Red like roses part 2 lyrics

Oh my god I got it done yes. Um I mean my name is Bryn and I am here to give you my analysis of the song Red Like Roses Part 2 By Jeff Williams, featuring Casey Lee Williams and Sandy Casey. Ok let me get real for a second before I start the analysis this took 7 pages of notes I'm not joking 7 pages and 2 months on and off. Ok let's just start this.


"All of the joy that I had known for all my life was stripped away from me the minute that you died."

What I believe this line is about Ruby saying that when summer was gone she felt like she had nothing to do in life.

"I was wide awake feeling that they had to be wrong."

Ruby was not willing or able to process that Summer was gone.

"Red like roses fills my with dreams and finds me."

I think that roses are suppose to represent the sadness of loseing Summer and it will always haunt her.

"Always closer to the emptiness and

sadness that has come to take the place of you."

Ruby might feel as thought the sadness is getting closer to her and there is no one to protect her even thought she has family like Taiyang, Yang and Qrow, but the only one she can think of is Summer.


"I know you're broken down by anger and by sadness."

I interpreter this as Summer understanding Ruby's emotions and maybe her anger in Summer and her anger about the world she was thrown into ever since she was born.

"Wish I could talk to you only for a minute make you understand the reasons why I did it."

Summer felt horible of how her actions changed Ruby's life in a negtive away but not seeing how it made her and Yang stronger people. Summer may also be upset about the lack to no communication she can have with Ruby to tell Ruby her reasoning for her decisions in her life.

"Want you to know that for eternity I'm shattered."

Summer still wanting Ruby to understand her emotions and that she didn't want this to happen.

" I tryed so hard to protect you but I failed to and in prison of abandonment I've jailed you."

This is one of my favorite lines because it really shows how Summer fells about what happened besides about losing Ruby and the rest of her family. This also shows that Summer fells guilty about what happened and she blams herself for Ruby's sorrow even thought it was just an accident.

"And all the times I swore that it would be okay."

Summer always told herself that it would turn out okay and that even though her job was dangerous she thought it was going to be okay but she was gravely mistaken.

"I was sure that I would see you when I made it back home."

Summer really did think it was ok in the end but now she's "beating herself up" about what happened and trying to have Ruby understand her mistake but Ruby can't hear her since she's dead

"Now I'm nothing but a liar and you're thrown into the fray."

Summer's still felling guilty about leaving Ruby and she felt like she throw her into the crazy world they live in without hope or safty.

"This bed time story ends with misery ever after."

Maybe the bedtime story was Ruby's veiw of the world and when Summer died it washed away and now Ruby's life is full of misery and sorrow.

"The pages are torn and there's no final chapter."

This is another why for Jeff Williams to tell you Ruby's life is hell.

"I didn't have a choice I did what I had to do."

Summer didn't want to go on the mission but she had to since it's her job. We are not ever told if summer was connected to the schools like a teacher or staff or just a hunsman like Tai so I guess if she was like Tai she wouldn't of had to go but we don't have the details.

"I know you've lived a nightmare; I caused you so much pain."

Summer has been felling guilty ever since she died and she knows she can't do anything to help Ruby thought the tough times with Tai and Yang.

"But, baby please don't do what I did."

This is a short but sweet line. Why that is is it shows that Summer never wanted Ruby to be a huntress because of the danger of the world like Grimm and people like Salem.


" Red Like Roses fills my head with dreams and finds me."

I've described this line before because it's the main line so I don't see the point of rewriting it.


"You're not the only one who needed me I thought you understood."

Summer was trying to tell Ruby that Yang and the rest of their family needed her too.


"You were the one I needed, and you left me as I always feared you would."

Ruby was trying to tell Summer that she needed her and when she left she had no one.


"Would I change it if I could?"

Even Summer was questioning her actions and is wondering if she could change her actions.

Ruby and Summer

"It doesn't matter how the petals scartter now..."

Ruby and Summer both excepting that they can't change past and the world they live in but they can except the world and make the most of it.

"... every nightmare just discloses. It's your blood that's red like roses."

And this is the line when you find out that the red roses are stained red by Summer's blood. Now isn't that just so happy


"And no matter what I do nothing ever takes the place of you."

Ruby believes that no one/nothing can replace Summer not even Tai, Yang or Uncle Qrow and she will always be alone.

"Red like roses, fills my head with dreams and finds me

Always closer

To the emptiness and sadness that has come to take the place of you."

And in the final moments of the song all we hear is Ruby and never hear of/from Summer.

Thank you for reading my song analysis for the song Red Like Roses Part 2 I'm sorry it's so long but I just love this song and if there is some typos in sorry I'm dyslexic and really bad at spelling and my phone has horrible auto correct.


Bryn out