Should i pay off my credit card all at once

Credit cards can be a boon to consumers, providing many advantages and benefits. Because they're such a great alternative to cash, they're great if you need to make purchases when you find yourself in a pinch. Some cards offer perks like rewards like cash back or travel miles, while others give you some added protection for your purchases. If you play your cards right and pay your balances off each month, you'll never have to pay a dime in interest. Plus, being a conscientious credit card user can help boost your credit rating. However, these little pieces of plastic can also be a curse, especially if you're already swimming in debt or just don't know how to keep a handle on your finances.

Thousands of consumers have trouble getting their credit card balances under control. If you're among these consumers, don't despair. You'll make your debt more manageable once you choose to change your spending habits. Take a giant step in this direction by avoiding—or stop doing—these six major credit card mistakes.

Key Takeaways

  • There are a series of common mistakes people make when they use their credit cards which can cause huge problems with their finances.
  • Making minimum payments only and using cards for everyday purchases are two of the most common mistakes.
  • The benefits of rewards can be small, while cash advances can be costly.
  • Never pay your medical bills with your credit card and be sure you never ignore your debt.

Only Paying the Minimum Balance

It's tempting to send in minimum monthly payments—often $15 to $25—when you're under financial duress. Don't do it. High-interest rates charged by credit card companies will keep the bill growing every month. Instead, send the highest payment you can afford and reduce spending in other areas to focus on paying off the debt. It might be worth going without extras like the newest smartphone or latest fashion if it means you'll sleep easier at night, knowing you'll soon be debt free. 

It may not feel like you're saving money when you increase credit card payments, but you are. Depending on the interest rate, you'll save an average of 10% to 29% per year in interest on any balance you pay off. For example, if you pay off an extra $1,000 this year, you'll come out $100 to $290 ahead, depending on the rate.

Money is probably already tight if you're already in debt, so freeing up extra cash will give you some breathing room for the long haul. Whether you use this money to accelerate debt payments, start an emergency fund or invest in retirement. The power of compound interest will start working in your favor instead of against you.

Using a Credit Card for Everyday Items

Another trap people often fall into is using their credit cards for regular, everyday purchases. Unless you follow a monthly budget and can easily pay your credit card balance in full each month, charging non-discretionary expenses on a credit card can be dangerous. By keeping common purchases like groceries and utility bills off of your credit card balance, you'll take a major step in getting spending under control.

Consider that a $3 gallon of milk bought with a credit card will eventually turn into a $30 gallon if you don't pay off the balance at the end of each month. There's no reason to incur interest charges on necessary items that you should buy directly with monthly income with cash, check or debit card.

Chasing Credit Card Rewards

Credit card rewards are usually worth far less than the extra interest you'll accrue if you can't pay off the money you spend to earn those bonuses. You may, for example, receive one point for each dollar you spend, but you'll probably need to redeem 5,000 points to get a $50 discount on a plane ticket. Since the interest charged on outstanding account balances often exceeds the typical 2% bonus, it may not be a worthwhile trade-off.

You should also avoid signing up for multiple credit cards, regardless of bonuses. If you already know you don't manage credit cards well, don't add temptation in the form of additional cards. It's also easier to miss a payment deadline when you have more cards than you can manage. Remember, a few late fees or interest payments can quickly obliterate those sign-up gifts or rewards.

You can use your cards more frequently once you have your debt paid off and know how to avoid new debt. As long as you pay your balance in full and on time each month, there is nothing wrong with using credit cards instead of carrying cash, or in taking advantage of rewards like cash back or frequent flier miles. Just make sure those purchases fit within your monthly budget.

Taking Cash Advances

Credit card companies employ tactics like sending checks in the mail, encouraging you to use them to pay bills or to treat yourself to something nice, but they rarely make it clear that these checks are treated just like cash advances. Taking a cash advance is dangerous because you start to accrue interest immediately, unlike regular credit card purchases. In addition, there's often no grace period and you'll be charged an automatic fee that can run as high as 6% on the amount of the advance. To add insult to injury, the credit card company may not consider the cash advance to be paid off until you've zeroed out the balance for your other purchases.

The best thing to do with these checks is to shred them as soon as you receive them, avoiding the temptation while preventing would-be identity thieves from snagging account numbers out of the trash. Many companies also send a personal identification number (PIN) shortly after you sign up for a card, hoping you'll use it to get cash from an ATM. Shred that paper, too.

