Mamii lyrics in english and spanish


The song 'MAMIII' by 'Becky G, KAROL G' means 'MOMMY' in English.

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Lyrics and Translations

'MAMIII' human translated and annotated. Look for notes about interesting vocabulary, language constructions, idioms, changes to transcribed words, grammar rules and general info that our members have discovered

Song is in Spanish which is has full support in the Cloudlingo system. Use the controls below to turn on and off different views of the lyrics and their translations.

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Test: Typing Test; click in the text boxes on each line and start typing the words! Speech Test; click the

links and then say the words!

Lingo Script Icons

Line 1

Original Lyrics: O-O-Ovy On The Drums

Typing Test: --      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

O - O _ Ovy On The Drums

“Ovy On The Drums”  is a Latin-American producer, he has participation on many of Karol G songs

Aligned Translation: O-O-Ovy On The Drums

Free Translation: O-O-Ovy On The Drums

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 2

Original Lyrics: Salud, mami

Typing Test: ,  

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Noun Noun
brindis mami
toast (e.g., to one’s health) {{lb|es|Bolivia|Costa Rica|Cuba|Dominican Republic|Nicaragua|Panama|Puerto Rico|Venezuela}} attractive woman; momma
Cheers , momma

Aligned Translation: Cheers, girl

Free Translation: Cheers, girl

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 3

Original Lyrics: Ah, ah-ah, ay

Typing Test: ,   -,  

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Ah , ah - ah , ay

Aligned Translation: Ah, ah-ah, ay

Free Translation: Ah, ah-ah, ay

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 4

Original Lyrics: Lo que no sirve, que no estorbe

Typing Test:       ,      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Determiner Adjective Adverb Verb Adjective Adverb Verb
lo qué no sirve qué no estorbe
(neuter definite article used to make abstract nouns from adjectives); the what; which not intransitive to be of use, to be good for what; which not transitive to obstruct, hinder, impede
3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb servir 3rd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative of the verb estorbar
What is not useful , let it not get in the way

Aligned Translation: What is not useful, let it not get in the way

Free Translation: What’s useless out of the way

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 5

Original Lyrics: Te metiste autogol por torpe

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Pronoun Verb Noun Preposition Adjective
metiste autogol por torpe
(Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). to score (sports) football (soccer) own goal {{senseid|es|given in an exchange}} for (''indicates something given in an exchange'') clumsy
2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb meter
You score self-goal for clumsy

Aligned Translation: You got into self-goal for clumsy

Free Translation: You score a self-goal for dumb

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 6

Original Lyrics: Te quedó grande este torque

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Pronoun Verb Adjective Adjective Noun
tú 1 quedó 2 grande 3 este 4 cuerpo 5
(Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). intransitive to fit, to suit (clothes) {{q|after the noun or predicatively}} big, large this body (the physical structure of a human or animal)
2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite Polite of the verb quedar
It was too big for you this body

“Torque” is used in the song lyrics as a “Cuerpo” – “Body”


“Te quedó grande este torque”, there are two things to explain here, the first: the meaning of “Te quedo grande”, is a common expression in Spanish that means “It was too big for you” but is not always referring to clothes or that something did not fit you well. The meaning of the expression you weren’t good enough to do, handle, face or deal with something, some examples are:

“El cargo de gerente te quedo grande” – “You weren’t good enough to be a manager” or “The manager position was too much for you”

“Esa mujer te quedo grande” – “That woman was too much for you” – “She was too much for you to handle”

Now for the second thing to explain is the full meaning of “Te quedó grande este torque” similar to examples before, we can translate the sentence as “This body was too much for you to handle”, knowing that “Torque” in this sentence means “Body, a girl body”

Aligned Translation: This body was too big for you

Free Translation: This body was too much for you to handle

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 7

Original Lyrics: Ya no estoy pa que de mí te enamores, baby (sheesh)

Typing Test:                 ,     ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Adverb Verb Preposition Preposition Preposition Pronoun Pronoun Verb Noun
ya no estoy para 4 que de enamores baby
anymore; no longer not to be (have a (transient) location in space). Compare ser, quedar. to, in order to, so, for (expressing the ''intended purpose of an action'') to of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). transitive to enamor baby
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb estar 2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb enamorar
I am no longer for you to fall in love with me , baby ( sheeh )

“Pa” is the contraction of the word “Para” – “To, for, etc”

Aligned Translation: I'm no longer here for you to fall in love with me, baby (sheesh)

Free Translation: I'm no longer available for you to fall in love, babe (sheesh)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 8

Original Lyrics: Sin Visa ni pasaporte (no)

