How to see who viewed your instagram story the most

Since Instagram stories were launched in 2016, people tend to spend more time on the platform, posting and viewing stories. Many even use an Instagram scheduler to make the most of this feature. But generally, if you’ve posted an Instagram story, you’re probably familiar with that sense of curiosity to see who views and watches your stories and find out what the Instagram story viewer order is telling you!

Yet deciphering what it means and how it sorts the users doesn’t come easy. We can’t say it merely functions chronologically! The Instagram story viewer order works in a specific way and has its own algorithm. And in this article, we are going to talk about how this Instagram story viewer order works in 2022. 

So, don’t worry about any of your concerns and question. We’re here for you and we’ll answer your questions about the order of viewers on your Instagram story. If you’re wondering, ‘Why is always the same person on top of viewers on my Instagram story?’ or ‘What does the order of Instagram story viewers mean?’ Keep on reading!

Know your Instagram stalkers and secret admirers. 

  • Order of Instagram Story Viewers in 2022
    • What Are the Deciding Factors for the Instagram Story Viewer Order
  • How are Instagram stories ordered in your feed? 
    • How to download Instagram stories anonymously?
  • Has the Instagram Story Viewer Order Changed Since 2021?
  • What Does the Order of People Who View Your Instagram Story Tell you?
  • How Does Instagram Sort Story Viewers in Highlights?
  • FAQ on Instagram Story views Order
    • 1- How to Check Your IG Stories Viewers?
    • 2- Does the Order of Who Views Your Instagram Story Matter? 
  • Last Words on Instagram Story Viewer Order

Order of Instagram Story Viewers in 2022

Have you viewed a special someone’s story too many times and are now wondering if they’ll know based on their Instagram story viewer list? Or are you seeing someone’s name at the top of your list all the time and can’t help thinking they might be stalking you?! Well, whatever the case might be, you’ll soon get the answer to ‘how does Instagram sort story viewers?’ 

There are a few theories about the Instagram story viewer order and the stalking phase on this social media platform. As Instagram tends to keep its users’ privacy, you might ask how it works when it comes to Instagram story views exactly. To put the question more simply, how does Instagram organize story views if they’re so strict with our privacy?

Why do some of your followers appear at the top and some at the bottom? Is it in chronological order? How does Instagram rank the story views order?

How to see who viewed your instagram story the most

Well, we have the answer to all your questions; due to a few experiments done by the Reddit team, your story Instagram views order, rank by two factors.

What Are the Deciding Factors for the Instagram Story Viewer Order

As mentioned previously, there are two crucial points. So, to understand the Instagram views order, we should check these two first:

  • As for the first factor, the first 50 views are based on the chronological order, which means if you have less than 50 views, whoever watches your story first is up at the top of the viewer’s ranking. So, that’s how your Instagram story viewer order works if there are less than 50 users. But what if there are more?!
  • Once you reach more than 50 views, the Instagram story viewer order algorithm changes.

Those accounts that open your page more will appear as first.

Overall, the Instagram story viewer order is affected by your followers’ engagement. This means that whoever is engaging with you more, such as commenting and direct messaging, would appear first. You can find out this information with the help of Instagram Insights or your social media management platform.

Yet according to Reddit, those accounts that open your profile more often are prioritized to be at the top of the view list. That is, the Instagram story viewers’ previous engagement with your content and profile affects the ranking algorithm. 

So in case you’re stalking someone on Instagram, you better watch out and view their Instagram stories anonymously.

How are Instagram stories ordered in your feed? 

You might wonder why some people always end up at the top of your feed, so whenever you start viewing stories, theirs appear first! 

Well, this is somehow based on the Instagram algorithm. Based on the interaction you have with some accounts, Instagram prioritizes their stories to you as the first list of suggestions. So if you keep watching their stories every day or like their post, likely they are the first choices by Instagram to show you.

Remember that when you frequently engage with an account, the algorithm for the Instagram story views order dictates that your name appears at the top of their viewers’ list. So, if you’re indeed stalking someone, make sure to like and comment on their posts before you open their stories. Otherwise, they’ll know you’ve been silently watching their content without leaving any likes and comments! In other words, the Instagram story viewers order can give you away. 

That was the secret to Instagram story viewer order, and since we are talking about Instagram stories, we are going to introduce you to a tool that gives you better access to managing your stories.

How to download Instagram stories anonymously?

AiSchedul is a tool that lets you download Instagram stories fast and free with unlimited amounts. This amazing tool lets you download your chosen videos and photos to be saved on your PC or mobile browser, quick and straightforward.

