What happens if a dog eats rib bones

If you’re grilling up ribs this summer, you might be wondering if it’s OK to toss your dog a bone or two. But can dogs eat rib bones?

Swallowing rib bones is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY because it can actually result in a couple different serious health problems.

We spoke with Dr. Michelle Burch, a veterinarian with Paramount Pet Health, and Dr. Sara Ochoa, a small- and exotic-animal veterinarian in Texas and a veterinary consultant for DogLab, to find out why eating rib bones is so unsafe for dogs.

Dangers of giving your dog rib bones

There are a bunch of dangers that come with giving your dog rib bones to eat or chew on.

Gastrointestinal obstruction

It’s super easy for rib bones to obstruct or damage your dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

“Perforation of the esophagus or intestines can occur when bones shard into sharp points,” Dr. Burch told The Dodo. “Dogs can develop constipation or bleeding from the rectum due to bone ingestion.”

If this happens, it can be fatal if your dog doesn’t get treated ASAP. So if your pup swallows any rib bones, bring him to the vet immediately.

More minor symptoms include stomach and intestinal irritation, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.

Damage to your dog’s mouth and throat

Eating rib bones can also do some major damage to your dog’s teeth, mouth and throat, including:

  • Breaking teeth
  • Lodging pieces of bone in teeth
  • Creating a choking hazard
  • Cutting the mouth and esophagus

They just aren’t worth the risk

Since there are so many potentially dangerous things that can happen when your dog eats rib bones, there really isn’t any point in giving them to your pup in the first place.

“There are no real benefits of your dog eating a rib bone,” Dr. Ochoa told The Dodo. “While their ancestors may have eaten bones, our house dogs have evolved and do not need to eat these bones as they are provided a well-balanced diet.”

Can dogs eat rib bones safely in any way?

If you’re hoping that there’s still a way you can safely give your dog rib bones, we’ve got some bad news for you.

“There is not a safe way to give your dog a rib bone,” Dr. Ochoa said. “It is best to never feed your dog bones from any protein source.”

Why can’t dogs eat pork rib bones?

“Pork is high in fat and can lead to pancreatitis,” Dr. Ochoa said. “The bone can also accidently be swallowed, causing your dog to have an obstruction and need surgery to remove the bone.”

Why can’t dogs eat beef rib bones?

“These bones can become stuck in your dog's stomach or intestines, get stuck in their throats or across the top of their mouth,” Dr. Ochoa said.

Why can’t dogs eat cooked rib bones?

“These are slightly safer than uncooked bones, but they can also cause many health issues, such as vomiting and diarrhea,” Dr. Ochoa said.

So it doesn’t matter where they’re coming from or whether they’ve been cooked or not — dogs can’t eat rib bones safely. So if you see your dog sneaking a rib bone at your next cookout, grab it from him ASAP. And if you suspect he’s swallowed one, get him to the vet right away.

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When you finish up your pork chop, is it okay to give your dog the bone? The answer is no. A pork bone actually might be dangerous for your dog to consume.

Why Aren’t Pork Bones Safe for Dogs?

Pork bones, whether raw or cooked, are likely to splinter and crack when your dog chews on them. Your dog might attempt to swallow small pieces of the pork bone, which could lead to choking, intestinal blockages, or damage to the esophagus or intestines. All of these conditions are extremely dangerous.

Because pork bones are relatively small, big dogs might attempt to swallow them whole, which is also very dangerous.

Are Any Bones Safe for Dogs to Eat?

It’s okay to give your dog large, raw, cow bones or bison bones. The bone must be big enough so that your dog cannot attempt to swallow it, and it must be raw, so that it will not splinter. Remember that you should always be supervising your dog after you’ve given them a bone. This article has more guidelines about how to safely give a dog a bone.

What Should I Do if My Dog Eats a Pork Bone?

What should you do if your dog manages to get their paws on a pork bone? If possible, take the bone away immediately. If your dog has already swallowed the bone, or part of the bone, you will need to monitor them very closely for signs of distress. It is possible that your dog may be able to pass the bone through their digestive tract without issue, but eating a bone could result in major problems.

Vomiting, excessive drooling, abnormal bowel movements, and lack of appetite are all symptoms of an intestinal blockage. If you observe any of these symptoms, take your dog to the vet right away. Your vet will determine whether the best course of action is waiting and watching, endoscopy, or surgery.

What Are Some Other Uses for Pork Bones?

If you don’t want those pork bones to go to waste, you could try using them to make a broth. Mix a little broth in with your dog’s food to give it extra flavor. You should consult your veterinarian before doing this, though, especially if your dog has intestinal or dietary issues.

What to do if dog eats rib bones?

If this happens, it can be fatal if your dog doesn't get treated ASAP. So if your pup swallows any rib bones, bring him to the vet immediately. More minor symptoms include stomach and intestinal irritation, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.

Can a dog survive eating a rib bone?

As much as your dog might appreciate a spare rib bone, though, it can pose a serious health risk. While rib bones won't always cause problems, any cooked bone has the potential to splinter as your dog chews it. Sharp bone shards can lead to a whole host of digestive issues that may prove fatal in some cases.

Can a dog digest a beef rib bone?

Beef Bones One of the most frequent questions we see is, “can dogs eat beef rib bones?” Yes, as long as they're large. Beef bones are naturally harder than most other types of animal bones, making them more difficult for dogs to break down.

Will cooked rib bones hurt my dog?

Cooked bones can splinter and cause severe internal damage to dogs. Rib bones from table scraps are absolutely off-limits, along with any other cooked bones. Raw bones pose potential risks, and should only be consumed under careful observation. Dogs may enjoy chewing on, and even consuming, rib bones from pork or beef.