Typing Test:         ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Noun Conjunction Noun Adverb
sin visa ni pasaporte no
without Latin America visa nor, or passport no
Without Visa nor passport ( no )

Aligned Translation: No Visa nor passport (no)

Free Translation: Without Visa nor passport (no)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 9

Original Lyrics: Mandé tu falso amor de vacaciones

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Adjective Adjective Noun Preposition Noun
mandé tuyo falso amor en vacación
to send yours, your false; untrue love in, at, on vacation, holiday
1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb mandar
I sent your false love on vacations

Aligned Translation: I sent your fake love on vacation

Free Translation: I sent your fake love on vacations

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 10

Original Lyrics: Pa la mierda y nunca vuelvas

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Preposition Noun Conjunction Adverb Verb
ve a mierda y nunca vuelvas
intransitive to go to vulgar shit and never to come back, go back
2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb ir 2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb volver
Go to hell and never come back

Aligned Translation: Fuck off and never come back

Free Translation: Fuck off and never come back

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 11

Original Lyrics: Que todo se te devuelva, no

Typing Test:         ,  

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Pronoun Verb Adverb
que todo devuelva no
that everything to return, refund, restore, give back, hand back, bring back, send back etc. no
3rd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative of the verb devolver
That everything gets back to you , no

Aligned Translation: That everything get back to you, no

Free Translation: That everything gets back to you , no

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 12

Original Lyrics: De lo que me hiciste si no te acuer-

Typing Test:                 -

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Adjective Pronoun Verb Conjunction Adverb Verb
de qué yo hiciste si no recuerdas 9
of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) what; which (First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. to do if not transitive to remember, to recollect
2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb hacer 2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb recordar
Of what you did to me you do not remember

“Acuer- “here the word is cut to fit in the song, the full word is “Acuerdas” – “You remember, to remember”

Aligned Translation: Of what you did to me but you do not remember

Free Translation: Of what you did to me but you do not remember

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 13

Original Lyrics: No me vuelvas a llamar, que hasta boté el celular

Typing Test:         ,          

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Pronoun Verb Preposition Verb Conjunction Preposition Verb Determiner Noun
no vuelvas a llamar que hasta boté el celular
not me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} to do again to to summon, to call that even Latin America to throw, throw away Masculine singular definite article; the. Latin American Spanish cell phone (US), mobile phone (UK)
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb volver Infinitive 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb botar
Do not call me again , that I even threw the cell phone

Aligned Translation: Don't call me again, I even threw away the cell phone

Free Translation: Don't call me again, I even threw away the cell phone

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 14

Original Lyrics: De lo tóxico que eres, se volvió perjudicial

Typing Test:         ,      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Adjective Verb Pronoun Verb Adjective
de tóxico eres él volvió perjudicial
from (with the source or provenance of or at) toxic to be (essentially or identified as). it, masculine non-personal third-person subject and disjunctive pronoun (used as a subject and after prepositions to refer to masculine nouns) reflexive to get, become hurtful, harmful
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb ser 2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite Polite of the verb volver
From how toxic you are , it became harmful

Aligned Translation: From how toxic you are, it became harmful

Free Translation: You’re so toxic, it became harmful

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 15

Original Lyrics: Lo que se va, se va

Typing Test:       ,    

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adjective Verb Verb
qué va va
what; which reflexive to go away, to leave, to be off (''see'' irse) reflexive to go away, to leave, to be off (''see'' irse)
3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb ir 3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb ir
What goes away , goes away

Aligned Translation: What goes away, goes away

Free Translation: What’s gone, is gone

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 16

Original Lyrics: Conmigo no te equivoques

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Pronoun Adverb Verb
con no equivoques
with me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} not to mistake, mix up
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb equivocar
With me make not mistake

Aligned Translation: With me make no mistake

Free Translation: Don’t mess with me

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 17

Original Lyrics: De lo tóxico que eres, no te quiero ver más

Typing Test:         ,            

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Adverb Adjective Verb Adverb Verb Verb Adjective
de cuan tóxico eres no quiero ver más
of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) rare how, to what extent toxic to be (essentially or identified as). not to desire, to want, to want to to see (literally) more, any more
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb ser 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb querer Infinitive
Of how toxic you are , I do not want to see you anymore

Aligned Translation: Of how toxic you are I don't want to see you anymore

Free Translation: You’re so toxic, I don't want to see you anymore

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 18

Original Lyrics: Llegué pa'l party, saca la botella

Typing Test:   '   ,      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Preposition Verb Determiner Noun
llegué para 2 saca la botella
intransitive to arrive, get (to) for, to (expressing a ''recipient'') transitive to withdraw, to take out (e.g. money) the bottle
1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb llegar 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb sacar
I arrive to the party , take out the bottle

