How to see login history on instagram

Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform that allows users from all over the world to connect. Moreover, with hundreds of thousands of users on the Instagram application, safety can become an issue. Consequently, users can address the matter of security and privacy on the application by several features that the application provides including checking your login location and further check the login activity.  Furthermore, among such is how to check Instagram login history to ensure no external user has accessed your account.

Users can check their login history on Instagram by accessing the feature provided to the user on their profile through privacy settings. Similarly, the device and location of login history is a feature you can access through this on Instagram.

Safety Measures And Features On Instagram

Instagram users have plenty of safety measures and features to keep their time on the application secured. Among these features and actions is that you can apply to the profile manually to ensure your boundaries. Next, Instagram has features that include login history, allowing Instagram to know if there are suspicious activities on your account. Some safety measures and features are listed below.

  1. Users can block, mute, or restrict unwanted users on Instagram.
  2. Flag, censor, and limit comments and characters on your profile.
  3. Check login history for any suspicious logins.
  4. Look into saved login information and data on Instagram to check login activity.
  5. Ensure login safety through two-factor authentication.

Does Instagram Save Login Data And Information

Instagram saves all the data that a user has on their application. Likewise, this includes the posts you’ve shared, liked, commented on, and different ways you engage on the application. Instagram does this to understand user behavior and provide better service on the application.

Another feature includes login data and information. Moreover, not only does Instagram have the ‘save login information’ feature, which is straightforward. Instagram also saves the login history, time, location, and login activity.  Moreover, all of the features mentioned above ensure the safety and maintain the security of the user on Instagram.

What Is Login History

Login history on Instagram is, as the name suggests, the history of the login on your account. The login history includes the date and time of the login on your Instagram. In addition, users can check the login history on the device that they log in to.

Difference Between Login History And Login Activity

Users can sometimes confuse login history and login activity. Furthermore, users can access the two features through different platforms on Instagram. As mentioned above, login history lists the date and time of the user’s login. At the same time, login activity shows the date, time, and device location. When accessing login activity, users can see which devices log in with at the moment and the timestamp of when the login took place.

Both the features are helpful security measures on Instagram. Moreover, you can access each feature through the settings on your profile. Here, we look into checking the login history on Instagram.

The method to check login history is straightforward. First, users must be logged into their accounts to check the login history. After the login, the process to check login history in every platform is below.

Check Instagram Login History On Android Device

The method to check your login history from an Android phone is below.

Step 1: Launch Instagram On Your Phone

First, tap on your Instagram icon on your device. The application will open up to the home page.

Step 2: Go To Profile

Next, on the bottom right corner of your screen, tap on the circular profile icon. You will direct to your profile page.

Step 3: Tap On Three Lined Hamburger Icon

Next, on the top right corner of your screen, tap on the triple line hamburger icon.

Step 4: Access Security Through Settings

Then, tap on the Settings option. From settings, go to the security option.

Step 5: Under Data And History Tap On Access Data

Next, inside the security option, you will see the access data option. Tap on it to go through user data and history.

Step 6: Look For Account Activity

Scroll down to the account activity option. Within the option, there is a ‘view all’ option under login. Tap on it.

Step 7: View All Logins

Then, once you tap on ‘view all’ under logins, Instagram will direct you to a login dialog box. Login using your Instagram id and password. Instagram will then lead you to the login history, including the time and date of login on your Instagram account. Finally, tap on view more to view the entire list.

Instagram Login History Access On iOS Phone

The method to check your login history from an iOS phone is below.

Step 1: Launch Instagram On Your Phone

First, tap on your Instagram icon on your device. The application will open up to the home page.

Step 2: Go To Profile

Next, on the bottom right corner of your screen, tap on the circular profile icon. You will direct to your profile page.

Step 3: Tap On Three Lined Hamburger Icon

Next, on the top right corner of your screen, tap on the triple line hamburger icon.

Step 4: Access Security Through Settings

Then, tap on the Settings option. From settings, go to the security option.

Step 5: Under Data And History Tap On Access Data

Next, inside the security option, you will see the access data option. Tap on it to go through user data and history.

Step 6: Look For Account Activity

Scroll down to the account activity option. Within the option, there is a ‘view all’ option under login. Tap on it.

Step 7: View All Logins

Once you tap on ‘view all’ under logins, Instagram will direct you to a login dialog box. Login using your Instagram id and password. Instagram will then direct you to the login history, including your Instagram account’s time and date of login. Tap on view more to view the entire list.

Check Instagram Login History From Desktop

You need to follow the given steps to check your Instagram login history from the desktop.

