Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

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Find the value of X, Y and Z calculator to solve the 3 unknown variables X, Y and Z in a set of 3 equations. Each equation has containing the unknown variables X, Y and Z. This 3 equations 3 unknown variables solver computes the output value of the variables X and Y with respect to the input values of X, Y and Z coefficients. In mathematic calculations, there are many situation arises where the usage of equation containing 3 unknown variables need to be solved prior to go further with the calculations. Therefore when it comes to online calculation, this Find the value of X, Y and Z calculator is an essential tool to assist you to find out the variable values given in the equation.

Simultaneous three-equations

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Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator
Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

[1]  2018/05/21 11:44   40 years old level / An office worker / A public employee / Very /

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[2]  2013/12/12 15:16   Under 20 years old / High-school/ University/ Grad student / Very /

Purpose of usesolving three variable system of equations

Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator
Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

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Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

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Simultaneous Linear Equations Solver for Three Variables

This calculator calculates for the three unknown variables in three linear equations. Just put in the coefficients of the variables and the equivalent sum to the right of the equation. Please fill in all input boxes. If an equation does not include a certain variable put zero as the coefficient for that variable. The equations are expressed a little differently than you would normally see them. For example, x+y+z=44 would be expressed as 1x+1y+1z=44 which is still mathematically correct. 2x-3y+5z=12 would be expressed as 2x + -3y + 5z = 12 which is also mathematically correct. A minus operator is replaced by a plus operator and a negative coefficient of a variable. Coefficients to variables can be negative numbers. This method of inputting coefficients is in accordance with the rules of matrix algebra. The number of decimal places in the results can be specified.

Equation 1: X + Y + Z =
Equation 2: X + Y + Z =
Equation 3: X + Y + Z =
Decimal Places

Learn how to use the Algebra Calculator to solve systems of equations.

Example Problem

Solve the following system of equations:
x+y=7, x+2y=11

How to Solve the System of Equations in Algebra Calculator

First go to the Algebra Calculator main page.

Type the following:

  1. The first equation x+y=7
  2. Then a comma ,
  3. Then the second equation x+2y=11

Try it now: x+y=7, x+2y=11

Clickable Demo

Try entering x+y=7, x+2y=11 into the text box.

Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

After you enter the system of equations, Algebra Calculator will solve the system x+y=7, x+2y=11 to get x=3 and y=4.

Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

More Examples

Here are more examples of how to solve systems of equations in Algebra Calculator. Feel free to try them now.

  • Solve y=x+3, y=2x+1: y=x+3, y=2x+1
  • Solve 2x+3y=5, x+y=4: 2x+3y=5, x+y=4

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  • Algebra Calculator Tutorial

Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

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Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator

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Solve the following system of equations for all three variables calculator


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  • x+y+z=25,\:5x+3y+2z=0,\:y-z=6
  • x+2y=2x-5,\:x-y=3
  • 5x+3y=7,\:3x-5y=-23
  • x^2+y=5,\:x^2+y^2=7
  • xy+x-4y=11,\:xy-x-4y=4
  • 3-x^2=y,\:x+1=y
  • xy=10,\:2x+y=1



Can 3 equations solve 3 variables?

Systems with three equations and three variables can also be solved using the Addition/Subtraction method. Pick any two pairs of equations in the system. Then use addition and subtraction to eliminate the same variable from both pairs of equations.