“Pa'l” is the contraction of the words “Para la” – “To the”

Aligned Translation: I arrive to the party, take out the bottle

Free Translation: I arrive to the party, take out the bottle

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 19

Original Lyrics: La que te quería, no sé quién es ella

Typing Test:       ,          

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Determiner Verb Adverb Verb Pronoun Verb Pronoun
la quería no quién es ella
the to love; to be fond of not to know (a fact) who?, whom?; (with “de”) whose? to be (essentially or identified as). she, her (used subjectively and after prepositions)
2nd Person Singular Indicative Imperfect Polite of the verb querer 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb saber 2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Polite of the verb ser
The one who likes you , I do not know who is she

Aligned Translation: The one who likes you, I don't know who she is

Free Translation: The one who likes you, I don't know who she is

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 20

Original Lyrics: Te dejé el review, no te puse ni una estrella

Typing Test:       ,            

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Pronoun Verb Determiner Adverb Verb Adverb Determiner Noun
yo dejé el no puse ni un estrella
(First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. {{indtr|es|a|.reflexive}} to be left, to be left to Masculine singular definite article; the. not {{lb|es|transitive|reflexive|or|non-reflexive}} to put, to put up, to place, to lay not even, even a star (star-shaped thing)
1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb dejar 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb poner
I left the review , I did not put you not even a star

Aligned Translation: I left the review, I didn't give you even a star

Free Translation: I left you a review, I didn't give you even a star

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 21

Original Lyrics: Y te olvidé porque no dejaste huella

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Pronoun Verb Conjunction Adverb Verb Noun
y yo olvidé porque no dejaste huella
and (First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. to forget; to elude, escape (be forgotten by) because not transitive to leave (to cause, result in) footprint (impression of the foot in a soft substance)
1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb olvidar 2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb dejar
And I forgot you because you did not leave footprint

Aligned Translation: And I forgot you because you left no trace

Free Translation: And I forgot you because you left no trace

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 22

Original Lyrics: Ya no miro pa'trás ni pa parquearme

Typing Test:       '      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Adverb Verb Adverb Adverb Preposition Verb
ya no miro atrás 4 ni para 6 parquear
anymore; no longer not transitive to look at (to try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes) behind not even, even for, to (expressing a ''recipient'') Latin America:transitive to park (to bring a vehicle to a halt in a specified place)
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb mirar Infinitive
I do not look behind not even for parking

“Pa'trás” is the contraction to the words “Para” and “Atrás” and its meaning can change depending on the context but most of the time is used as “To go, look, back, behind,”


“Pa” is the contraction of the word “Para” – “To, for, etc”

Aligned Translation: I don't even look back when parking

Free Translation: I don't even look back when parking

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 23

Original Lyrics: Tengo uno que está listo pa llevarme

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Pronoun Pronoun Verb Adjective Preposition Verb Pronoun
tengo uno que está listo para 6 llevar
transitive to have, possess (literally) one that; whom to be (have a (transient) location in space). Compare ser, quedar. ready, set, prepared, poised (with m)}} for, to (expressing a ''recipient'') transitive to take, to carry, to take away, to carry away, to carry around, to bring, to bear, to lug (implies to move something further from who speaks) me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}}
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb tener 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb estar Infinitive
I have one that is ready to take me

“Pa” is the contraction of the word “Para” – “To, for, etc”

Aligned Translation: I have one that is ready to take me

Free Translation: I have one that is ready to take me

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 24

Original Lyrics: El segundo está esperando en el hotel

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Determiner Adjective Verb Verb Preposition Determiner Noun
el segundo está esperando en el hotel
Masculine singular definite article; the. second (after the first) to be (have a (transient) location in space). Compare ser, quedar. transitive to wait to, wait for, await in, at, on Masculine singular definite article; the. hotel
2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb estar Simple Gerund of the verb esperar
The second is waiting in the hotel

Aligned Translation: The second is waiting at the hotel

Free Translation: The second is awaiting at the hotel

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 25

Original Lyrics: Y el tercero lo conozco esta noche

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Determiner Adjective Pronoun Verb Adjective Noun
y el tercero yo conozco este noche
and Masculine singular definite article; the. third (First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. in the preterite tense to meet this night (the period between sunset and sunrise)
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb conocer
And the third one I meet this night

Aligned Translation: And the third one I meet him tonight

Free Translation: And the third one I will meet him tonight

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 26

Original Lyrics: No me llames, que mi número cambié (cambié)

