What is the mother in organic apple cider vinegar

Much like kale and coconut oil, apple cider vinegar has definitely reached mainstream status, as there are tons of tonics, vitamins, and beauty products on the market that utilize this super-powered ingredient. And yes, this also extends to diets, as some swear that the "apple cider vinegar diet" supposedly helps keep the weight off.

But there are things to consider before you buy that raw unfiltered bottle of goodness at your local health food store.

Acidity levels, potential interactions with medications, and unwanted indigestion are all some common setbacks associated with apple cider vinegar, making it extra important to talk to a professional first, before you actually incorporate it into your everyday diet.

To see what other things you should be cautious of, if you do indeed decide to give apple cider vinegar a try, we spoke to a handful of experts about this eye-opening topic.

1. Make sure you are purchasing the right kind of vinegar.

Not all vinegars are the same.Mike Mozart/Flickr

It’s safe to say that there are tons of apple cider vinegar brands available on the market, but Rebecca Lee, registered nurse and founder of RemediesForMe.com told INSIDER that not all apple cider vinegars are created equal.

To bring the most health benefits to your diet, she said you’ll want to look into purchasing organic raw apple cider vinegar with the mother. She explains that "the mother" simply means strands of protein (which contain enzymes and beneficial bacteria) in organic apple cider vinegar which consists of cellulose and acetic acid, which, she says gives the vinegar a cloudy-like appearance.

2. Apple cider vinegar can be highly acidic.

It can be harsh on your teeth and throat.Romiana Lee/Shutterstock

Despite its naturally antiseptic properties, registered holistic nutritionists Jenni Bourque and Mirna Sharafeddine of The Naughty Nutritionists  explain that apple cider vinegar can be highly acidic, which can ultimately cause damage to the esophagus and tooth enamel if you aren’t careful. With this in mind, they recommend diluting your vinegar (try one teaspoon to one tablespoon) through a straw in a large glass of water to avoid drinking it straight up.

3. Be cautious if you are diabetic.

It's wise to speak to your doctor before making this part of your daily routine.Flickr/shockinglytasty

Although apple cider vinegar can lower blood sugar levels, diabetics should also be extremely cautious of using apple cider vinegar improperly. Bourque and Sharafeddine said that too much vinegar can worsen symptoms of gastroparesis for type one diabetics, making it important to talk to your doctor first, before you actually start consuming it regularly.

4. Apple cider vinegar can cause indigestion.

Not every side effect is a positive one.Universal Pictures

Indigestion is also something to look out for before consuming apple cider vinegar, as Bourque and Sharafeddine said that it can also cause nausea and heartburn. If you are experiencing any these symptoms, they recommend lowering the quantity of vinegar you are taking.

5. It can counteract your medication.

Some medications might interact with apple cider vinegar.Kristin Salaky / INSIDER

Like anything new you incorporate into your diet, it’s import to consult your physician about using apple cider vinegar first, before you go ahead and try it. Bourque and Sharafeddine explain that apple cider vinegar is known to counteract certain medications, so if you are taking prescription drugs, they recommend discussing this with your doctor first.

6. It can be an antimicrobial and antifungal agent.

Putting it on your skin can be beneficial, too.Shutterstock

When used topically, Lee says that apple cider vinegar can be very antimicrobial and antifungal, as it has been known to clear up acne, treat toe fungus, and inner ear infections. This also applies to our digestive tract, as Lee explained that the vinegar also works to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungus found in our digestive tract, where 80% of our immune system actually is.

7. But you shouldn’t drink it for probiotic benefits.

It's probably not going to improve your gut health.JeniFoto/Shutterstock

Yale-trained ER doctor Dr. Darria Long says that apple cider vinegar is often grouped into probiotics category considering the fact that it is indeed fermented. However, she explained that you’re better off eating fermented foods that have a higher probiotic content if you are looking to improve your gut health. This includes consuming raw sauerkraut, tempeh, yogurt, and kombucha regularly.

8. It probably won’t help you lose weight.

Apple cider vinegar likely isn't a weight loss miracle.Shutterstock

Apple cider vinegar has its share of benefits, but ER doctor Dr. Darria Long Gillespie said that there is no evidence that supports that apple cider vinegar can be beneficial for weight loss purposes. Experts told CNN that the notion that apple cider vinegar helps you lose weight is likely only because it can make you nauseous and not want to eat.

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What does organic apple cider vinegar with the mother mean?

What is Apple Cider Vinegar with "Mother"? The unfiltered and unrefined vinegar with cloudy and murky appearance is called apple cider vinegar with "mother". It is used for drinking purposes and has many health benefits due to the presence of beneficial bacteria, yeast and protein.

What is the mother in raw organic apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is made through a two-step process. First, yeast is added to apple juice to break down the sugars and turn them into alcohol. Then, bacteria is added, which converts the alcohol into acetic acid. This bacteria is what is known as the mother, because it is the catalyst that gives rise to the vinegar.

What is special about apple cider vinegar with the mother?

Apple cider vinegar with the mother is simply unrefined, unpasteurized and unfiltered ACV. The “mother” is a colony of beneficial bacteria, similar to a Kombucha SCOBY, that helps create vinegar through a secondary fermentation process. Vinegar is high in acetic acid and other beneficial compounds.

Should you drink the mother in apple cider vinegar?

Be warned though don't over consume Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother as too much will irritate your gut and you will end up losing weight down the loo rather than in a healthy, sensible and maintainable way.