What happens if you don t change the water filter in your fridge

It’s a question we often get from homeowners: What will happen if I don’t change my refrigerator’s water filter? 

The short answer is nothing you’ll immediately notice.

However – you are compromising on water quality, and may over time, damage your refrigerator. Read on to learn more about water filtration in your refrigerator from Appliance Rescue in Dallas, Texas:

Why You Must Change the Water Filter

If your filter light has been red for some time, telling you to change the water filter, but you feel like you can’t tell a difference so it’s fine – then you’re mistaken. Water filters are designed to last about 6 months, and after that point, the filter stops being as effective. This means that pollutants, minerals, and other sediments from the pipes - or things that the water treatment plant doesn’t remove - can find their way into your water supply. You may also begin to notice an odor or slightly odd taste to the water – it’s because the water isn’t being effectively filtered.

Another reason to change the filter? The water will begin to flow more slowly, as the dirty filter clogs and cuts off the water’s ability to flow freely. This can lead to buildup in your refrigerator, damaging components, if left unchecked over time.

Most manufacturers recommend changing your filter every 6 months. Many refrigerators will have an indicator light that will shine when it’s time to change the filter, just be sure to reset it once you change the filter!

If you’re not sure how to change your refrigerator’s water filter or suspect some other refrigerator repair is needed, then call us at Appliance Rescue Service in Dallas, Texas. As a leading appliance repairman in Dallas, we will get your problem solved quickly and courteously. Proudly serving Dallas, Fort Worth, and the surrounding suburbs. 

Tom Lohr is an avid home improvement enthusiast. He prefers to spend the money he saves on new tools and gardening supplies.

Typical Filter

Typical Filter

Tom Lohr

Why Do Manufacturers Recommend Changing Your Filter Every Six Months?

Water filters are the real cash cow of the appliance industry. Like clockwork, the "change filter" light comes on every six months, prompting you to change your water filter. According to most manufacturers, if you don't, a giant asteroid will collide with the earth, and we will all be killed. In reality, each time that light illuminates, the company that sold you your refrigerator hears a cash register.

Water filters are not cheap. If you stick with the recommended brand (of course supplied by the manufacturer), you will be shelling out somewhere between $20–50. I am not sure about you, but spending $50 every six months hits my wallet pretty hard.

The same could be said of the auto industry. For decades, automakers swore that you needed to change your oil every 3,000 miles or risk serious engine damage. As it turns out, under normal driving conditions, your oil lasts significantly longer than that.

It is the same with refrigerator water filters. They do not need to be changed twice a year. Once a year, maybe. That 50 bucks you save could fill a shelf on your refrigerator with something you really need—say, beer, for instance.

The Guts of a Water Filter

The Guts of a Water Filter

Tom Lohr

What Is Inside Your Refrigerator Water Filter

I just changed my filter last week, after four years. I figured it was time. The area I live in has very hard water, and I imagined the inside of my filter being choked with hard water deposits.

So I bit the bullet, bought an off-brand filter (much cheaper than the manufacturer's brand), and changed it out. The process was super simple. But now that I had that old filter in my hand, I had to know just how nasty it was on the inside. So, I cut it open to see.

After locking down the filter in a vise, I introduced it to my hacksaw. After five minutes of sawing, the mystery of the inside of refrigerator water filters was revealed. Franky, I was underwhelmed.

Inside that thick, plastic shell is a round charcoal filter with a hole in it. There was no nastiness, no slime, no goo, and absolutely no hard water deposits. I even cut the charcoal element in half and was even more underwhelmed.

After purging the air out of the line by dispensing 10 or so glasses of water, the flow was the same, and the taste was the same. Personally, I think it could have gone another four years without changing.

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The Filtering Element

The Filtering Element

Tom Lohr

Hit the Reset

According to the manufacturer's manuals, the charcoal element will eventually stop filtering out the nasty creatures that live in the water. But think of what feeds your water filter: city tap water.

The water supplied by your municipality is tested regularly and deemed safe to drink. Then it runs through your refrigerator filter. If you have funky tasting water in your locale, then maybe it helps. But in most cases, it isn't doing much.

If your water is tasting funny and you begin to see black bits of charcoal in your dispensed water, or if the flow is significantly reduced, then, by all means, spend the dough and get a new filter. Otherwise, consider saving a few bucks and hit the filter reset button.

One of Two Filter End Pieces

One of Two Filter End Pieces

Tom Lohr

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Questions & Answers

Question: If I don't use my refrigerator ice maker or water do I just do reset when red light goes on?

Answer: Yes.

Question: I have a model RF261 BEAESR Samsung refrigerator and I need to change the water filter. The manual says to turn off the water, but I cannot move the fridge to get to the water valve. Do I have to turn off the water before changing the filter?

Answer: On my Samsung, I did not have to shut off the water. Your model may be different. I recommend shutting off your main house water line if you cannot reach your desiccated refrigerator line. Better safe than sorry.

Ron on April 16, 2019:

It must be two years since I installed my first filter and I noticed the water improvement over the tap right away, very glad for that. And after all this time it still seems fine to me, I just keep resetting the light.

Angel Guzman from Joliet, Illinois on March 17, 2019:

After six months Sears mailed me one and my card charged. The water taste fine to me and its been 7 months now. Haven't changed it yet.

Do I really need to change my refrigerator water filter?

Refrigerator filters should be replaced every 6 months. Never leave a filter in place longer than a year. The longer you use a carbon filter beyond its maximum capacity, the more harmful your water could become.

How long can you go without replacing water filter?

Most refrigerator makers recommend that you replace your water filters every six months.

Will a bad water filter cause a refrigerator?

Failing to change the filter will prevent chemical buildup in the water supply and ice machine, which will start to deteriorate the functionality of your fridge.