Typing Test:     ,           ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Pronoun Verb Conjunction Adjective Noun Verb Verb
no llames que mío número cambié cambié
not me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} to summon, to call that predicative or after the noun mine, my. number (counting) transitive:intransitive to switch, to change, to trade, to swap {{q|usually + {{l|es|de}}}} (when implying changing from one thing to another) transitive:intransitive to switch, to change, to trade, to swap {{q|usually + {{l|es|de}}}} (when implying changing from one thing to another)
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb llamar 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb cambiar 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb cambiar
Do not call me , that my number I changed ( I changed )

Aligned Translation: Don't call me, that my number I changed (I changed)

Free Translation: Don't call me, I changed my number (changed)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 27

Original Lyrics: Si quieres que te lo dé (dé)

Typing Test:             ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Verb Preposition Verb Verb
si quieres que
if to desire, to want, to want to to transitive to give, to give out transitive to give, to give out
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb querer 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Polite of the verb dar 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Polite of the verb dar
If you want me to give it out to you ( give it out to you )

Aligned Translation: If you want me to give it to you (give it to you)

Free Translation: If you want me to give it to you (give it to you)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 28

Original Lyrics: Llama, 1-800-jódete

Typing Test: ,   1-800-

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Verb Pronoun
llama jode
to summon, to call vulgar:Spain to fuck, to have sex (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate).
2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb llamar 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb joder
call , 1-800 - fuck you

Aligned Translation: Call, 1-800-fuck you

Free Translation: Call, 1-800-fuck you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 29

Original Lyrics: No sé si me escuchaste

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Verb Conjunction Pronoun Verb
no si escuchaste
not to know (a fact) if me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} Latin America:informal to hear
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb saber 2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb escuchar
I do not know if you heard me

Aligned Translation: I don't know if you heard me

Free Translation: I don't know if you heard me

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 30

Original Lyrics: No me llames, que mi número cambié (cambié)

Typing Test:     ,           ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Pronoun Verb Conjunction Adjective Noun Verb Verb
no llames que mío número cambié cambié
not me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} to summon, to call that predicative or after the noun mine, my. number (counting) transitive:intransitive to switch, to change, to trade, to swap {{q|usually + {{l|es|de}}}} (when implying changing from one thing to another) transitive:intransitive to switch, to change, to trade, to swap {{q|usually + {{l|es|de}}}} (when implying changing from one thing to another)
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb llamar 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb cambiar 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb cambiar
Do not call me , that my number I changed ( I changed )

Aligned Translation: Don't call me, that my number I changed (I changed)

Free Translation: Don't call me, I changed my number (changed)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 31

Original Lyrics: Si quieres que te lo dé (dé)

Typing Test:             ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Verb Preposition Verb Verb
si quieres que
if to desire, to want, to want to to transitive to give, to give out transitive to give, to give out
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb querer 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Polite of the verb dar 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Polite of the verb dar
If you want me to give it out to you ( give it out to you )

Aligned Translation: If you want me to give it to you (give it to you)

Free Translation: If you want me to give it to you (give it to you)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 32

Original Lyrics: Llama, 1-800-jódete (jódete)

Typing Test: ,   1-800-   ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Verb Pronoun Verb Pronoun
llama jode jode
to summon, to call vulgar:Spain to fuck, to have sex (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). vulgar:Spain to fuck, to have sex (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate).
2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb llamar 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb joder 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb joder
Call , 1-800 - fuck you ( Fuck you )

Aligned Translation: Call, 1-800-fuck you (fuck you)

Free Translation: Call, 1-800-fuck you (fuck you)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 33

Original Lyrics: No me vuelvas a llamar, hasta boté el celular

Typing Test:         ,        

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Pronoun Verb Verb Adverb Verb Determiner Noun
no vuelvas llamar hasta boté el celular
not me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} to do again to summon, to call even Latin America to throw, throw away Masculine singular definite article; the. Latin American Spanish cell phone (US), mobile phone (UK)
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb volver Infinitive 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb botar
Do not ever call me , I even threw away the cell phone

Aligned Translation: Don't call me again, I even threw away the cell phone

Free Translation: Don't call me again, I even threw away the cell phone

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 34

Original Lyrics: De lo tóxico que eres, se volvió perjudicial

Typing Test:         ,      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Adjective Verb Pronoun Verb Adjective
de tóxico eres él volvió perjudicial
from (with the source or provenance of or at) toxic to be (essentially or identified as). it, masculine non-personal third-person subject and disjunctive pronoun (used as a subject and after prepositions to refer to masculine nouns) reflexive to get, become hurtful, harmful
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb ser 2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite Polite of the verb volver
From how toxic you are , it became harmful

