Is krill oil good for your eyes

Heart Health

Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of Kori Krill Oil Standard, Small, Mini and Mind & Body softgels provides 250 grams of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids. [See nutrition information for total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content.] Omega-3 EPA & DHA fatty acids in Kori Krill Oil may have many others benefits for our heart health too. Omega-3s may: support normal triglycerides, increase ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL), support normal circulation and heart rhythm, and support already normal blood pressure.

Brain Health

Kori Krill Oil contains Omega-3 EPA & DHA, two important nutrients for the human brain. Omega-3 EPA seems more influential on mood and behavior, whereas Omega-3 DHA is essential to both prenatal and postnatal brain development. Unlike fish oil, Kori delivers these Omega-3s in their most natural phospholipid form. Phospholipids assist with Omega-3 DHA transfer across the blood brain barrier. A randomized controlled trial with participants taking 285 mg of Omega-3 EPA & DHA from krill oil in healthy elderly individuals suggests that krill oil may support cognitive function after 12 weeks.

Immune health

The immune system is a complex and extensive system that is always on, in surveillance mode, working to keep our bodies as healthy as possible. One important immune system response is the inflammatory response. Omega-3 EPA & DHA nutrients in Kori Krill Oil play a very important role to help regulate inflammation in the body, supporting our cellular repair and internal defense systems, and maintaining the normal healthy status quo.

Joint Health

Omega-3s in Kori Krill Oil support our joints over the course of our lives, supporting joint comfort and flexibility as we age. In a clinical trial, 90 male and female patients each received 300 mg krill oil daily for 30 days. After seven days, krill oil significantly promoted joint comfort (-28.9 %), stiffness (-20.3 %) and function (-22.8 %) in comparison to the placebo group.2

Eye Health

Omega-3 DHA is found in the highest concentration in the retina, playing an especially important role in keeping our eyes healthy. It also assists in tear production which is important to eye health. Studies of animals like rodents and primates suggest that consuming Omega-3 fatty acids may help support retinal structure and health.3, 4, 5

Skin Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are important in keeping our skin hydrated and strong. Fatty acids like Omega-3s are needed to maintain the integrity of the skin’s natural protective barrier function against environmental factors and to reduce water-loss through our skin. Shortages of these fatty acids compromise the skin barrier and lead to dry skin. Kori Krill Oil’s Omega-3s secure skin moisture and help to make the skin feel smoother and softer by helping to keep it hydrated.

Is there any value in taking supplements? Doctors have been debating this question for years. While many specialties have been extremely skeptical about the value of dietary supplements, ophthalmologists overall have been more receptive. One reader found that an eye doctor’s recommendation on taking krill oil made a big difference.

Does Taking Krill Oil Make Sense?

Q. I have had dry eyes for years and tried all sorts of artificial tear products. When I went for my most recent eye exam, I mentioned this to the doctor. She did some tests in darkness with a direct light. She said my tears were – in my words – more globby, I believe, and therefore not coating the surface of my eye correctly.

As a result, she suggested I take oral krill oil. I purchased a supplement, and guess what? It works! I hardly need to use eye drops at all.

Viscous Tears Don’t Work Well:

A. When the tears become too viscous, as yours had, they may not do the job of protecting the cornea as they should. A study in people with type 2 diabetes and dry eye disorder found that omega-3 fatty acids improve the tear film and help the surface of the eye (Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Jan. 2017). 

Krill oil is derived from tiny marine creatures that are a great source of these omega-3 fats. A study in the journal Ophthalmology (Jan. 2017) found that taking krill oil improved patients’ symptoms of dry eye disease. The krill oil appeared to be slightly more effective than fish oil for these study volunteers.

Is Swallowing Fish Oil Less Effective Than Taking Krill Oil?

In contrast, a relatively large clinical trial comparing omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil to placebo found no benefit for dry eye (New England Journal of Medicine, May 3, 2018). In this study, the investigators used olive oil as the placebo. However, in a review published at nearly the same time, Italian ophthalmologists concluded that omega-3 fatty acids such as those found in krill oil could help symptoms of several eye conditions including dry eye (Nutrients, May 24, 2018).

Should you be taking krill oil for your dry eyes? It makes sense to ask your eye doctor if this would be helpful. Also check with your primary care provider and your pharmacist to learn whether omega-3 fatty acids would interact with any of your other medications.

Is krill oil better than fish oil for eyes?

In this small study of people with dry eyes, both fish oil and krill oil were found to be beneficial, but krill oil was superior to fish oil in reducing the levels of IL-17α, an inflammatory cytokine. Krill oil also reduced bulbar redness better than fish oil.

Is krill oil good for glaucoma?

This carotenoid helps with dry eye, glaucoma, AMD, eye fatigue, and more. Astaxanthin is the oceanic carotenoid that makes flamingos pink and salmon red.

What fish oil is good for your eyes?

It appears that omega-3 fatty acids can improve the eye's oil film that's produced by small glands on the edge of the eyelid, called the meibomian glands. That improves dry eye symptoms and reduces the need for artificial tears.

What are the benefits of taking krill oil?

Research has shown that the omega-3s in krill oil help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Studies also show that krill oil helps lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels, which are both risk factors for heart disease.


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