How well do solar panels work in winter

The Swedish summer season offers perfect conditions for solar panels. Long bright days and nights, with lots of sunlight. During the winter months the situation is a little different and it is not uncommon to question the effects of solar panels in the winter.

During the winter season, the sun is lower, which makes the angle of incidence slightly worse and inevitably affects the amount of solar energy your solar panelss can produce. However, not to the extent you might think!

Solar panels obviously produce their energy thanks to the sunlight, but fortunately, the sunlight needed for the solar panels to be able to produce solar energy does not actually have to be very strong. In the winter, solar panels can still absorb the sunlight, even if it is cloudy or overcast.

Can the cold during the winter affect the solar panels negatively?

Ironically, solar panels actually thrive in a somewhat cooler climate, as it lowers the working temperature of the solar panels. Excessively warm conditions mean that the solar panels can suffer from energy leakage. For every degree above 25 degrees Celsius, you can estimate a 0.4% decline in electricity generation. In other words, our cool Swedish summer days are perfect for creating solar energy!

What happens if there is snow on the solar panels?

If there is snow on the solar panels, it means that the sun must penetrate another layer to reach the solar panels. Therefore, keep the solar panels free of snow to increase the possibility of generating as much energy as possible.

Even if you have a thin layer of snow on your solar panels, up to 1 centimeter, some sunlight can still penetrate and hit the solar panels in the winter. If the panels are mounted at the right angle, thicker layers of snow will slip off in the thaw.

Remember that it can be risky to be on the roof. Do not try to remove snow from your solar panels in the winter on your own. Safety first!

Can you store solar energy from the summer and use it in the winter?

Not really, but there are solutions to even out the costs over the year. Thanks to the great weather during the summer, you will most likely have more than enough electricity during the summer period. Therefore, the most common solution is to sell excess electricity from your solar panels during the summer period and then buy some extra electricity from the regular electricity grid during the winter season. That way, it will level out financially over the year!

Solar energy is energy in the form of light produced by the Sun. We can use the energy generated from the sun to power our lifestyles and needs. Through solar, we can move towards a clean, decarbonised society all the while using a limitless source of energy.

Solar panels are comprised of numerous linked photovoltaic (PV) cells. When particles of sunlight (known as photons) hit these cells, they knock electrons loose from their atoms. This process generates a flow of electricity. From this, we can power our homes, devices and appliances, and even our cars!

Do solar panels work throughout the year?

They certainly do. It is not unreasonable to think that sunny conditions are required for solar panels to properly work, however, this isn’t true. Only some daylight is necessary in order to harness the sun’s green, renewable energy.

In fact, solar panels work throughout all seasons of the year. Including solar panels installed in northern latitudes and rainy climates. But how can solar panels continue to generate a reliable and cost-effective source of energy in these conditions? Well, two key components are required for solar power generation:

1. Temperature

One might think that warmer temperatures relate to a more efficient solar PV system, however, this is yet another myth. Colder conditions help your solar panels function more efficiently. Meaning that your panels will produce more power for each hour of sunshine during short sunny days of winter as opposed to during the summertime. Output is higher, and often optimal, in colder conditions because of the movement of electrons. Electrons are at rest (have low energy) in cooler temperatures, but when activated by increasing sunlight a greater difference in voltage is attained by the solar panel. Creating more energy and thus a more efficient solar panel system.

2. Light

Solar panels absorb energy from the Sun’s abundant source of light, not its heat. So, as long as sunlight is hitting a solar panel, it will generate electricity.

While solar panels are more productive in direct sunlight, a process that generates diffuse sunlight can also cause your panels to generate energy for you. Diffuse light is sunlight that has been scattered by particles in the atmosphere, yet still reaches the earth’s surface. In this instance, where cloud cover is denser, your solar panels will continue to generate electricity but at a lower productivity level.  

How much energy will solar panels generate during the winter?

During the winter months it is less likely for solar panels to reach their peak efficiency. This is because of heavy snow and shorter daylight hours. However, this doesn’t mean your solar panels won’t produce power at all.

  • According to the Energy Saving Trust, solar panels will generate around a 5th of their usual energy production in the winter months.
  • During the depths of a wintery month, on average you will get around one hour of full power output. With your panels still continuing to generate electricity for you!

On the plus side, rainfall during the winter can work in favour of energy production. Solar panels often work better when it is raining as they are washed clean of any dust or dirt that might block light. This is also why cleaning your solar panels is so important.

Do solar panels work in the snow?

How well do solar panels work in winter

We know that solar panels work in rainy conditions and even when it’s cloudy, but what happens to energy generation during snowy periods?

Fortunately, solar panels will still generate electricity even when covered in snow as sunlight is still able to reach solar panels. This ensures that the PV cells in the solar panels are still producing energy.


  • The dark, reflective glass that covers solar panels works to melt snowfall before it becomes a nuisance and is detrimental to panel performance.
  • The usual tilt of solar panels at around 30 to 45 degrees also helps snow from building up too much.
  • It is worth mentioning that the quality, size, number and location of panels will also have an impact on the amount of electricity that is able to be generated.

Need More Answers? Get In Touch

If you live in the UK and would like more information regarding the efficiency of Solar Panels get in touch on 01322 479369. Our team of Solar experts are always happy to help answer your questions.

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