Aligned Translation: From how toxic you are, it became harmful

Free Translation: You’re so toxic, it became harmful

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 35

Original Lyrics: Lo que se va, se va, ah

Typing Test:       ,     ,  

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adjective Verb Pronoun Verb Interjection
qué va se va ah
what; which reflexive to go away, to leave, to be off (''see'' irse) {{n-g|Also used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person and with}} {{l|es|usted}} ''and'' {{l|es|ustedes}}. reflexive to go away, to leave, to be off (''see'' irse) ah (expression of relief, realization, awe)
3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb ir 3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb ir
What goes away , it goes away , ah

Aligned Translation: What goes away, goes away, ah

Free Translation: What’s gone, is gone, ah

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 36

Original Lyrics: Conmigo no te equivoques

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Pronoun Adverb Verb
con no equivoques
with me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} not to mistake, mix up
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb equivocar
With me make not mistake

Aligned Translation: With me make no mistake

Free Translation: Don’t mess with me

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 37

Original Lyrics: De lo tóxico que eres, no te quiero ver más (ey)

Typing Test:         ,             ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Adjective Verb Adverb Pronoun Verb Verb Adjective Interjection
cuan tóxico eres no quiero ver más ey
rare how, to what extent toxic to be (essentially or identified as). not (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). to desire, to want, to want to to see (literally) more, any more hey!
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb ser 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb querer Infinitive
How toxic you are , I do not want to see you anymore ( hey )

Aligned Translation: How toxic you are, I don't want to see you anymore (hey)

Free Translation: You’re so toxic, I don't want to see you anymore (hey)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 38

Original Lyrics: Ay, yo lo lamento

Typing Test: ,      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Interjection Pronoun Verb
ay yo lamento
Ah!, Alas! (First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. to lament
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb lamentar
Ay , I am sorry

Aligned Translation: Ay, I'm sorry

Free Translation: Ay, I'm sorry

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 39

Original Lyrics: Tu' gana' de volver murieron en el intento (ah)

Typing Test: '   '               ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adjective Verb Preposition Verb Verb Preposition Determiner Noun Interjection
tuyo 1 deseo 3 de volver murieron en el intento ah
yours, your to desire of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) to come back, go back to die in, at, on Masculine singular definite article; the. attempt ah (expression of relief, realization, awe)
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb desear Infinitive 3rd Person Plural Indicative Preterite of the verb morir
Your desires of coming back died in the attempt ( ah )

“Tu'” is the contraction for the word “Tus” – “Your”


“Gana'” is the contraction for the word “Ganas” not as “win, earn” but “Ganas” as a “Desire, want to”

Aligned Translation: Your desire to return died in the attempt (ah)

Free Translation: Your desires of coming back died in the attempt ( ah )

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 40

Original Lyrics: Lo hiciste ver como que perdiste el tiempo

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Pronoun Verb Verb Adverb Conjunction Verb Determiner Noun
hiciste ver como que perdiste el tiempo
(Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). to make (something) to see (literally) like, about (approximately) that to lose Masculine singular definite article; the. time
2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb hacer Infinitive 2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb perder
You made it see like that you lose the time

Aligned Translation: You made it look like you wasted your time

Free Translation: You made it look like you wasted your time

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 41

Original Lyrics: Quedaste bien porque lo mío ni lo cuento (papi)

Typing Test:                 ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Adverb Conjunction Determiner Pronoun Adverb Verb Noun
quedaste bien porque lo mío ni cuento papi
intransitive to be left; to remain well (adverbial form of bueno) because (neuter definite article used to make abstract nouns from adjectives); the Mine not even, even to tell (a story); narrate colloquial daddy
2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb quedar 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb contar
You remained well because the mine I do not even tell it ( daddy )

Aligned Translation: You looked good because I don't even tell about mine (daddy)

Free Translation: You looked good because I don't even tell about mine (daddy)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 42

Original Lyrics: Te veo en la' rede', no puedo creerlo, qué pena de ti (pena de ti)

Typing Test:       '   ',       ,           (     )

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Pronoun Verb Preposition Determiner Noun Adverb Verb Verb Pronoun Adverb Noun Preposition Pronoun Noun Preposition Pronoun
yo veo en la 4 redes sociales 6 no puedo creer él cuan vergüenza de ti pena de ti
(First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. to see (literally) in, at, on the social media not to be able, can transitive to believe it, masculine non-personal third-person subject and disjunctive pronoun (used as a subject and after prepositions to refer to masculine nouns) rare how, to what extent shame of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) you, thee (declined form of tú used as the object of a preposition) pity of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) you, thee (declined form of tú used as the object of a preposition)
1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb ver 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb poder Infinitive
I see you in the social media I can not believe it , how pity of you ( pity of you )

