What credit reports are used for mortgages

Your credit score is just one element that goes into a lender’s approval of your mortgage. Here are some other things lenders look at.

1. Debt-To-Income Ratio

Debt-to-income ratio, or DTI, is the percentage of your gross monthly income that goes toward paying off debt. Again, having less debt in relation to your income makes you less risky to the lender, which means you’re able to safely borrow more on your mortgage.

To find your DTI, divide the amount of recurring debt (credit cards, student loans, car payments, etc.) you have by your monthly income. Here’s an example:

If your debt is $1,000 per month and your monthly income is $3,000, your DTI is $1,000 / $3,000 = 0.33, or 33%.

It’s to your advantage to aim for a DTI of 50% or lower; the lower your DTI, the better chance you have at being offered a lower interest rate.

2. Loan-To-Value Ratio

The loan-to-value ratio (LTV) is used by lenders to assess their risk in lending to you. It’s the loan amount divided by the house purchase price.

For example, let’s say you buy a home for $150,000 and take out a mortgage loan for $120,000. Your LTV would be 80%. As you pay off more of your loan, your LTV decreases. A higher LTV is riskier for your lender because it means your loan covers a majority of the home’s cost.

LTV decreases when your down payment increases. Going off the example we’ve just used, if you get a mortgage of $110,000 instead because you put down $40,000 ($10,000 more than before), your LTV is now 0.73, or 73%.

Different lenders accept different LTV ranges, but it’s best if your ratio is 80% or less. If your LTV is greater than 80%, you may be required to pay a form of mortgage insurance . Keep in mind that this varies by loan type and some loans, like VA loans, may allow you to finance the full purchase price of the house without you having to pay mortgage insurance.

3. Income And Assets

Your lender wants to be sure that you maintain steady employment. Lenders often ask for 2 years of proof of income and assets. The steadiness of your income could affect the interest rate you’re offered.

Image: Young couple going through their paperwork together at home

In a Nutshell

When you apply for a mortgage, the lender checks your credit to get a picture of your financial health before deciding whether to lend you the money. Rather than pulling separate reports from the three big consumer credit bureaus, lenders can snap up a single residential mortgage credit report that combines multiple reports into one. Here’s what you need to know about these reports.

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If you’ve ever checked your credit scores, it’s likely you got them separately from the three major consumer credit-reporting bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Or you might use a service that shows you more than one. If you obtained more than one score or report at once, you may have noticed they were similar. But if you’re checking your credit to get a mortgage, know that those scores don’t tell you the whole story.

A mortgage lender trying to figure out if you’re creditworthy wants a complete picture of how you use credit. But it can be challenging to put that picture together by looking at a single credit report from one of the three major consumer credit bureaus. That’s because lenders and other creditors may not report to each of the big three, resulting in each bureau having different information for you.

To help solve this, lenders can obtain special compiled credit reports that merge multiple reports into one, giving a more-complete picture of your credit history.

There are two types of compiled credit reports a mortgage lender might pull to evaluate your finances. There’s the so-called “tri-merge” report: a single, easy-to-read credit report compiled from the individual reports issued by the three major consumer credit bureaus. And then there’s the residential mortgage credit report, which compiles at least two reports from the three bureaus and typically offers additional information to help lenders assess how risky a borrower you are.

  • Tri-merge report vs. residential mortgage credit report
  • When are credit reports used in the mortgage process?
  • What if I need to improve my credit?

A compiled report can be a convenient tool for a mortgage lender because it consolidates your credit history from multiple credit bureaus into one organized rundown.

Because compiled reports combine info from multiple credit bureaus, they present a more-complete credit profile than a consumer sees when pulling a report from just one bureau, says Aaron Morse, mortgage loan officer at the New Jersey–based Affinity Federal Credit Union. This is in part because, again, your lenders and creditors may not report your information to all three bureaus — or it may take one bureau longer to update your report — so each bureau’s report and scores might differ slightly.

Mortgage lenders may be using the tri-merge credit report, or they may be using the more in-depth residential mortgage credit report, or RMCR, which they obtain from a third-party company that specializes in them. You typically won’t be able to get one of these on your own.

According to Morse, borrowers are sometimes surprised by what turns up in a tri-merge report because they only check their report at one credit bureau before visiting his office. But tri-merge reports occasionally surface details that may not be shown in one or more of the consumer credit reports if, for instance, a merchant reported to only one credit bureau.

While a tri-merge report will essentially show the same information you’d see by pulling your own credit reports from all three major credit bureaus, a residential mortgage credit report contains additional details you won’t find when you check your credit reports yourself. That’s because an RMCR is designed to give the lender more insight into the risks of lending you a lot of money — in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars — for a mortgage. For example, an RMCR may also include your employment history and current income.

When are credit reports used in the mortgage process?

A lender will typically pull and review your credit reports once you’ve completed your mortgage application. Morse advises against having your reports pulled by the lender when you’re just starting the home-buying process, because it’s considered a hard credit inquiry, which can hurt your credit scores.

Instead, he recommends using a lender who’s willing to first talk about your budget and ensure you’re financially ready to move forward. That way you can be certain a hard inquiry will be worth it.

What if I need to improve my credit?

When you’re preparing to buy a house, it’s a good idea to check all three of your credit reports as issued by the three major consumer credit bureaus — essentially creating your own compiled report. Having all three credit reports can give you a good picture of your overall credit health, which can allow you to dispute any errors or investigate any problems you find before a lender sees them.

And because your residential mortgage credit report contains many of the same factors that are in your individual credit reports at the three major consumer credit bureaus, the steps you can take to clean up your reports and improve your credit are the same for an RMCR as they are for an individual report, Morse says.

The consumer credit bureaus may prohibit or frown upon lenders sharing RMCRs with borrowers, but the report contains a lot of useful information on how you look to lenders. And while it’s not advisable to make an issue of it if the lender says no, it won’t hurt to ask the lender for your residential mortgage credit report.

About the author: Emily Starbuck Gerson is a full-time freelance writer in San Antonio who’s been covering personal finance since 2007. She has written for numerous national publications and enjoys helping people make better decisions … Read more.

What credit report do most lenders use?

FICO ® Scores are the most widely used credit scores—90% of top lenders use FICO ® Scores. Every year, lenders access billions of FICO ® Scores to help them understand people's credit risk and make better–informed lending decisions.

Which of the 3 credit scores do lenders use?

What Credit Score Do Lenders Use? The two main companies that produce and maintain credit scoring models are FICO® and VantageScore. Lenders most commonly use the FICO® Score to make lending decisions, and in particular, the FICO® Score 8 is the most popular version for general use.

Which FICO score do mortgages use?

The most commonly used FICO Score in the mortgage-lending industry is the FICO Score 5. According to FICO, the majority of lenders pull credit histories from all three credit reporting agencies as they evaluate mortgage applications. Mortgage lenders may also use FICO Score 2 or FICO Score 4 in their decisions as well.

Do banks use TransUnion or Equifax?

“In general, lenders have a preferred credit report between Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion. However, they may pull more than one credit report if they can't determine if you qualify for a loan based on one. If you're unsure, ask which one they pull.


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