Using a Credit Card to Pay Medical Bills

Medical bills can be overwhelmingly expensive, especially if you're uninsured. If you're having trouble paying your medical bills, negotiate an agreement with the hospital or other company to whom you owe money. Don't add to your bills and stress by adding exorbitant credit card interest rates onto them. You should also go through your medical bills a second or third time, making sure they are accurate and you understand all the charges. 

Ignoring Your Debt

Some folks get so stressed out or embarrassed by credit card debt that they stop opening their bills and pretend there's no problem. It's obviously a bad approach because, while you're ignoring the bills, the ticking time bomb of interest rates is adding to the debt. In addition, if you miss a payment or two, the interest rate may shoot higher under the terms of the card agreement. 

You can call card companies if you feel overwhelmed and ask to renegotiate the terms of your agreement. You may be able to get the interest rate lowered, set up a payment plan, or get some of your debt forgiven. If your first call doesn't work, keep calling back because a different customer service representative may allow you to negotiate a better deal. 

Your credit card issuer may be willing to negotiate the terms of your agreement.

Ignoring debt can also lower your credit score and spur debt collectors into action. With unsavory tactics often employed in this industry, you don't want to do anything that puts you on their radar.

Finally, don't let embarrassment prevent you from taking action. You may assume that everyone else has their finances under control, but many other consumers face similar debt problems.

Other Mistakes to Avoid

The mistakes listed above are some of among those most frequently made by consumers. But there are others.

Late Payments

Don't make late payments. Doing so will damage your credit score and will also incur late payment charges on your account. Your credit cards will likely have a regular due date every month—say, the 15th of each month—and it rarely deviates. So it's important to know when your bill is due. If you have trouble remembering when your payment is due, try adding a reminder on your phone or computer, or circling the dates on a calendar that's easily accessible.

Maxing Out the Credit Card Credit Line

If you don't have the money to make payments, you shouldn't be using the credit card—and you shouldn't be maxing it out. Remember, if worse comes to worst, credit card issuers can also charge over-limit fees to those who opt-in to exceed their credit limits.

Not Understanding Terms of the Account Agreement

Banks and credit cards supply the terms and conditions of specific cards at the time the application is completed and when the card is issued. It's important to know what these terms and conditions are before you use the card. Doing so will help you have a better handle on what's expected of you from the credit card issuer, and it will also help you manage your spending habits better.

The Bottom Line

Cleaning up credit card debt takes time and self-control, but the steps outlined here aren't difficult to follow. Credit cards become helpful and convenient financial tools once you overcome debt and learn to use them sensibly and responsibly.  Avoiding these common mistakes can put you on the right path.

Is it bad to use a credit card?

Credit cards are financial tools; their value depends entirely on how they are used. If used responsibly, credit cards have many benefits like convenience, security from fraud, and bonus rewards. When used irresponsibly, credit card debt can put enormous weight on a person's financial life.

Should I use credit card for medical bills?

It depends. If you know you can pay off your medical bills at the end of the month, a credit card is a fine option for payment. However, if you won't be able to pay it back on time, the interest on a hefty medical bill can quickly overwhelm you. It's a better idea to create a payment plan or other negotiation with the medical provider.

Are credit card rewards worth it?

Credit card rewards are a welcomed bonus when the credit card isn't adding any financial stress in your life. However, the rewards aren't worth it if using a credit card is putting you further into debt.

Is it better to pay credit card once a month or multiple times?

Reducing the interest you pay If you typically carry a balance on your credit card from one month to the next, then making multiple payments during each billing cycle can reduce your interest charges overall. That's because interest accrues based on your average daily balance during the billing period.

Is it better to pay credit card in full or minimum?

If you can, paying the balance in full each statement period is the better option. If you pay off the balance in its entirety, it can help you save some serious money by helping you avoid costly interest payments. Paying in full may also help your credit score.

Is it better to pay off debt all at once or slowly?

Your most expensive loan is the loan with the highest interest rate. By paying it off first, you're reducing the overall amount of interest you pay and decreasing your overall debt. Then, continue paying down debts with the next highest interest rates to save on your overall cost.

What is the trick to paying off credit cards?

The avalanche method If you want to get out of debt as quickly as possible, list your debts from the highest interest rate to the lowest. Make the minimum monthly payment on each, but throw all your extra cash at the highest-interest debt.