“La'” is the contraction for the word “Las” – “the”


“Rede'” is the contraction of the word “Redes” but not like “web, red” or similar, in this sentence is referring to the colloquial expression “Redes” as “Social media”

Aligned Translation: I see you in the social media, I can't believe it, what a pity about you (pity about you)

Free Translation: I see you in the social media, I can't believe it, what a pity about you (pity about you)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 43

Original Lyrics: Yo que fui buena y tú, qué gonorrea, pagándome así (eah, qué gonorrea)

Typing Test:           ,     ,       (,     )

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Pronoun Conjunction Verb Adjective Conjunction Pronoun Adverb Noun Verb Pronoun Adverb Adverb Noun
yo que fui bueno y qué gonorrea 9 pagando así qué gonorrea 18
(First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. that to be (essentially or identified as). good and (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). before an adjective how (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings) gonorrhea to pay me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} like this; like that; as such; thus; so; thereby; this way, that way before an adjective how (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings) gonorrhea
1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb ser Simple Gerund of the verb pagar
I that was good and you , how gonorrhea , Paying me like this ( eah , how gonorrhea )

“Gonorrea” translated as “gonorrhea” is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), however in Colombia the word is constantly used with tons of other meanings, let's see some of the most common examples:

1) It can be used as a surprise exclamation: “¡Gonorrea! Que susto tan grande me diste” – “Fuck! you scared the crap out of me” in this case “Gonorrea” when translated is replaced with “Fuck!” as a surprise exclamation, however, you can still say: “Gonorrhea! you scared the crap out of me”

2) It can be used to refer to a bad, mean, or evil person: “No hables con esa gonorrea de persona” – “Don’t talk with that shitty (bad) person” when “Gonorrea” is replaced with “Shitty, bad, mean”

3) It can be used to refer to a feeling, good or bad: “Que dia tan Gonorrea” – “What a nice day”, “What a bad day” both are right and depend on the context the significance of the word.

The exclamation “Gonorrea” has multiple meanings and can be used in a lot of contexts, however discovering or identifying what does mean in every situation is actually pretty easy than it may appear, the sentence and the context of the conversation will give you the answer in most cases.

Aligned Translation: I who was good and you, how gonorrhea, paying me like that (eah, how gonorrhea)

Free Translation: I who was good and you, how gonorrhea, paying me like that (eah, how gonorrhea)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 44

Original Lyrics: Rata de dos patas, lo dijo Paquita, un animal rastrero

Typing Test:       ,       ,      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Noun Preposition Numeral Noun Verb Determiner Noun Adjective
rata de dos pata dijo un animal rastrero
rat (a medium-sized rodent belonging to the genus Rattus) of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) {{cln|es|cardinal numbers}} two paw, foot, leg (of an animal) to say, to tell a animal despicable
3rd Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb decir
Rat of two legs , Said Paquita , despicable animal

“Paquita” here the singer is referring to a Mexican country singer called “Paquita la del barrio” in one of her songs, the lyrics says “Two-legged rat”, “Despicable animal” referring to a man who cheated on her.

Aligned Translation: Two-legged rat, Paquita said, a creeping animal

Free Translation: Two-legged rat, Paquita said, a creeping animal

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 45

Original Lyrics: Que se come todo que se atraviesa, Diablo, tú ere' un cuero (cuero)

Typing Test:             ,   ,     '       ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Verb Pronoun Conjunction Verb Interjection Pronoun Verb Determiner Noun Noun
que come todo que atraviesa rayos 9 eres 12 un cuero 15 cuero 17
that to eat everything that to cross, to traverse dang it, goddammit (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). to be (essentially or identified as). a Dominican Republic:slang prostitute Dominican Republic:slang prostitute
2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb comer 3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb atravesar 2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb ser
That eats everything that crosses your path , dang it , you are a leather ( leather )

“Diablo” is translated as “Devil, Satan, a demonic entity” however in this case is used as an exclamation like “Dang it, damn, goddammit”


“Ere'” is the contraction of the word “Eres” from the verb “To be” – “You are”


“Cuero” translated as “Leather” is a Latin-American expression not commonly used, its significance differs from each country, for example 

It can be “Someone who is ugly, skinny”

It can be “Someone who is beautiful”

It can be a promiscuous person, who has sex with many people. 

For the meaning of the lyrics, the correct significance will be a promiscuous person. 