Write your chosen username and watch or save the content of your preference. 

How to see who viewed your instagram story the most

This amazing tool has different features such as;

  • Scheduling instagram stories, feed and IGTV
  • Reposting Instagram stories 
  • Running automated Instagram giveaways 
  • Mass deleting Instagram posts

So, don’t wait anymore! 

Get immediate access to AiSchedul right now!

Has the Instagram Story Viewer Order Changed Since 2021?

In an attempt to fix the glitches and fulfill the users’ needs, Instagram keeps rolling out new updates. And new practical features alongside a change of algorithm follow each update. The same thing happened in 2021! 

The algorithm for Instagram story views order changed. Now, those who appear first on the list are those who have interacted with your IG profile and content the most! 

So, it’s no wonder that your best friends should come up as the first viewers. That’s because they often like and comment on your IG posts, reply to your stories, and send you direct messages.

But if a complete stranger or someone who has recently started following you on Instagram appears among the top viewers on the Instagram story, it’s a different thing! In this case, it’s safe to assume that they’ve been frequently visiting your profile. So, if someone does not interact with you but keeps looking at your posts, the Instagram story views order will betray them. 

This little secret will surely help you understand who’s stalking you on Instagram. You just need to check for those users who appear on the top of the viewers’ list but have never engaged with your posts and stories. 

What Does the Order of People Who View Your Instagram Story Tell you?

By checking your IG stories viewers can actually provide some practical and useful information about your audience. First of all, you’ll know who has engaged with your content more and who are your loyal fans. It can also show you those who have spied on you. 

But if you have a business account, the most important information you can drive from your Instagram story views order is the username of your loyal followers. Those who appear on top of the list are all the followers who will most likely continue to engage with your account and even buy from your products. 

So, if you’d like to use Instagram stories to your business’s advantage, keep in mind that the Instagram story viewer order can show you potential customers and loyal fans! These are the people you should interact with!

How Does Instagram Sort Story Viewers in Highlights?

In fact, the same rules apply to the order of viewers on Instagram story highlights. That is, if the viewers are fewer than 50, they’ll be sorted chronologically. But if there are more, you’ll see those who have engaged with your content or frequently visited your profile on top of the list.

However, bear in mind that you’ll only see who viewed your Instagram highlights in the first 48 hours. That is, no matter when you check the list of your story highlight viewers, it will always show those who watched it in the first 48 hours! 

So, I can still check the story highlight I posted in June, and I can still check the story views order. Yet this list won’t show me who has seen it in July. And unfortunately, we can’t go around this limitation!

FAQ on Instagram Story views Order

So far in this article, we’ve explained every detail about what this order means and how you can use it! Now, it’s time to check your other questions. Let’s get started then!

1- How to Check Your IG Stories Viewers?

Well, to analyze what the Instagram story viewer order means, you should first be able to check who has viewed it! To see who’s seen your story, follow the steps below:

  • Open the story you’ve posted,
  • Then, swipe up on the screen to view the list.
  • You can also tap on the viewers’ profiles that appear in the bottom left corner of your story.

That’s it! You can follow the same actions for checking who viewed your Instagram highlights.

2- Does the Order of Who Views Your Instagram Story Matter? 

If you have a personal account and only follow your friends and family members, this order might be less important. But for a business profile, knowing the Instagram story viewer order is indeed crucial in understanding their target audience.

Checking who appears on top of your Instagram story viewer list helps you recognize the followers who engage with your content and enjoy it! So, these users are more likely to want to interact with you or buy from you. If you’re looking for a list of usernames from your potential customers, your story views order can actually help you!

Last Words on Instagram Story Viewer Order

In this article, we talked about how Instagram determines the story viewer order, how it really works, and why some people are always at the top even if they view your stories later than other users.

Well, it is all about who opens your Instagram page more often and who is engaging with your content more often.

So if you want to use Instagram stories to grow your business which is 100 percent essential for your Instagram growth, then  sign up on AiScheduland use all the features that help you in this time-consuming process. 

What does the order of who views your Instagram story mean?

The order of Story viewers is based on how your followers interact with your profile on the platform instead of how you engage with these profiles. This means those people who visit your profile the most appear at the top of the list.

Can you see how many times a person viewed your IG story?

Currently, there's no option for Instagram users to see if one person has viewed their Story multiple times. As of June 10, 2021, the Story feature only collects the total number of views. However, you may notice that the number of views is higher than the number of people who've viewed your Story.