Shortness of breath that comes and goes throughout the day

Shortness of breath might not be anything to worry about, but sometimes it can be serious and you'll need to get medical help.

Immediate action required: Call 999 if:

You're struggling to breathe or you have sudden shortness of breath and:

  • your chest feels tight or heavy
  • you have pain that spreads to your arms, back, neck and jaw
  • you feel sick or are being sick

You could be having a heart attack or a problem with your lungs or airway.

Call 999 immediately as you need treatment in hospital.

Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:

You have shortness of breath and:

  • it's lasted longer than a month
  • it gets worse when you've been active
  • it gets worse when you lie down
  • you've been coughing for 3 weeks or more
  • you have swollen ankles

It's important to get medical advice to make sure it's nothing serious. You're not wasting anyone's time by getting it checked out.

Causes of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath has lots of different causes.

Common causes include:

  • asthma
  • a chest infection
  • being overweight
  • smoking
  • a panic attack

But sometimes shortness of breath could be a sign of something more serious, such as:

  • a lung condition called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • scarring of the lungs known as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • heart failure
  • lung cancer

Any treatment you may need depends on what's causing your symptoms.

Do not try to self-diagnose the cause of shortness of breath – always see a GP.


Coping with shortness of breath

If you know what's causing your shortness of breath, you can get advice about things you and other people can do to help.

  • British Lung Foundation: breathlessness
  • Supporting someone with breathlessness website: advice for family, friends and carers of people with COPD or cancer

Page last reviewed: 20 October 2020
Next review due: 20 October 2023

Surprising Causes of Breathlessness

If you feel winded without even breaking a sweat, heart or lung disease could be to blame, but they’re not the only causes. Some health problems that don’t seem related to your lungs can make it hard to breathe.


Red blood cells help carry oxygen throughout your body. Iron is key to this process, but sometimes you don’t get enough in your food or your body has trouble absorbing it. This can lead to a condition called anemia.

Warning signs: Besides shortness of breath and chest pain, you may feel tired, weak, and dizzy. Some people get pale skin and cold hands and feet.

What helps? Your doctor may suggest you eat more iron-rich foods (lean meats, beans, dark leafy greens), take supplements, or get more vitamin C, which helps your body absorb more iron. People with severe anemia may need a transfusion of red blood cells. Learn more about anemia treatments.


When you’re stressed or worried, the muscles that help you breathe tighten. This makes you breathe faster than normal. You may feel like you’re not getting enough air, which can make you panic and make your breathing even shallower.

Warning signs: Sweating, chest pain, feeling faint. Some people feel like they have a lump in their throat.

What helps? Try to stay calm. Sit or lie down and relax your shoulders as much as you can. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, and out through pursed lips (like you’re blowing out a candle) for 8. This can help bring your breath back to normal. Watch a video on breathing exercises for anxiety.


Pollen, mold, and other allergens do more than cause itchy eyes and a runny nose. They can also irritate the airways in your lungs. This can trigger an asthma attack and make it hard for you to take normal breaths.

Warning signs: Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness. Symptoms may last a few minutes or several days.

What helps? An inhaler can help relax the airways right away. Long-term medicines will stop you from reacting as much to your allergy triggers. Read more on allergic asthma treatments.


If germs come into your body through your nose and mouth, they can travel to your lungs and cause an infection. This is called pneumonia. Anyone can get it, but you’re at higher risk if your immune system is weak, you have a lung disease like asthma, or you smoke.

Warning signs: Chest pain, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pain. You may also bring up thick mucus when you cough.

What helps? The problem usually gets better with antibiotics. But some people need to go into the hospital for treatments that help their lungs fully heal. Find out what to expect with pneumonia treatment.


You can catch this parasite by walking barefoot through infected soil or by drinking or eating food that has hookworm eggs in it. Once hookworms get inside you, they grow in your intestines and feed on your blood. Over time, that makes your body have fewer red blood cells.

Warning signs: Weakness, feeling tired, stomach pain, diarrhea, weight loss. If a child has hookworm, their physical and mental growth may be slowed.

What helps? Hookworms are easy to treat. Your doctor will prescribe a few days of medicine that gets rid of the worms. Learn more about hookworms and hookworm infection.

Myasthenia Gravis

It’s a problem with your immune system, called an autoimmune disorder. It prevents your nerves and muscles from “talking” to each other like they should. As a result, the muscles throughout your body get weak.

Warning signs: Many people first show symptoms of it in their eyes. You may notice a drooping eyelid or double vision. Other signs may be trouble with speaking, swallowing, or smiling, feeling tired, and weakness in your arms and legs.

What helps? For a few people, symptoms go away on their own. But most need drugs to get your nerves and muscles “talking” again. Some people feel better if doctors remove their thymus gland, a central part of the immune system. Get more information on myasthenia gravis.


Some types of cancer cause fluid to build up in the space between your lungs and chest wall. This can make it painful to take a deep breath.

Warning signs: Feeling like there’s a weight on your chest, coughing, fever. You may also feel rundown and tired.

What helps: Your doctor could prescribe a drug that eases swelling or helps your body get rid of extra fluid. In some cases, they’ll need to remove the fluid and treat the area so it doesn’t fill again. Read more about what causes fluid around your lungs.

When should I be concerned about shortness of breath?

Seek emergency medical care if your shortness of breath is accompanied by chest pain, fainting, nausea, a bluish tinge to lips or nails, or a change in mental alertness — as these may be signs of a heart attack or pulmonary embolism.

How do I know if my shortness of breath is lung related?

Tests to Diagnose Shortness of Breath.
Chest X-ray. It can show the doctor signs of conditions such as pneumonia or other heart and lung problems. ... .
Oxygen test. Also called pulse oximetry, this helps your doctor measure how much oxygen is in your blood. ... .
Electrocardiography (EKG)..

How do you know if your shortness of breath is heart related?

Shortness of breath is the most common symptom of heart failure. It is a distressing feeling that may cause you to feel smothered, Shortness of breath initially occurs with exertion but may get progressively worse and eventually occur at rest in severe cases.

Can breathing problems come and go?

It can be either acute shortness of breath (minutes to hours), chronic (days to months), or intermittent (comes and goes). It is often described as a tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, a feeling of breathlessness, or a sensation of suffocation.

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