Aligned Translation: That eats everything that crosses its path, Damn, You are a leather (leather)

Free Translation: That eats everything that crosses its path, dang it , you are a leather ( leather )

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 46

Original Lyrics: No digas: "te quiero", mejor sé sincero

Typing Test:   :   "   ",      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Verb Pronoun Verb Adjective Verb Adjective
no digas yo quiero mejor sincero
not to say, to tell (First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. to love; to be fond of better to be (essentially or identified as). sincere, honest
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb decir 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb querer 2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb ser
Do not say : " I like you " , better be sincere

Aligned Translation: Don't say "I like you", better be sincere

Free Translation: Don't say "I like you", better be honest

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 47

Original Lyrics: No digas: "te amo" porque eso fue en vano (ah)

Typing Test:   :   "   "             ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Verb Pronoun Verb Conjunction Pronoun Verb Preposition Adjective Interjection
no digas yo amo porque eso fue en vano ah
not to say, to tell (First-person singular pronoun in the nominative case); I. to love, have great affection for, care about because {{neuter singular of|es|ése}}; that to be (essentially or identified as). in, at, on vain (pointless, futile) ah (expression of relief, realization, awe)
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb decir 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb amar 2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite Polite of the verb ser
Do not say : " I love you " because that was in vain ( ah )

Aligned Translation: Don't say "I love you" because that was in vain (ah)

Free Translation: Don't say "I love you" because that was in vain (ah)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 48

Original Lyrics: Llorando estabas tú y como no te salí

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Verb Pronoun Conjunction Conjunction Verb
llorando estabas y porque salí
intransitive to cry, to weep to be (have a (transient) location in space). Compare ser, quedar. (Second person pronoun in singular tense) (informal communication in Spain and Mexico). you; thou (cognate). and because to go out, leave, to depart, to head out
Simple Gerund of the verb llorar 2nd Person Singular Indicative Imperfect of the verb estar 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb salir
Crying you were and because I did not get out

Aligned Translation: You were crying and because didn't get out

Free Translation: You were crying and because I didn’t respond

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 49

Original Lyrics: Andas comiéndote a otra, pero estás pensando en mí (sheesh)

Typing Test:       ,             ()

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Verb Pronoun Conjunction Verb Verb Preposition Pronoun
andas comiendo otro pero estás pensando sobre
to be, to feel double entendre:Mexico to have sexual intercourse (''because of similarity to coger'') someone else; another person but to be (have a (transient) location in space). Compare ser, quedar. to think about me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}}
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb andar Simple Gerund of the verb comer 2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb estar Simple Gerund of the verb pensar
You are eating someone else , but you are thinking about me ( sheesh )

Aligned Translation: You are eating another, but you are thinking about me (sheesh)

Free Translation: you’re eating someone else, but you are thinking about me (sheesh)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 50

Original Lyrics: No me vuelvas a llamar, que hasta boté el celular

Typing Test:         ,          

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adverb Pronoun Verb Preposition Verb Conjunction Preposition Verb Determiner Noun
no vuelvas a llamar que hasta boté el celular
not me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} to do again to to summon, to call that even Latin America to throw, throw away Masculine singular definite article; the. Latin American Spanish cell phone (US), mobile phone (UK)
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb volver Infinitive 1st Person Singular Indicative Preterite of the verb botar
Do not call me again , that I even threw the cell phone

Aligned Translation: Don't call me again, I even threw away the cell phone

Free Translation: Don't call me again, I even threw away the cell phone

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 51

Original Lyrics: De lo tóxico que eres, se volvió perjudicial

Typing Test:         ,      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Adjective Verb Pronoun Verb Adjective
de tóxico eres él volvió perjudicial
from (with the source or provenance of or at) toxic to be (essentially or identified as). it, masculine non-personal third-person subject and disjunctive pronoun (used as a subject and after prepositions to refer to masculine nouns) reflexive to get, become hurtful, harmful
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb ser 2nd Person Singular Indicative Preterite Polite of the verb volver
From how toxic you are , it became harmful

Aligned Translation: From how toxic you are, it became harmful

Free Translation: You’re so toxic, it became harmful

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 52

Original Lyrics: Lo que se va, se va, ah

Typing Test:       ,     ,  

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Adjective Verb Pronoun Verb Interjection
qué va se va ah
what; which reflexive to go away, to leave, to be off (''see'' irse) {{n-g|Also used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person and with}} {{l|es|usted}} ''and'' {{l|es|ustedes}}. reflexive to go away, to leave, to be off (''see'' irse) ah (expression of relief, realization, awe)
3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb ir 3rd Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb ir
What goes away , it goes away , ah

