What happens if you leave strep untreated

Strep throat is more common this time of year. According to the CDC, between 11,000 and 13,000 strep throat cases happen each year, but they’re highly preventable and treatable.

If you start to experience strep throat symptoms, though, it’s important to treat this infection ASAP. Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team explains why below.

What Is Strep Throat?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection that is caused by a bacteria called Group A Streptococcus. This type of bacteria spreads through airborne droplets and coming in contact with fomites, such as strep bacteria on doorknobs.

We’ve listed the most common strep throat symptoms below.

Common Strep Throat Symptoms

  • A sudden fever, especially if it’s 101˚F or higher
  • A sore, red throat with white patches
  • A headache
  • Chills
  • A loss of appetite
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
  • Trouble swallowing

When Should Strep Throat Be Treated?

If you have a sore throat that’s accompanied by a fever or one of the symptoms we’ve listed above, you likely have strep throat. If this is the case, medical experts suggest visiting a healthcare provider within 48 hours to get the necessary treatment, such as antibiotics. Since strep throat is a bacterial infection, antibiotics are necessary to get rid of the infection and make sure that it doesn’t spread through the body.

If strep throat isn’t treated, however, it can cause serious health complications. If you believe you may have strep throat, visit our AFC center to get a rapid strep test for an accurate diagnosis, which will help you stay healthy this winter!

Complications Caused By Untreated Strep Throat

  • Rheumatic fever—an autoimmune disease that may develop after a strep throat infection. It’s especially common among children ages 5–15, although older teens and adults may develop the disease.
  • Otitis media—when strep throat bacteria move into the inner ear and cause an ear infection. Bacteria in the inner ear can cause severe pain, dizziness and nausea.
  • Meningitis—occurs when the fluid surrounding the membranes of the brain and spinal cord become infected. In rare cases, meningitis can be fatal.
  • Pneumonia—when the bacteria that cause strep throat move into the lungs.
  • Toxic shock syndrome—in rare cases, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream. If the bacteria release toxins in multiple organs while in the bloodstream, it causes toxic shock syndrome, which can result in catastrophic organ failure.

Our AFC Urgent Care Hixson team is here for you now and always! Don’t hesitate to visit us today.

Strep throat is a common infection among children, but adults can certainly get it, too.

This bacterial infection is more common during the winter months, and it should be treated sooner rather than later to prevent serious potential side effects.

Our AFC Urgent Care South Charlotte team provides further information on strep throat below, so keep reading!

What Should I Know About Strep Throat?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection that is caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria, which causes throat pain and inflammation. It is highly contagious, and it spreads through the air and by close contact.

While the overall symptoms of strep throat vary a little bit, the first symptoms typically remain consistent. In many cases, the first symptoms of this infection are a sore throat, difficulty swallowing and a fever. We’ve listed some other common symptoms of strep throat below.

Common Strep Throat Symptoms

  • Sudden sore, red throat with white patches
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
  • Trouble swallowing

How Bad Is It to Leave Strep Throat Untreated?

It’s definitely not good or safe to do so. Since strep throat is a bacterial infection, the bacteria can spread throughout the body and cause the below-mentioned complications if it isn’t treated in a timely manner.

If you experience strep throat symptoms, it’s important to get a strep throat test ASAP to confirm your diagnosis. Our AFC center offers molecular, rapid strep tests that provide accurate results in 15 minutes or less.

Complications Caused By Untreated Strep Throat

  • Rheumatic fever—an autoimmune disease that may develop after a strep throat infection. It’s especially common among children ages 5–15, although older teens and adults may develop the disease.
  • Otitis media—when strep throat bacteria move into the inner ear and cause an ear infection. Bacteria in the inner ear can cause severe pain, dizziness and nausea.
  • Meningitis—occurs when the fluid surrounding the membranes of the brain and spinal cord become infected. In rare cases, meningitis can be fatal.
  • Pneumonia—when the bacteria that cause strep throat move into the lungs.
  • Toxic shock syndrome—in rare cases, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream. If the bacteria release toxins in multiple organs while in the bloodstream, it causes toxic shock syndrome, which can result in catastrophic organ failure.

Need a strep test? You don’t need an appointment to get one at our AFC center, so don’t hesitate to stop by today!

How long can you have untreated strep throat?

Strep throat typically goes away within three to seven days with or without antibiotic treatment. If strep throat is not treated with antibiotics, you may be contagious for two to three weeks and at a higher risk for complications such as rheumatic fever.

Will strep throat go away by itself?

Strep throat typically goes away in three to seven days with or without antibiotic treatment. However, if you don't take antibiotics, you can remain contagious for two to three weeks and are at a higher risk for complications, such as rheumatic fever.

Can strep throat heal untreated?

Strep throat will not go away all by itself. If you leave it untreated, you might find yourself dealing with reoccurring strep throat for months on end. The most common antibiotic for strep throat is amoxicillin.

Can strep turn into something else?

Caused by the group A streptococcus bacteria, strep throat is an infection that requires prompt treatment, particularly in children over the age of 3. Left untreated, strep throat can lead to kidney inflammation or rheumatic fever, a serious illness that can cause stroke and permanent damage to the heart.