Thank you note for letter of recommendation residency

Updated June 29, 2022

The thank you for a letter of recommendation is a courtesy note given to an individual who has taken the time to provide a reference on behalf of an applicant. Showing your gratitude in this particular way will not only demonstrate your appreciation for their recommendation, but it will also heighten your chances of gaining a second letter should that be necessary for the future. An adequate thank you letter could easily be delivered as a short email, however, one that is handwritten will have more of a personal impact. Below you will find a brief guide on writing a letter of this variety, complete with samples to assist you in writing one of your own.


How to Write

A thank you letter doesn’t need to be an over-the-top display of gratitude; a well-written paragraph or two will suffice. The letter should state the status of your progress, whether you’ve been employed, accepted into an educational program, or whatever the case may be. More importantly, your letter should state your gratitude and appreciation for their recommendation. In addition to this, you may want to offer the individual something from your skillset or area of expertise in exchange for their time and effort.

Sample 1 – After Acceptance

Dear Mr. Cooper,

I am writing to you today to express my deepest gratitude for your letter of recommendation. Your comments have enthused the management team at John Smith Construction and, as a result, I have been employed as head of their operations division. I sincerely believe that your reference gave me an edge over the other applicants and paved the way for my successful interview. If there is anything I can do to repay the kind words, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Baxter Gordon

Sample 2 – For a Job

January 1, 2017

Jannet Rogers
123 Fake Street
Bloomfield, New Jersey, 07003

Dear Mrs. Rogers,

While I have yet to hear back from Fake Software regarding the status of my job application, I would like to say thank you for the letter of recommendation you sent to Dean Smith. The interview went better than expected and I owe a large part of that to your gracious recommendation letter.

If it weren’t for your recommendation, I feel that I wouldn’t have stood out quite as much from the other applicants as many of them were more qualified for the position. I truly believe that your endorsement of my character put me ahead of the pack.

Thank you once again for your letter of recommendation. I know you have a busy schedule and it means so much to me that you would take the time to write such an impactful letter. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call in the future if there is any way I can be of service to you.

All the best,

Ben Mascotty

Sample 3 – For a Professor

Dear Professor Winslow,

I would like to thank you for the recommendation letter you sent to FSU in regards to my graduate school application. Your support has been extremely appreciated throughout the entire process. A reference from a member of the academic community as respected as yourself was hugely advantageous, I am truly privileged to have had your assistance.

You will be happy to learn that I have been accepted into the school’s business marketing program and I am more than eager to start this next chapter of my life. I will keep you updated with my progress and I’ll be sure to visit whenever possible.

Once again, thank you for your recommendation.

Your friend,

Korben Dallas

Recommendation letters are vital to your graduate school application. It's likely that you will need at least three letters and it can be hard to determine who to ask. Once you have professors in mind, they agree to write a letter, and your application is submitted, your next step should be a simple thank you note showing your appreciation.

Letters of recommendation are a lot of work for professors and they are asked to write a number of them each year. Unfortunately, the majority of students don't bother with a follow-up.

Why Send a Thank-You Note?

At its most basic, taking a few minutes to send a thank-you note is a common act of courtesy for someone who has taken the time to do you a favor, but it can also work to your benefit.

A thank-you note helps you stand out from the other students and will help keep you in the writer's good graces. After all, you may need a letter again in the future for another school or a job.

Recommendation Letters

An effective grad school recommendation letter explains the basis for the evaluation. It may be based on your performance in the classroom, your work as a research assistant or a mentee, or any other interaction you had with faculty.

Professors often take great pains to write letters that honestly discuss your potential for graduate study. They will take the time to include specific details and examples that illustrate why you're a good fit for the graduate program. They will also highlight other personal qualities that are likely to make you a successful graduate student.

Their letters are not simply saying, "She'll do great." Writing helpful letters takes time, effort, and considerable thought. Professors do not take this lightly, and they're not required to do it. Whenever someone does something of this magnitude for you, it's nice to show your appreciation for their time and attention.

Offer a Simple Thank You

Graduate school is a big deal, and your professors are playing an important role in helping you get there. A thank you letter need not be lengthy or overly detailed. A simple note will do. You can do this as soon as the application is in, though you might also want to follow-up once you're accepted to share your good news.

Your thank you letter can be a nice email. It's certainly the quicker option, but your professors may also appreciate a simple card. Mailing a letter is not out of style and a handwritten letter has a personal touch. It shows that you wanted to spend extra time to thank them for the time they put into your letter.

Now that you're convinced that sending a letter is a good idea, what do you write? Below is a sample but you should tailor it to your situation and your relationship with your professor.

A Sample Thank You Note

Dear Dr. Smith,

Thank you for taking the time to write on my behalf for my graduate school application. I appreciate your support throughout this process. I will keep you updated about my progress in applying to graduate school. Thanks again for your assistance. It is much appreciated.



Other Information You Can Include in Your Thank You Note

Of course, if you want to write more to your professor, you should certainly feel free to do so. If, for example, your professor taught a course that was particularly important or enjoyable to you, say so. Faculty members are always delighted to hear that their students appreciate their teaching.

The thank you note can also be a place to thank your professor for guidance during the graduate school application process or advising during your undergraduate years. If you have had meaningful interactions with your professor outside of the classroom, show that you appreciate not just the letter the professor provided, but also the personal attention you've received during your academic journey.

How do you say thank you for a letter of recommendation for residency?

Dear [Professor/Physician's Name], Thanks again for offering your perspectives on the residency application process and for submitting a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I am very grateful for your guidance and support throughout this process. I'll make sure to inform you of any updates!

How do you thank someone who wrote a letter of recommendation?

I believe your reference was a significant part of the reason the manager offered me a position. Thank you again for taking the time to write me a thoughtful recommendation letter. I hope to stay in touch in the future.

Should you write a thank you note for a letter of recommendation?

Offer a Simple Thank You A simple note will do. You can do this as soon as the application is in, though you might also want to follow-up once you're accepted to share your good news. Your thank you letter can be a nice email. It's certainly the quicker option, but your professors may also appreciate a simple card.

What is an appropriate thank you gift for a letter of recommendation?

A thoughtful gift of something they love Coffee lovers – get a gift basket or sampler featuring roasts or blends for them to try, or even a Starbucks gift card. Hot sauce aficionados – if they collect something unique like sauces or spices, this makes for a cool gift (it also lasts for a while)


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