Aligned Translation: What goes away, goes away, ah

Free Translation: What’s gone, is gone, ah

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 53

Original Lyrics: Conmigo no te equivoques

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Pronoun Adverb Verb
con no equivoques
with me; (declined form of ''l)'' used as the object of a preposition}} not to mistake, mix up
2nd Person Singular Imperative Negative of the verb equivocar
With me make not mistake

Aligned Translation: With me make no mistake

Free Translation: Don’t mess with me

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 54

Original Lyrics: De lo tóxico que eres, no te quiero ver más

Typing Test:         ,          

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Preposition Adverb Adjective Verb Adverb Verb Verb Adjective
de cuan tóxico eres no quiero ver más
of; ’s; (used after the thing owned and before the owner) rare how, to what extent toxic to be (essentially or identified as). not to desire, to want, to want to to see (literally) more, any more
2nd Person Singular Indicative Present Tuteo of the verb ser 1st Person Singular Indicative Present of the verb querer Infinitive
Of how toxic you are , I do not want to see you anymore

Aligned Translation: Of how toxic you are, I don't want to see you anymore

Free Translation: You’re so toxic, I don't want to see you anymore

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 55

Original Lyrics: Ow, repítelo, mami

Typing Test: ,   ,  

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Verb Noun
repite mami
to repeat {{q|to do or say again (and again)}} {{lb|es|Bolivia|Costa Rica|Cuba|Dominican Republic|Nicaragua|Panama|Puerto Rico|Venezuela}} attractive woman; momma
2nd Person Singular Imperative Affirmative Tuteo of the verb repetir
Ow , say it again , mommy

Aligned Translation: Ow, say it again, mommy

Free Translation: Ow, say it again, girl

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 56

Original Lyrics: Que a veces no te cambian por algo mejor

Typing Test:                

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Adverb Adverb Verb Preposition Pronoun Adjective
que a veces no cambian por algo mejor
that idiomatic sometimes; occasionally; at times not transitive:intransitive to change, to shift, to switch, to alter for, for the sake of, on behalf of (indicating doing something for someone's benefit) something, anything better
3rd Person Plural Indicative Present of the verb cambiar
That sometimes they do not change you for something better

Aligned Translation: That sometimes they don't change you for something better

Free Translation: That sometimes they don't change you for something better

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 57

Original Lyrics: Y ni siquiera por algo más rico

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

Conjunction Adverb Adverb Preposition Pronoun Adverb Adjective
y ni siquiera por algo más rico
and not even, even (''when used in the negative'') even {{senseid|es|given in an exchange}} for (''indicates something given in an exchange'') something, anything more; -er (used to make comparisons) tasty
And not even for something more tasty

Aligned Translation: And not even for something richer

Free Translation: And not even for something hotter

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 58

Original Lyrics: KAROL G y Becky G

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

KAROL G and Becky G

Aligned Translation: KAROL G and Becky G

Free Translation: KAROL G and Becky G

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 59

Original Lyrics: It's the real G's, baby

Typing Test: '       ',  

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

It's the real G's , baby

Aligned Translation: It's the real G's, baby

Free Translation: It's the real G's, baby

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 60

Original Lyrics: Ovy On The Drums

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Word By Word Lyrics:

OVy On The Drums

“Ovy On The Drums”  is a Latin-American producer, he has participation on many of Karol G songs

Aligned Translation: Ovy On The Drums

Free Translation: Ovy On The Drums

Lingo Script Icons:


“Mamii” is a popular song by two great urban music artists, the Colombian singer, and composer Karol G, and the American actress and singer Becky G. two wonderful women working together in a song about girls’ self-esteem and not begging a man for love.

The song is pretty simple though the lyrics may result in a little complexity for a non-Spanish speaker since the song is full of slang and colloquial expression, besides that Karol G and Becky sing a little fast at certain moments of the song. Some of the slang used in the song are a little complicated at first, but in general, the song is a complete challenge to those who are learning Spanish and want to test their knowledge with a somehow difficult song. Practicing this song will be also great for those who want to get better with their pronunciation since you will need the fluency to sing along; “Mamii” is also great for those who want to practice their hearing of the Spanish. 

The context of the lyrics is not that complicated, the song tells us a story about a failed relationship, the man dumped the girl and apparently was cheating on her. Now she knows it and she will not beg for love and is he, who is asking the girl to date again. 

If you liked “Mamii” and want to know more about these great girls’ music you can check their respective social media for more info.

Submitted by user: ANITA

Average Ratings

Most people find the song lyrics very hard to understand lyrics, lyrics sung fast and it has very hard to remember verbs and nouns.

Many words used are not in common daily usage.RAE


RAE Based on a median word frequency of 164620 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)

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