Oil tank removal asheville nc

After seeing the special on Angie's List and reading the reviews, I called Tyler on Saturday 3/22 to inquire about hauling off junk from a rental house, giving him the address and what needed to be done so he could give me a quote. I did not receive a response, so I called again on Monday 3/24. Tyler called me back and was professional on the phone. I explained I was going to be in all day classes on Tuesday and Wednesday 3/25 and 3/26. He said they preferred to meet the owner and go over what needed to be done, but would work with me to get the junk removed, and I gave him my credit card number. He said they normally didn't do credit cards, but would in my case, and just add the merchant fee to the cost of the junk removal. I agreed to this, after speaking with Tyler and reading the Angle's List reviews. Tyler said they would write down an appointment to remove the junk 3/26 but would try to fit it in on 3/25. While I was at the all-day class on 3/25 and had a break, I had two urgent messages on my cell phone, which were from the guys who were coming to pick up the junk, letting me know they were ready to meet me at the rental house. I got ahold of the guy who called and explained what Tyler and I had agreed to. He said, "okay, but it may cost $500 or more." I told him based on what I observed I thought it was a little under a truckload (not knowing how large their truck was). Later that same evening (3/25) I received a message on my cell phone from Tyler telling me they had taken a full load but there was still some more to take. I called on my cell phone and left Tyler a message staying to please go ahead and get rid of all of the junk. Then when I got home there was another message from Tyler telling me that they had picked up one full truckload and there was an additional cost for televisions the previous tenants had left behind (this message was from earlier in the day, not in response to the message I just left via my cell phone). I assumed because I left the message that same evening on my cell phone, the work would be completed, so I went to my second day of class on 3/26 and didn't think anything more about it. On Wedneday 3/26 late morning Tyler left a message on my cell phone just asking me to call him back, with no more detail. I did so on my lunch break on 3/26 and left another lengthy voice mail message for him to remove the remaining junk, explaining again I was in the second day of my class and couldn't use my phone while class was in session. On Thursday 3/27 I hadn't heard back so I called Tyler again, left another message, and he called me back within an hour, telling me they had charged my credit card for a full load plus televisions and the additional merchant fee. I asked him if he had received my other two lengthy messages about removing the rest of the junk, and he said one of my messages was cut off and he didn't hear it in its entirety, but did say they were hesitant to remove the rest of the junk without my okay. He thought there would be another quarter to half of a truckload. I told him I was turning the house over to the new tenant early that evening, Thursday 3/27, and he said they'd get out there to remove the rest of the junk, and he'd add the cost of the quarter to half of a truckload and then take the 10% "new customer" discount off the entire balance, and he'd call me back late Thursday or early Friday with the total. I also told him I needed a receipt for my accountant. When I went to the house early evening, Thursday 3/26, most of the junk was gone, but I have to admit some stuff was left, including an old tire and some old lumber. But most of it was indeed gone. I also noted later that evening that I had received yet another call from the guys coming to pick up the remaining junk that they were headed out there and expected to meet me there. I wasn't in class that day, but didn't see that message on my home phone until that evening. As of today, Monday afternoon 3/31, I still have not heard back from Tyler regarding my total cost, the discount applied, nor mailing or e-mailing me a receipt. I will likely try to contact them tomorrow or Wednesday if I haven't heard back. Overall, they seem to be good guys, but the communication (both with me as well as internally) appears to need work. On the other hand, the way they were doing this hauling job was not within the way they appear to have their system set up

Here are some photos from projects I have managed since 2006.  I have extensive experience with the toughest scenarios.  Disaster Recovery was a career seeing people at their worst following catastrophes.  Floating Oil Tanks following flood events, Gasoline tanker rollovers, and giant feats of Engineering to support structures in the name of Environmental cleanups.  As you can see, I've taken quite a few tanks out from beneath houses.  I've supported, raised, and moved houses to facilitate soil remediation work.  Having Happy Valley Environmental assist with a Soil inspection to determine the status of your UST system and identify Soil contamination will be no problem!  Trust in Happy Valleys experience.  You're in good hands.  

Owner Jesse's Hops Harvest

How do I get rid of an oil tank?

Oftentimes, it's easiest to call your local fire department as they're usually tasked with issuing permits and can recommend qualified contractors. The first thing a removal contractor will do is extract the reusable oil from your tank using a special explosion proof pump.

How much does it cost to remove an oil tank in CT?

Heating Oil Tank Removal Costs Near You.

How much does it cost to remove an oil tank in Ontario?

According to our research, the average cost to remove a buried oil tank is $2500-$3000. The removal must be conducted by a qualified TSSA registered Petroleum Mechanic 2.


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