What is the current interest rate for investment property

A mortgage in 3 steps

Mortgage calculator

Calculate your mortgage and monthly payment in 2 minutes. Also useful if you have a house in mind.

House hunting

From orientation to viewing and finding the right broker. Read what is involved in buying a house.

Mortgage calculator

Calculate your mortgage and monthly payment in 2 minutes. Also useful if you have a house in mind.

House hunting

From orientation to viewing and finding the right broker. Read what is involved in buying a house.

No-obligations mortgage meeting

To find out more about your options, make an appointment for a free, no-obligations orientation meeting. This can take place wherever and whenever suits you best, by telephone or in a video call.

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More about mortgage rates

Discount on your mortgage interest rate

You will get a 0.20% discount on your mortgage interest rate if:

  • Your salary is paid into an ABN AMRO current account 
  • You buy a new-build or energy-efficient home

If you meet both conditions, you will receive a 0.35% discount on your interest rate.

Your mortgage interest rate

Your mortgage interest rate depends on the following:

  • Your mortgage product 
  • Your mortgage type 
  • Fixed or variable interest rates 
  • The fixed-rate period 
  • The mortgage loan amount compared to the value of your home

Fixed or a variable rate of interest

Fixed interest rate 

Your interest rate will stay the same for the period of time you agree with us, which can range from 1 to 30 years. This is what is known as the fixed-rate period. During this period, you will pay the same interest rate every month.

Variable interest rate Your interest rate can go up or down every month. This means that you will not have certainty as to how much you will be paying every month.

Mortgage interest deduction

If you are eligible for mortgage interest deduction, you will receive a proportion of the mortgage interest you pay back from the Dutch tax authorities. How much exactly you will get back depends on your income. Read more about deductible interest.

Interest rate averaging

If you would like to benefit from the current lower mortgage interest rate, but do not wish to pay a penalty in a single lump sum, you may wish to consider interest rate averaging. You will then start a new fixed-rate period with a new interest rate. The penalty payable for this can be spread out over the new fixed-rate period, meaning that you will pay it in the form of an interest rate markup.

Example Level-Payment Mortgage (Annuïteiten Hypotheek)

Loan amount €200,000
Mortgage rate 2%
Fixed-rate period 30 jaar
Interest amount €333,33
Redemption €405,91
Gross monthly payment €739,24
Total price of the mortgage €266.126,40
Annual percentage rate of charge 2.02%

The calculation example only shows the monthly payment for the 1st month. Without any insurance premiums.

More about mortgage rates

Discount on your mortgage interest rate

You will get a 0.20% discount on your mortgage interest rate if:

  • Your salary is paid into an ABN AMRO current account 
  • You buy a new-build or energy-efficient home

If you meet both conditions, you will receive a 0.35% discount on your interest rate.

Your mortgage interest rate depends on the following:

  • Your mortgage product 
  • Your mortgage type 
  • Fixed or variable interest rates 
  • The fixed-rate period 
  • The mortgage loan amount compared to the value of your home

Fixed or a variable rate of interest

Fixed interest rate 

Your interest rate will stay the same for the period of time you agree with us, which can range from 1 to 30 years. This is what is known as the fixed-rate period. During this period, you will pay the same interest rate every month.

Variable interest rate Your interest rate can go up or down every month. This means that you will not have certainty as to how much you will be paying every month.

Mortgage interest deduction

If you are eligible for mortgage interest deduction, you will receive a proportion of the mortgage interest you pay back from the Dutch tax authorities. How much exactly you will get back depends on your income. Read more about deductible interest.

Interest rate averaging

If you would like to benefit from the current lower mortgage interest rate, but do not wish to pay a penalty in a single lump sum, you may wish to consider interest rate averaging. You will then start a new fixed-rate period with a new interest rate. The penalty payable for this can be spread out over the new fixed-rate period, meaning that you will pay it in the form of an interest rate markup.

Example Level-Payment Mortgage (Annuïteiten Hypotheek)

Loan amount €200,000
Mortgage rate 2%
Fixed-rate period 30 jaar
Interest amount €333,33
Redemption €405,91
Gross monthly payment €739,24
Total price of the mortgage €266.126,40
Annual percentage rate of charge 2.02%

The calculation example only shows the monthly payment for the 1st month. Without any insurance premiums.

Reasons for taking out a mortgage from ABN AMRO

Discount on your mortgage interest

Client discount of up to 0.2% if you have an ABN AMRO payment package. And a sustainability discount of up to 0.15% when you buy an energy-efficient home or take further sustainability measures.

Free orientation meeting

To find out more about your options, make an appointment  for an orientation meeting, free of charge. Wherever and whenever suits you best, by telephone or in a video call.

Manage your mortgage yourself

You can view and change your mortgage yourself on Internet Banking. From changing the interest rate to making additional repayments. It’s secure and easy.

Most frequently searched terms regarding mortgages

What is the interest rate on an investment property?

Investment property rates are usually at least 0.5% to 0.75% higher than standard rates. So at today's average rate of 6.25% (6.282% APR) for a primary residence, buyers can expect interest rates to start around 6.75% to 7% (6.782 - 7.032% APR) for a single-unit investment property.

What is the interest rate on a second home?

Mortgage rates are somewhat higher on second home mortgages — by as much as 0.5 percent, 0.75 percent or 1 percent more. This is in part to compensate for the risk of a second home, which you're much more likely to walk away from if you weren't able to make payments compared to your primary residence.


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