Vitamins to avoid with high blood pressure

High Blood Pressure is a condition that can lead to coronary heart diseases, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure and other health problems. With little tell tale-signs or symptoms, it is easy to miss the diagnosis of hypertension. Some may only realise it when they suffer from complications like a stroke or heart attack. You can control high blood pressure through healthy lifestyle habits and taken medicines if needed. Read on and find out more.

  1. Why do I take this high blood pressure medication and my friend takes another type?

    There are several categories of high blood pressure medications available, each class with its pros and cons. They act in different ways to lower your blood pressure. The common examples of different classes of high blood pressure medications are diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors, angiotensin antagonists, calcium channel blockers. Your doctor will select the class of blood pressure medications that is most suitable for you, taking into consideration your age, gender and medical history.

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  3. Why do I have to take 2 medications instead of just 1, if they both work to decrease my blood pressure?

    When your blood pressure is not well controlled with one medication, your doctor may add on another blood pressure medication instead of increasing the dose of your current one. This is to reduce the risk of side effects from one medication from becoming more significant due to the increased dose.

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  5. What foods should I avoid if I have high blood pressure?
    • Fatty foods
      Foods high in saturated fats should be avoided or reduced in one’s daily diet. Examples include margarine, vegetable oils, butter, lard, whole milk, sausages, fried foods and so on. All these saturated fats are not good for the heart and blood vessels, as they would cause the thickening of blood vessels, causing more strain for high blood pressure patients.
    • Alcohol
      It is shown that an alcohol intake of 80g/day can raise blood pressure. High alcohol intake can cause major damage to the blood vessels, resulting in an elevated blood pressure. However, alcohol in small and moderate amounts is still permissible.
    • Salty Foods
      More dietary salt intake would result in more greater retention of fluid by the kidneys, which would in turn increase blood volume and ultimately increase blood pressure.  Examples of food high in salt content are like pizza, canned foods, broths and salad dressings.
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  7. I don’t experience any symptoms of high blood pressure. Do I still need to take my high blood pressure medications?


    Unlike a headache or back pain, high blood pressure may not exhibit any symptoms. The accurate way to determine if the blood pressure is elevated is measurement by via a blood pressure monitoring kit with a few simple steps.

    Although the measurements show that your blood pressure is in the normal range, it could be due to the pressure lowering effect from your medications. The best way to consider the option of stopping your medication is to consult your doctor. Do not discontinue the medications on your own.

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  9. If I start on high blood pressure medications, do I have to take it for life?
    It depends on your condition and blood pressure control. Certain patients may need to take it high blood pressure medications for life while some may stop the medications after taking it for a period of time. Please do discuss with your doctor if you have any concerns regarding your high blood pressure therapy.
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  11. I missed my dose of high blood pressure medication yesterday, is it ok?
    Continue to take your high blood pressure medication as indicated, as soon as you remember; do not double the dose the following day. Please inform your doctor if you missed any dose. Also, it would be good to set a reminder or alarm to take your medication so that you would not miss it.
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  13. Can I take my high blood pressure medications with vitamins?
    Certain OTC (over the counter) supplements may interfere or interact with your medications, resulting in unwanted side effects or reduced/increased effects of your medications. Please consult your pharmacist before starting on any supplements on your own.
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  15. Can I eat take my high blood pressure medications at night?
    High blood pressure medications may be taken either in the day or night depending on your condition. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist and follow the prescribed dosing of your medication.
  16. Measuring your blood pressure at home and keeping a record of the measurements is a good way to take part in managing your own health.

    NHG Pharmacy carries a wide range of blood pressure monitoring sets. Our Pharmacist can help you choose one that best suits your needs and advise you on the appropriate techniques for taking your blood pressure at home.

    What vitamins is not good for high blood pressure?

    “In theory, too-high levels potentially can result in calcium deposits ending up on blood vessel walls, in heart valves and even in the liver and kidneys. So our advice is not to start vitamin D as a means to lower blood pressure.”

    What vitamins can cause high pressure?

    Examples of herbal supplements that can affect your blood pressure or blood pressure medications include:.
    Arnica (Arnica montana).
    Ephedra (ma-huang).
    Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius and Panax ginseng).
    Guarana (Paullinia cupana).
    Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra).

    Do any vitamins affect blood pressure?

    Some vitamins and supplements, such as coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) and melatonin, have been found to have antihypertensive effects, meaning they can help lower blood pressure. 4 However certain supplements have been found to raise blood pressure or interact with blood pressure, blood-thinning, and other medications.

    Is it OK to take multivitamins if you have high blood pressure?

    Regular vitamins should not have any impact on your blood pressure. Certain herbal medications may affect blood pressure, so if you take herbal medications, it is important to screen each of them for interactions with your blood pressure or blood pressure medications.


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