Step 1: Open Instagram On Your Browser

First, type in Instagram on your browser to open the login landing page. Then, log in using your id and password to access your Instagram.

Step 2: Go To Profile

Second, tap on the profile icon on the top right corner of your screen. Then, choose ‘profile.’ Instagram will direct you to your profile page on the drop-down option.

Step 3: Tap On The Gear Icon To Access Settings

Next, on the top middle of your screen, you will see the gear icon next to the ‘edit profile’ option. Tap on it for the settings dialog box to open up.

Step 4: Tap On Privacy And Security

Then, tap on the privacy and security option. The privacy and security landing page will then open up.

Step 5: View Account Data

Next, scroll down to the account data option. Finally, tap on the ‘view account data’ option written in blue.

Step 6: Look For Account Activity

Scroll down to the account activity option. Within the option, there is a ‘view all’ option under login. Tap on it.

Step 7: View All Logins

Once you tap on ‘view all’ under logins, Instagram will direct you to the login history, including the time and date of login on your Instagram account. Tap on view more to view the entire list.

Instagram Login History On Mac

The steps to check Instagram login history on Mac is similar to those on desktop. Follow the steps below to do so.

Step 1: Open Instagram On Your Browser

First, type in Instagram on your browser to open the login landing page. Then, log in using your id and password to access your Instagram.

Step 2: Go To Profile

Second, tap on the profile icon on the top right corner of your screen. Then, choose ‘profile.’ Instagram will direct you to your profile page on the drop-down option.

Step 3: Tap On The Gear Icon To Access Settings

Next, on the top middle of your screen, you will see the gear icon next to the ‘edit profile’ option. Tap on it for the settings dialog box to open up.

Step 4: Tap On Privacy And Security

Then, tap on the privacy and security option. Next, the privacy and security landing page will then open up.

Step 5: View Account Data

Next, scroll down to the account data option. Finally, tap on the ‘view account data’ option written in blue.

Step 6: Look For Account Activity

Scroll down to the account activity option. Within the option, there is a ‘view all’ option under login. Then, tap on it.

Step 7: View All Logins

Once you tap on ‘view all’ under logins, Instagram will direct you to the login history, including the time and date of login on your Instagram account. Finally, tap on view more to view the entire list.

Methods To Protect Privacy And Security On Instagram

Users tend to check their login history and activity due to suspicious activities on their Instagram application. As mentioned above, there are methods including login history and activity to determine whether your application has unusual logins. So, if you find problems with the login activity, and after you log out from your Instagram as a safety measure, you can take a few simple steps to tackle the issue.

  1. Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a feature provided by Instagram which is regarding data and log-in privacy and security. Similarly, this feature ensures that others cannot log in to your account without a double code or password-protected feature. In addition, users can access their two-factor authentication feature through the security option within settings.

2. Turn Your Profile Private

Another feature that Instagram provides us is the option to keep your profile private. Here, you can create a profile and access account privacy through settings to activate the private profile feature. Moreover, this feature ensures that random users on the application will not follow you without your approval.

3. Remove Unwanted Followers From Your Instagram

Next is the feature to remove unwanted followers from your Instagram. To add, users can access the option to block, remove, or mute accounts on their Instagram by accessing the privacy option in settings. Moreover, this feature is helpful to maintain a level of privacy and safety on your Instagram account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions related to checking login history on Instagram are below.

How To Check Instagram Login Activity

Checking your Instagram login activity is a similar process to checking the login history. The difference, as mentioned above, is in the location that is with the login activity details. Access the feature through the privacy setting within your profile page.

Instagram Login Activity IP Address

Instagram login activity does not show your IP address. In addition, there are no official features on Instagram on checking the IP address that another person used to log into an account. However, users can use any credible third-party services to check the IP address feature in an emergency, except that the IP address is not directly visible on Instagram.

Instagram Login Activity Wrong Location

Instagram may show the nearest location of login on login history and activity. However, if the login is in a different country, it may be a cause of concern. However, if you use any VPN services, the location may be connected to where the VPN operates. So check your device beforehand to understand the problem in login activity.

Instagram Login Activity Wrong Device

A wrong device on your login activity or history is a problem. Moreover, this can mean your account is under attack. So, check any form of changes that have gone on your Instagram and monitor the activities on your profile. Lastly, change your password and use two-factor authentication immediately in such a case.


In conclusion, you can check your login history on Instagram to know what time or date your account was logged in. However, only knowing the history cannot be enough to tell of suspicious activity on your profile. Therefore, ensure that your profile is protected and kept private to maintain the safety of your Instagram profile.


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