly seeking chances to impress and improve. Want to know how to play to your strengths to achieve your ideal salary? Speak to our Career Coaches to come up with a suitable career plan!

The Introvert

You don’t seek out special attention and try to avoid social engagements whenever you can. Want to know how to play to your strengths to achieve your ideal salary? Speak to our Career Coaches to come up with a suitable career plan!

This free career aptitude test can help you decide what sort of work will suit you best, depending on your personality type, your skills and preferred ways of working. You never know, this could set you off on a new path to true job satisfaction. We all have to work, and for most of us, if you discount weekends and sleep, it takes up at least half our available time. But how many of us actually think deeply about the career paths we're taking and whether we really get happiness from them?

Time to complete:5 min.How many questions:25Time limit:NoneType of results provided:Instant (career category and explanation)

When you were young, you thought you knew what you wanted to be when you grew up. Now, you’re grown up and you aren’t so sure. This career test will take the guesswork out of finding the perfect job that fits you by analyzing your personality traits. Once you take this short personality test, you will know what profession our of our huge careers database best suits you. That will put you on the road to professional happiness.

Career Test Instructions

This quiz is easy to take, no registration is required. While all of the 25 questions are simple, each one plays an important role in gauging your working personality and skill level. Answer each question honestly in order to get accurate results. There isn’t a time limit for taking this career aptitude test, so move through it slowly if you like (it takes around 5 minutes). Then, submit your test and receive your results.

What's the Right Job for Me? Reading Your Results

What the test does:The career test will cross-reference your answers with our careers database and provide you with a career category and an explanation.What to expect next:The test will tell you what type of career best suits you and will give you several examples of jobs within that career.Examples of what you'll get:If you’re best suited as a manual laborer, the test will point out that you can seek a career path as a logger, construction worker, trucker, or firefighter. If you’re best suited for the service industry, it will point you in the direction of nursing, sales, and some other jobs.

What's Next

Once you finish the personality test and find work in your desired field, you’ll finally know what satisfaction at work feels like. You’ll be in the job that fits your personality type and skillset, so the stress will melt away. When that happens, you’ll be a new person. You’ll be ready to wake up in the morning and go to work. You’ll feel alive, invigorated, and able to take on whatever the world throws your way. You spend at least 8 hours a day at work. You might as well enjoy it. Take this career assessment test so you can get more fulfillment out of that. It’s time to stop having a job and start having a career.