How to see someones activity on ig

Have you ever wondered what your followers do on Instagram?

How to see someones activity on ig

You may want to know this out of basic curiosity. But it’s also an excellent way to discover new creative and useful profiles to follow. So, why not check out what the people who follow you like on this social media app?

If you think this is a great idea, you’re not alone – many users wonder how to do just that since the Activity tab in the Notifications section is no longer available.

Our article may help you clear up any doubts you may have. Keep reading and find out how to learn more about your followers.

Before, you could easily see what your friends and followers liked by tapping the Activity tab in your Notifications panel. But more than a year ago, Instagram removed this feature and made it harder to get a peek at the likes of our Insta friends.

Instagram’s explanation is that they wanted to make the app as simple as possible to use. They also said they removed this tab because, according to their data, not many people were actually using it. However, many users seem not to have liked this change. But there were also others who said they were happy to hear that their followers won’t be able to see what they liked and who they followed anymore.

While users do have the Explore section to find new exciting accounts to follow on Instagram, how can you see your followers’ activity now?

To see more than just specific parts of your followers’ activity, you’ll need additional “snooping support.”

1. How to See Someone’s Recent Posts

Recent posts are a part of someone’s activity on Instagram, so here’s how to see them. You may miss a user’s post on your feed, but it’s easy to make sure you’re up to date by visiting their profile.

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your device.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  2. Select the magnifying glass from the menu at the bottom.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  3. Type in the desired username in the search field at the top of the screen.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  4. Tap on the user’s name to open their account.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  5. Check out the latest posts by scrolling through their feed.
    How to see someones activity on ig

2. How to See Someone’s Followers

To see someone else’s followers and the list of people they’re following, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram on your smartphone.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  2. Tap the magnifying glass at the bottom.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  3. In the search field, type in the username of the person you want to track.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  4. When their profile opens, tap on the Followers or Following section.
    How to see someones activity on ig

You’ll be able to see people they interact with unless their profile is set to private. In that case, you can only see these lists if they approve your follow request.

3. How to See What Someone Else Likes

It used to be much easier to see what the users you follow liked on Instagram before the Activity tab was removed. You had everything in one place, and there was no need for much scrolling. It’s still possible to check who liked what, but the process may be a bit tedious.

Here’s what you should do.

  1. Open Instagram and go to your home page.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  2. Scroll through the feed and choose a post made by a person both you and the user you want to track follow.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  3. Tap on the likes below the post.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  4. Check the list of people who liked the post and find out which one of your friends liked it.
    How to see someones activity on ig

You can see what other people like if you follow the same people. When you stumble upon an image posted by your mutual follower, you can tap the likes to see who liked the post. Then you can see if the person you’re interested in liked the photo.

How to Get Your Followers’ Activity on Instagram With Third-Party Apps

Besides seeing this basic stuff, you can also track your followers’ activity by using third-party apps.

For example, you can use the Snoopreport app, originally created with marketing goals in mind. There’s a low-cost plan for this app, and it allows you to track up to 10 users. However, since it’s a paid app, you may want to think twice before you get it – is it worth paying for it for private purposes?

But if you’re interested in tracking your followers more closely for content marketing purposes, then it may pay off.

How to Hide Who You Follow on Instagram

If you want to keep the list of people you follow on Instagram hidden, you can set your profile to private. Follow the steps below.

  1. Open Instagram and open your profile by tapping your image in the lower right corner.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  2. Select the hamburger icon in the top right corner to see account settings.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  3. Select the gear icon from the bottom to open Settings.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  4. Tap on Privacy and navigate to the Account Privacy section.
    How to see someones activity on ig
  5. Switch the toggle next to Private Account to set your profile to Private.
    How to see someones activity on ig

Once you’ve done that, only your followers will be able to see who you’re following.

Additional FAQs

If we haven’t answered all your questions by now, you may want to check the FAQs section below to learn more.

How Do I Show My Activity on Instagram?

There’s only so much you can show on Instagram. Your followers have access to your posts, the list of your followers, and the people you follow. If you keep your profile set to public, even people who don’t follow you can see that information.

How Do You Remove a Follower on Instagram?

To remove someone from your list of followers, do the following:

• Launch Instagram and go to your profile.

• Select the Followers button at the top of the profile.

• Find the person you want to remove by scrolling or entering their username in the search field.

• Tap on Remove next to their name.

What Is the Point of Tracking Instagram Users?

As we’ve mentioned, some people track other users out of pure curiosity. Parents may also want to ensure that their children are safe while using Instagram. Other people use it for spying purposes. Marketers often use tracking apps to learn more about their followers and target audiences. They can find out a lot about their interests, behavior, and more and use this data to create better content for their audience.

What Are Your Followers Doing?

Are you disappointed by the disappearance of the Activity tab? Well, you still have some ways of tracking your followers’ activity. You can check out their recent posts, list of followers, and maybe see if they liked a photo posted by someone you both know. For more detailed “tracking,” there are a few apps that can help you, but try to limit your investigations with third-party apps and don’t turn into a Sherlock Holmes.

Did you know about the Activity tab, and if you did, do you miss it at all? Let us know in the comments section below.

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