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Watery sperm might be more common than you think.

Male sperm is normally thick and white in color. However, certain medical conditions and lifestyle factors can change the color and consistency of sperm.

Watery sperm does not have that thick semen texture. Instead, it is more ‘liquidy’.  This condition indicates low sperm count and possible infertility issues.

What does watery semen look like? How is it different from normal and healthy sperm? What is the solution? Read on to find out more.

Difference Between Healthy and Watery Sperm 

Every man desires normal and healthy sperm. In reality, not all men have healthy sperm. To determine your sperm quality, understand the characteristics that make up both healthy and watery sperm.

Characteristics of Healthy Sperm

The following are signs that you have healthy sperm: 

  • Thick sperm texture. The primary characteristic of healthy sperm can be indicated from its thickness. If the sperm is thick and sticky, it means that you are in good health.
  • White or yellowish sperm. When ejaculating, try to look at the color of the sperm. If it is white or yellowish, it means you have healthy sperm.
  • Quantity of the sperm. The number of sperm released during ejaculation is also a determining factor if the sperm is healthy. To increase your sperm count, you can start by having a healthy lifestyle (exercising regularly, having a healthy diet, sleeping well).
  • Sperm smelling like acacia leaves. Another characteristic of healthy sperm is that your sperm smells like acacia trees.

Characteristics of Watery Sperm

If you continue to have watery sperm, it may affect your fertility. Below are several signs of watery sperm that you should watch out for: 

  • Watery semen texture. Watery sperm can be indicated if the sperm does not have a thick texture. This condition may be caused by certain medical conditions or a poor lifestyle.
  • Low sperm count. Unlike healthy sperm, the sperm count tends to be lower during ejaculation. Most men feel insecure because they have watery semen, which can affect their sexual performance and immune system.
  • Foul-smelling sperm. Not all watery sperm has a bad smell. If the sperm has an unpleasant smell, immediately consult a doctor to identify the possibility of certain diseases.

Causes of Watery Sperm

There are varying causes for unhealthy sperm. However, they can be treated or prevented early. Below are some causes of watery semen: 


Oligospermia is a condition characterised by low sperm count, which can range from normal, to mild, to moderate, to severe (as illustrated below from inviTRA magazine’s explanation on this condition):


There are several causes of oligospermia, including:

  • Varicocele. A condition where there is an inflammation of the blood vessels in the scrotum.
  • Infections. Such as gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted disease) or other types of infection that can cause inflammation of the reproductive organs.
  • Tumors. It can be malignant or benign in the testicles — affecting the quality of the sperm.
  • Hormonal imbalance. A condition of hormonal changes that can affect sperm production.

Frequent Ejaculation

Ejaculation is when a man releases sperm after he climaxes. Frequent ejaculation can affect the quality of the sperm released.

Try to count how many times you masturbate in a day, as the sperm quality after the first ejaculation tends to have watery texture. To restore your sperm to normal, you may need several hours of rest to boost your stamina, thereby possibly enhancing your sexual performance. 


If you have watery semen, take a look at the color – is it white, yellowish, or grayish? Clear sperm is the pre-ejaculatory fluid released during sexual arousal before the ejaculation.

Zinc deficiency 

Another factor causing watery sperm is zinc deficiency in your body. You are recommended to  consume supplements containing zinc sulfate.

Natural Remedies to Improve Sperm Quality 

A healthier lifestyle can help improve your sperm quality and fertility. It is recommended that you:

  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid alcohol consumption
  • Reduce stress
  • Get enough sleep
  • Maintain ideal body weight
  • Avoid taking medications that may affect sperm quality

In some cases, the change in sperm consistency is temporary and treatable. For fertility, there are many treatment options available if you are on a pregnancy program with your partner.

Seek professional help to make a diagnosis through tests and find the best treatment option.

Consultation with a Specialist Doctor

Men who have watery semen should consult a urologist, especially if they experience the following symptoms:

  • Queasy feeling in your stomach (nausea)
  • High body temperature or fever
  • Abnormal sperm count
  • Painful or difficult urination
  • Pain and discomfort in the testicles or scrotum
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

To diagnose the cause of watery or discolored sperm, your doctor will identify your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. If necessary, your doctor will also conduct a series of physical tests.

Medical Treatments for Watery Sperm 

Treatment options for watery or discolored sperm depend on the underlying cause. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics if a bacterial infection is the cause of the watery sperm. For people who have hormonal imbalances, doctors may recommend hormone therapy.

For watery semen due to varicocele or inflammation of the blood vessels in the scrotum, treatment options include:

  • Laparoscopy. Also known as keyhole surgery – it is a surgical procedure performed by surgeons to access the abdominal cavity and inner pelvis through a small cut. The surgeon will insert a camera into the small incision in the abdomen. From there, the surgeon will find, repair and remove varicoceles.
  • Percutaneous embolization. A procedure performed to insert a tube into the swollen vein through the neck or genitals. The tube will then be enlarged to restore blood flow from the testicles.

Does Watery Sperm Cause Infertility Problems? 

Watery sperm is temporary and can gradually go away on its own. In some cases, persistent watery semen condition indicates a low sperm count and other health conditions that affect male fertility.

It is worth noting that having a low sperm count is not always a symptom of male infertility. However, it can make conceiving a child difficult.

As explained earlier, there are many factors that cause watery sperm. Besides the factors of diseases, lifestyle factors can also affect your sperm quality and fertility.


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