The best thing since sliced bread meaning

the best thing since sliced bread

A humorous and hyperbolic statement indicating one's belief that something is excellent, especially something new and innovative. These waterproof jeans are the best thing since sliced bread. I don't have to worry about getting soaked!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

the best thing since sliced bread

If someone thinks that something is the best thing since sliced bread, they think it is very good. When your programme first started I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. Note: You can also say that something is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The new mill was the greatest thing since sliced bread and nobody was thinking about environmental issues. Note: These expressions are often used to show that you think that the person's opinion is wrong or foolish.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

the best (or greatest) thing since sliced bread

a notable new idea, person, or thing (used to express real or ironic appreciation). informal

This phrase alludes to the mid 20th-century advertising promotions for packed, pre-sliced loaves.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

the best thing since sliced ˈbread

(informal, spoken) if you say that something is the best thing since sliced bread, you think it is extremely good, interesting, etc: My father doesn’t like him very much, but my mother thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread!

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

sliced bread

The last best thing. An American inventor named Otto Rohwedder devised a machine that sliced a loaf of bread into individual slices. First sold in 1928, it was touted as “the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped,” which led to popular phrase “the best thing since sliced bread.” All of which raises the question, what did people say before “sliced bread”? “The best thing since indoor plumbing” was one phrase. And before that?—“since powdered wigs?” “Since moveable type?” “Since fire?”

Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price Copyright © 2011 by Steven D. Price

See also:
  • (something) is the new (something)
  • a whole different animal
  • a whole different ball of wax
  • a whole different beast
  • (something) to go on
  • a fast talker
  • (one) could use (something)
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • a slew of (something)

Who hasn't heard the phrase, "the best thing since sliced bread?" Bread is one of our oldest and most basic sources of nourishment ... and just the mention of it brings back vivid childhood memories of visiting my cousins, the Di Rienzos, at their bakery in Binghamton, New York. I looked forward to the times I could ride with them on their truck as they delivered loaves of fresh Italian bread and rolls to shops and schools in their area. The pre-dawn aroma of fresh baked bread remains with me to this day. We must have delivered hundreds of loaves each day, and I always wondered how a middling-sized bakery could turn out so much bread. The answer of course lies in mechanization.

The making of bread is one of the oldest food technologies, going as far back as the Neolithic era, coeval and linked with the brewing of beer. It was also one of the first food products to succumb to automatic machinery, from the mass production and bleaching of flour, kneading of the dough, baking in continuous ovens, and, finally, to the slicing and wrapping of the bread. Much of the mechanization derived from Europe in the 19th century but peaked in the American Midwest during the 1920s and 1930s.

Bread-making technology spawned many inventions and patents, like the bread-slicer. While the earliest bread-cutting devices using parallel blades appeared in America in the 1860s, they sat on the shelf for decades, awaiting the introduction of other machines capable of producing loaves of uniform shape, size, and consistency.

The first effective bread-slicing machine was invented by Iowa-born Otto Frederick Rohwedder and put into service in 1928 by the Chillicothe (Missouri) Baking Company (the local paper ran a front page story on it). By the 1930s, pre-sliced bread was fully commercialized, and standardization was reinforced by other inventions that required uniform slices, such as toasters. The common phrase, "the best thing since sliced bread," as a way of hyping a new product or invention may have come into use based on an advertising slogan for Wonder Bread, the first commercial manufacturer of pre-wrapped, pre-sliced bread. With such products rapidly penetrating the American home, automated bread-making was not only an invention benchmark, but also a key indicator of the mechanization of daily life from the 1930s onward.

Machine-made bread eventually became almost wholly artificial, bearing little resemblance to the look, feel, and taste of the hand-made variety -- so much so that manufacturers felt compelled to inject it with artificial vitamins to restore food value. And the soft, sponge-like, and very white "bread" found some unexpected applications. For instance, while bread had been used since the 17th century to clean the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Wonder Bread proved to be an especially effective sponge in the most recent restoration of Michelangelo's masterpiece.

With things going so far, it is no surprise that the back-to-nature whole foods movement chose to celebrate bread made in the way of earlier generations. People reverted to making their own bread at home, initially kneading and baking by hand, producing loaves of hearty consistency. By the late 1970s, however, machines began to appear in American homes, and all you had to do was toss in the ingredients and, within a few hours, out would pop a perfect loaf, barely touched by human hands.

Though I confess I never tried bread from one of those home machines, I'm sure it tasted good. It also helped ease the craving for something homemade for people with increasingly busy lives. Even as we seek a new balance in our food-ways, mechanized food, I am sure, will always be with us.

Images: 1. The author's friends/Jerry Eisterhold; 2. A page from a 1937 cookbook/Smithsonian Institution.

This post also appears on the Smithsonian's O Say Can You See? blog, an Atlantic partner site.

What does the "greatest thing since sliced bread" mean?

The idiom 'Greatest thing since sliced bread' means that something is the best and most useful innovation or development invented for a long time. Example of use: "I've bought a new touchscreen computer, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, I can't believe I ever worked without it".

Where did the saying sliced bread come from?

Where did the saying sliced bread come from? Sliced bread was first introduced in 1928 by Otto Frederick Rohwedder from Davenport, Iowa, who invented the first loaf-at-a-time bread slicing machine.

Why were "the greatest thing since sliced bread"?

Especially during the 40's, the phrase "the greatest thing since sliced bread" was very popular as a way of praising an invention or development. A Kansas writer once wrote that the phrase was the ultimate depiction of innovative achievement and American know-how.

Why do they say best thing since sliced bread?

This phrase is commonly used to describe an invention or breakthrough that has had a significant impact on our daily lives. It may have originated from the 1930's when the Continental Baking Company introduced the first pre-sliced loaf 'Wonder Bread'.

How do you use best thing since sliced bread in a sentence?

Examples. — I remember when we thought that flip phones were the best thing since sliced bread. — Apple's products are the best thing since sliced bread and their competitors merely copy their products and designs.

What is the meaning of sliced bread?

/ˌslaɪst ˈbred/ [uncountable]Idioms. ​bread that is already cut into slices before it is sold. a loaf of sliced bread.


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