Life as a hunter answer key

Name: ________________________________________________________________________Period: __________Life as a HunterLife is challenging for a female lion in EtoshaNational Park.If a female’s body size is approximately 130kg, shemust consume 13,500 kcal/day to survive and succeed in the environment.There are ample prey speciesavailable, but just living and breathing costs a significant amount of energy per day.This means, that regardless ofher hunting success, she will utilize energy for her resting metabolic rate.All animals have a reserve of energystored as large molecules in their cells that they can use for activities throughout the day.Female lions haveapproximately 15,000 kcal stored, therefore, when hunting, they cannot expend more than 15,000 kcal for eachhunt.Your “kcal cash” will represent this useable amount of energy.Materials:10 - 1,000 kcal cash10 - 500 kcal cashListed below are four prey species lions will hunt and the energy costs and gains to hunting each type of foodsource.Mass of prey itemTotal energy cost to hunt & kill(kcal)Total energy available per kill(kcal)Meerkat0.77 kg-3,000+5,000Warthog60 kg-5,000+12,000Wildebeest265 kg-10,000+25,000Zebra310 kg-55,000+170,000Round 1:You are tracking a female lion.Determine how many of each prey species she would need tosuccessfully hunt and eat to gain the amount of energy she needs per day (13,500 kcal).Remember, anindividual lion cannot expend more than 15,000 kcal per hunt.Use the following calculations todetermine the net energy gained in kilocalories for the table below.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________Date: _________________Life as a Hunter-Round 1Life is challenging for a female lion in Etosha National Park.If a female’s body size is approximately 130kg, she must consume13,500 kcal per day to survive and succeed in the environment.There are ample prey species available, but just living andbreathing costs a significant amount of energy per day.This means that regardless of her hunting success, she will utilizeenergy for her resting metabolic rate.All animals have a reserve of energy stored as large molecules in their cells that they canuse for activities throughout the day.Female lions have approximately 15,000 kcal stored, therefore, when hunting, theycannot expend/use more than 15,000 kcal per day hunting.Listed below are four prey species lions will hunt and the energy costs and gains to hunting each type of food source.Mass of prey itemTotal energy cost to hunt &kill(kcal)Total energy available perkill(kcalMeerkat0.77 kg-3,000+5,000Warthog60 kg-5,000+12,000Wildebeest265 kg-10,000+25,000Zebra310 kg-49,000+170,000Scenario:You are tracking a female lion.Using the table below, determine how many of each prey species she would need tosuccessfully hunt and eat to gain the amount ofenergy she needs per day (13,500 kcal).Remember, anindividual lioncannot expend more than 15,000 kcal per day hunting.Use the following calculations to determine the net energy gained inkilocalories for the table below.Total energy cost to hunt prey =(number of prey hunted x energy cost per prey)Net energy gained =(number of prey hunted x total energy available) - total energy cost to hunt preyI’ve completed the Meerkat portion for you. Below is an explanation on how I filled in each portion of the table.

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How much energy does it take for a lion to hunt?

All animals have a reserve of energy stored as large molecules in their cells that they can use for activities throughout the day. Female lions have approximately 15,000 kcal stored, therefore, when hunting, they cannot expend/use more than 15,000 kcal per day hunting.

Is hunting solo or in groups more effective for lions CER?

Lions hunt in groups because it increases their chances of catching prey and ensures the pride's safety. They rely on strength in numbers; pursuing as a group means there is always an individual on guard while others feed, so the whole pride benefits from the kill.

How long will a lion stalking its prey?

Another, or to put it more accurately the most important reason that lions are able to find enough food is that they usually do their hunting cooperatively. They will stalk their victims for up to an hour, but fifteen minutes is more the norm before deciding to pounce.

How do you calculate the net gain of kcals in hunting?

Net energy gained= number of prey hunted times total energy available.