Jamie foxx spider man no way home

Green Goblin : [Norman's personality has shifted into the Goblin's]  That some neat trick, that sense of yours.

Otto Octavius : Norman?

Green Goblin : Norman's on sabbatical, honey!

Max Dillon : The hell?

Spider-Man : The Goblin...

Green Goblin : "No more darker half"? Did you really think that I'd let that happen, that I'd let you take away my power just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?

Spider-Man : You don't know me.

Green Goblin : Don't I? I saw how she trapped you, fighting her holy moral mission. We don't need you to save us, we don't need to be fixed! These are not curses, they're gifts.

Otto Octavius : Norman, no...

Green Goblin : Quiet lapdog!

Spider-Man : You don't know what you're talking about.

Green Goblin : I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes, struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose. Gods don't have to choose. We take.

Spider-Man : May, Run!

[Marko gets teleported into a chamber by Spider-Man] 

Flint Marko : What is this?

Max Dillon : You picked the wrong side.

[Connors chuckles from his chamber] 

Max Dillon : Connors?

Otto Octavius : Wait. You know this creature?

Max Dillon : No, no, no, no. Not a creature. A man.

Ned Leeds : Whoa. The same universes.

Max Dillon : Dr. Curt Connors. He was a scientist at Oscorp when I worked there. A brilliant scientist. Until he turned himself into a lizard. Then he tried to turn the whole city into lizards. It was crazy.

The Lizard : It wasn't crazy, Max. It was the next step in human evolution.

Ned Leeds : The dinosaur can talk.

MJ : Lizard.

Ned Leeds : Right.

The Lizard : Speaking of which, what happened to you? Last I recall, you had bad teeth, glasses, and a comb-over. Did you get a makeover? You know I can give you a real makeover.

Max Dillon : Let me guess: into a lizard?

The Lizard : Exactly.

Flint Marko : Would you two just shut up? Where are we?

Ned Leeds : It's complicated.

MJ : A wizard's dungeon.

Max Dillon : Wizard's... wizard's dungeon?

MJ : There's no real way to sugarcoat that. It's literally the dungeon of a wizard.

Max Dillon : You can keep your magic. I want a taste of that new energy I just felt.

Spider-Man: No Way Home was one of the MCU's most exciting films to date. The return of so many classic characters portrayed by actors from across two decades of Spider-Man movies was an absolutely amazing experience for fans. While the film certainly succeeded in matching viewers' incredibly high expectations, it did fail at one thing pretty spectacularly: keeping secrets.

When a franchise is headlined by Tom Holland, some leaks and spoilers are going to be inevitable. No Way Home, however, went to an entirely new level. While the return of Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire wasn't technically confirmed until release, it was a sort of worst-kept secret at best. Outside of those two, every villain who appeared was spoiled or revealed early. While much could have been gained by keeping some things hidden, only the alternate Spider-Men maintained any level of secrecy going into the premiere.

Recently, Electro actor Jamie Foxx discussed his role in accidentally spoiling parts of the film.

Jamie Foxx "Almost Blew It" on No Way Home Set

Jamie foxx spider man no way home

Speaking recently to Cinema Blend, Jamie Foxx discussed his return as Electro in Spider-Man: No Way Home. The interviewers brought up Foxx's post to Instagram that spoiled his return and got the rumor mill spinning about the presence of all three cinematic Spider-Men in the film.

Foxx praised Sony and Marvel for keeping the mystery going into the film, but admitted that when it comes to those secrets, he "kind of almost blew it."

"It was crazy. It was like a- it was like a rock concert, when we did that film. And I thought Sony did a fantastic job of mystique. You know what I’m saying? Holding things, keeping things – you know, I kind of almost blew it."

The Electro recounted an anecdote from filming where he almost spoiled the presence of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's Spider-Men again by attempting to livestream the monumental moment on set:

"As soon as I got on the set and there was all three Spider-Mans, I was like this (picks up cell phone). ’Oh, we up in here, baby, ‘bout to go live...’ And somebody just dove on me like I was a fire. I was like, ‘What the hell?’ ‘Shh! No one’s supposed to know.’ ‘Okay, my bad. Okay, we ain’t supposed to know that all three of them are here!’ But I think they did a great job in doing that, bringing some mystique. And I think that that’s what was needed to get people back in the theater."

Did Spoilers Hurt Spider-Man: No Way Home?

While the execs at Marvel and Sony were likely more than a little displeased with Foxx's slip up, it can't exactly be said that it harmed the film. Indeed, No Way Home succeeded in bringing more fans back to the theaters in the post-lockdown era than any other before it, and the hype around the returning villains and heroes was certainly a part of that success.

Hype has become a sort of entity of its own in today's age. Everything from shows, to movies, to video games thrive on hype and walking the tight balance between promising the world and delivering what's realistic. Any leak—so long as it doesn't reveal too much—is in essence a form of free advertising. Media outlets grab up any kind of scoop and fans rush to theorycraft on forums and social media, spreading word of mouth and driving up interest in the project.

No Way Home is a stellar example of how leak-generated hype can benefit a project. There was just enough plausible deniability about the return of Maguire and Garfield for the average audience member for them to be on the edge of their seat waiting to see if the Spider-Men of old would appear. If this kind of information hadn't been propagated by leaks and insider scoops, the advertising alone may not have driven the same kind of discussion (and therefore hype) that was seen leading up to release.

Whether studios like Marvel will attempt to utilize false leaks to their advantage remains to be seen. The use of such tactics is a divisive topic among fans, and overuse of it could certainly backfire. As entertainment continues to move into the modern era, the impact of leaks and constructed hype will only evolve with the times. Which direction it goes in is anyone's guess.

Is Jamie Foxx going to be in Spider

The announcement that Foxx would team up with Alfred Molina's Doc Ock and Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin received an outpour of excitement from Marvel fans. No Way Home was a sentimental success as it bridged the gap between three eras of Spider-Men.

Why does Jamie Foxx look different in Spider

"We changed him completely," says costume designer Sanja Milkovic Hays, who suits Foxx in an electrical worker's uniform after a burst of MCU energy reverts Max Dillon to his human form. The new look has "a little more realness, street to it," Foxx says.

How much did Jamie Foxx make for Spider

Jamie Foxx reprised his role of Electro/Max Dillon from 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in 2021's Spider-Man: No Way Home. There are conflicting reports as to how much Foxx was paid for this appearance in the MCU/Sony film. His salary has been reported to be as low as $550,000 to as high as $12 million.

Why is Electro so different in No Way Home?

Since the other villains mostly look the same, fans have seen Electro's vastly different looks as a plot hole. However, Marvel may have already explained the change with Jamie Foxx's character. Getting new powers often changes heroes in Marvel movies, and Electro is experiencing that in No Way Home.