What is the difference between a shrink and a therapist

A shrink is a slang word that refers to any mental health professional.

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that deals with the mind. They can write prescriptions, they can perform or recommend treatments and medical procedures like ECT, and they might also conduct therapy sessions.

A psychologist is someone trained to deal with mental health issues, but is not a medical doctor, and cannot give prescriptions or certain treatments. They may do evaluations, they may recommend therapy modes, and they conduct therapy. They typically have at least a master's degree in social work or psychology, and might have a PhD.

A therapist is someone with training to do therapy. Depending on local laws and licensing requirments, they might not have much more formal training than a bachelor's degree in psychology. They typically only perform therapy.

There are a lot of different schools/types of therapy. Some are focused on talk, some on thoughtful introspection or meditation, some on action. Some look at your motivations, some explore your trauma, some look at your current perceptions or reactions. Each can be useful in different circumstances. Some therapists/professionals use just one mode, some use several.

What is the difference between a shrink and a therapist

Interesting Facts in Easy English

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

  • shrink: short for headshrinker; slang for psychologist or psychiatrist
  • psychiatrist: a doctor with a specialization in mental health; can prescribe medication
  • psychologist: one who has a degree in psychology (may do research or clinical work); usually is not licensed to prescribe medication
  • term of endearment: a name that shows one’s admiration or love for someone
  • ego: one’s sense of self importance
  • alleviate: to remove something troubling or painful

Comprehension Questions

  1. What is shrink slang for?
  2. Why does the report mention a shark?
  3. In what way could the word shrink be considered a term of endearment?

Discussion Questions: What other slang words are used for jobs and professions? Do all of these words have a negative connotation?

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What is the difference between a shrink and a therapist
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Differences Between a Therapist and Psychologist

These two psychology professionals have similarities and differences.

What is the difference between a shrink and a therapist
What is the difference between a shrink and a therapist

Therapist vs. psychologist—what’s the difference? Both strive for the same result: to improve people’s lives.

Nevertheless, there are differences between the two terms and we’re here to help you understand what makes them different, so that you can choose the psychology degree program that will best fulfill your career goals.

This checklist will help you clarify the differences between a therapist and psychologist.

Therapist vs. Psychologist Checklist


  • Have an advanced degree in psychology
  • May do research or therapy
  • Diagnose disorders or problems in their patients/clients
  • Determine appropriate treatments based on clinical diagnoses and observations
  • Often work in tandem with a psychiatrist
  • Help patients/clients make decisions and clarify feelings
  • Provide support and guidance


  • Can include psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage counselors, life coaches and social workers
  • Can have any number of degrees in a variety of disciplines, including a master’s degree, PhD, MD or certificate in fields such as social work, substance abuse, clinical psychology, psychiatry or family counseling
  • Help patients/clients make decisions and clarify feelings
  • Provide support and guidance

In-Depth Differences

A psychologist is a social scientist who is trained to study human behavior and mental processes. Psychologists can work in a variety of research or clinical settings. Psychology degrees are available at all levels: bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate (PhD or PsyD). Advanced degrees and licensing are required for those in independent practice or who offer patient care, including clinical, counseling and school psychologists.

PhD programs in clinical psychology emphasize theory and research methods and prepare students for either academic work or careers as practitioners. The PsyD, which was created in the late 1960s to address a shortage of practitioners, emphasizes training in therapy and counseling. Psychologists with either degree can practice therapy but are required to complete several years of supervised practice before becoming licensed.

A psychologist will diagnose a mental disorder or problem and determine what’s best for the patient’s care. A psychologist often works in tandem with a psychiatrist, who is also a medical doctor and can prescribe medication if it is determined that medication is necessary for a patient’s treatment. Psychologists can do research, which is a very important contribution academically and clinically, to the profession.

A therapist is a broader umbrella term for professionals who are trained—and often licensed—to provide a variety of treatments and rehabilitation for people. Therapists can be psychoanalysts, marriage counselors, social workers and life coaches, among other specialties. A therapist’s goal is to help patients make decisions and clarify their feelings in order to solve problems. Therapists provide support and guidance, while helping patients make effective decisions within the overall structure of support. When selecting a therapist, their education, licensing and professional credentials should be essential considerations.