Is it good to have a banana before bed

Banana is a fruit rich in magnesium and rich in tryptophan, so bananas can bring good sleep by calming stress hormones. In addition, bananas are also made up of fast-digesting carbs, rich in fiber, so eating bananas before bed is considered a safe choice.

Getting a good night's sleep is extremely important for health, helping to reduce the risk of several chronic diseases, keeping the brain and digestive system healthy, as well as boosting immunity. In general, we should sleep from 7 to 9 hours continuously each night, but in reality many people often do not get enough sleep according to this recommendation. Accordingly, changing your diet is one of many ways to improve sleep quality effectively.
Although eating before bed does not play a major role in weight gain, eating the wrong snack before bed can greatly affect sleep quality. The first rule of eating late at night is not to overeat.
Gastroenterologists recommend not to eat 3 hours before bedtime, especially large meals. Because it takes about 3 hours for the stomach to break down food and move it to the lower intestine. Lying in bed and sleeping before the stomach has finished its work can disrupt digestion.
Then, instead of effectively crushing the food, the stomach just tries to wipe everything out. Solid or undigested food will enter the small intestine, hindering the ability to absorb nutrients.
Although not realizing the discomfort or not waking up, tossing and turning, but the fact that the digestive system is having to keep working will disrupt sleep. The food you ate the night before can make you feel a little groggy or tired the next morning.
Furthermore, eating right before going to bed can cause other digestive problems, such as acid reflux. To reap the benefits of increased sleep quality, it is best to consume the right foods 2-3 hours before bed.

Trào ngược dạ dày có thể xảy ra khi bạn ăn ngay trước khi đi ngủ

2. Should you eat bananas before going to bed?

Having a snack before going to bed is not a bad thing. Certain foods contain sleep-regulating hormones and brain chemicals (melatonin and serotonin), which will help you sleep better. Foods rich in antioxidants and magnesium, typically bananas, also have sleep-promoting properties, making you fall asleep faster or longer.
Bananas are a good source of magnesium, meeting 8% of the daily requirement per serving. Magnesium is a very important mineral, hundreds of different processes taking place in the body require magnesium to function. High amounts of magnesium may aid in combating chronic conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. In addition, magnesium also plays a beneficial role in bone health. In particular, this mineral also helps improve the quality of sleep.

Not only is it easy to digest thanks to its simple carbs, bananas also provide benefits for gut health. Unripe green bananas are rich in resistant starch and pectin, which act as prebiotics to feed beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. These nutrients are fermented by beneficial bacteria in the colon, producing butyrate. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid that contributes to digestive health and a reduced risk of colon cancer. Additionally, bananas contain other beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants, including dopamine and catechins.
Thus, answering the question "Is it good to eat bananas before going to bed?", experts said that eating bananas before going to bed will contribute to improving sleep quality, helping you to feel full and easy to digest. metabolism, sleep deeper and longer.

Ăn chuối trước khi đi ngủ góp phần nâng cao chất lượng giấc ngủ

3. Is eating bananas before going to bed fat?

Besides wondering whether to eat bananas before going to bed, many people are also concerned about whether eating bananas before going to bed will make them fat. Although there are no studies proving the weight loss effects of bananas, it has been reported that taking 24 grams of banana starch per day for 4 weeks will help reduce 1.2 kg in obese people, and improve insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients.
In addition, bananas also contain a significant amount of fiber, and very little protein and fat. Other studies show that people who eat more fiber-rich fruits tend to have lower body weights. Furthermore, the resistant starch in unripe bananas is seen as a weight-loss aid, by increasing satiety and reducing appetite, helping people eat fewer calories. However, bananas are not a good food for low-carb diets, as one medium banana contains up to 27 grams of carbs.
Around the issue of eating bananas before going to bed, experts say the fiber content in bananas can promote weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing cravings. Although there are no studies that prove bananas directly help with weight loss, the fruit does have some weight-maintenance-friendly properties. However, the high carb content of bananas is not suitable for a low-carb diet.

Chất xơ có trong chuối hỗ trợ việc giảm cân

4. Other foods that affect sleep

4.1. Food to eat

Almonds : Is a great food to eat before going to bed because it contains a lot of melatonin and the mineral magnesium; Chamomile Tea: Contains antioxidants that may promote sleepiness, has been shown to improve overall sleep quality; Kiwi: Very rich in serotonin and antioxidants, helps improve sleep quality if eaten before bed; Cherry juice: Contains the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, which helps induce a good night's sleep; Fatty fish: An excellent source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which have sleep-improving properties; Walnuts: High in melatonin and healthy fats, which promote better sleep; Passionflower tea: Good for sleep thanks to the antioxidant apigenin content, as well as increasing the production of the brain chemical GABA; Milk: Because of its tryptophan content, milk has been shown to improve sleep in the elderly, especially when taken with melatonin and exercise; Oatmeal: A source of melatonin and high in carbs, it helps induce sleep when consumed before bed; Cheese: Contains a significant amount of the milk protein casein, which helps maintain muscle recovery and growth throughout the night if consumed before bed.

Ăn phô mai trước khi đi ngủ giúp duy trì phục hồi và tăng trưởng cơ bắp

4.2. Food to avoid

Chocolate: This is a substance that has a lot of sugar and is a hidden source of caffeine, which interferes or blocks the chemical processes related to sleep taking place in the brain and body. Similarly, many teas and coffees contain enough caffeine to keep you awake all night; Fatty foods: Fats take a long time to digest, so should not be taken before bedtime. If you eat a pizza late at night, you won't be able to sleep well afterward; Acidic foods: About 10% of young people may experience acid reflux, with a burning sensation in the back of the throat or in the chest. Lying down makes symptoms worse. Spicy or fried foods, as well as ketchup are very acidic, should be avoided before going to bed; Alcohol: Disrupts normal sleep rhythms. While alcohol will help you fall asleep, it prevents deep sleep and recovery during the night, leaving you tired the next day.

Like most fruits, bananas are very very nutritious and extremely healthy. Bananas are a rich source of magnesium, a mineral that plays hundreds of roles in the body, including improving sleep quality. Unripe green bananas are also rich in resistant starch and pectin, which can reduce appetite, thereby supporting weight loss. In general, eating bananas before bed is considered a safe choice, but you should not eat too much and too close to bedtime.

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Is it OK to eat banana before bed?

The bottom line. Eating bananas before bed may help you get a good night's sleep. Bananas are rich in magnesium, potassium, tryptophan, vitamin B6, carbs, and fiber, all of which may improve sleep quality via different mechanisms.

Will I gain weight if I eat a banana before bed?

Banana is mostly believed to be a fattening fruit. But actually, it is loaded with nutrients that can help you sleep peacefully at night and even aid in weight loss. The fiber content in it can keep you full for a longer time and even curb your craving for sugary stuff.

What happens when you eat bananas at night before bedtime?

Aside from high potassium levels, bananas are rich in protein, magnesium, and vitamin B6. These nutrients work together to produce the sleep hormones melatonin and serotonin, helping you drift off. In this article, we explain how bananas improve sleep quality and discuss other foods to help you get better sleep.

What is the best time to eat banana?

You can consume bananas in the morning along with other breakfast foods. However, you should avoid eating them on an empty stomach. Eating bananas at night should also be avoided if you have cough, cold, or breathing problems.


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