How to post portrait and landscape photos on instagram together

Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. When you post a photo, you have the option of posting it in a landscape or portrait orientation. If you’re looking to post multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram, here’s how to do it!

How do you put landscape and portrait photos together on Instagram?

There’s no one right way to do this, but here are some tips based on what I’ve found works best for me.

1. Use separate accounts for landscape and portrait photos. This way you can control which photos show up on each account, and you can also easily switch between them in the Instagram app.

2. Use different hashtags for each type of photo. For example, use #landscape for photos taken in a landscape environment, and #portrait for photos taken in a portrait environment.

3. Post both types of photos in different parts of your feed. Landscape photos typically look better near the top of your feed, while portrait photos look better near the bottom.

4. Use filters to create interesting effects. For example, use the blur filter to make landscapes look more like landscapes, and use the lens effect to make portraits look more like portraits.

5. Use multiple apps to post your photos. You can use Instagram itself to post landscape and portrait photos, as well as another app like Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to edit them before posting.

Yes, you can post both landscape and portrait photos on Instagram. However, you may need to adjust some of the settings on your Instagram account in order to do so.

First, open up your Instagram account and click on the profile photo at the top-right corner of the screen. From here, you will see three icons: Profile, Posts, and Media. Click on Posts.

Now, you will see all of your current posts displayed in a grid form. Scroll down until you see the photo that you want to post in landscape mode, and then click on it.

Next, you will need to adjust the settings for this particular photo. First, click on the gear icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen and select Edit Profile Photo from the menu that appears.

From here, you will see two options: Post in Portrait Mode or Post in Landscape Mode. If you want to post this photo in both modes, choose Post in Landscape Mode and then click on the switch next to Use Landscape Orientation.

Now, click on Save Changes at the bottom of the screen and your photo will be posted in both modes!

How do you post multiple landscape pictures on Instagram?

There are a few different ways to post multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram.

The first way is to use the Instagram Layout feature. From your main Instagram screen, tap the three lines in the bottom left corner of the screen. This will open up the Layout menu. From here, you can select “Multiple Photos” and then select the photos you want to include in your post. Once you’ve selected the photos, tap “Post”.

The second way is to use the Instagram Camera app. From your phone’s camera screen, tap the square white button at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will open up the “Camera” menu. Tap “Photo Mode” and then select “Landscape & Portrait”. From here, you can choose which photo you want to use as your main image and which photo you want to use as your background image. Finally, tap “Post”.

The third way is to use a third-party app like InstaPixxer or Snapza. Both of these apps allow you to post multiple landscape and portrait photos at once on Instagram without having

How do you post multiple landscape pictures on Instagram without cropping?

If you want to post multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram, there’s a couple of different ways to do it. The first is to use the Instagram app on your phone. When you’re in the photo editor, you can tap the three lines in the top right corner and select ” landscapes .” From there, you can post each photo as a separate landscape picture.

The second way to do it is to use an online tool called Landscape Picture Post. Once you’ve signed up for a free account, you can upload your photos and then choose which ones you want to post as landscapes. Landscape Picture Post will automatically crop the photos so they’re all the same size.

What is carousel Instagram?

If you’re like most people, you probably use Instagram to share photos of your friends and family. But did you know you can also share photos of landscapes and portraits? Here’s how to do it:

First, make sure that your landscape or portrait photo is square. If it’s not, you’ll need to crop it before sharing it on Instagram.

Then, follow these simple steps to post a landscape or portrait photo on Instagram:

1. Tap the camera button on your phone and open the camera app.

2. Tap the photo you want to share and hold down on it until it starts shaking (this will save the photo as a draft).

3. Swipe left or right to choose whether you want to share the photo as a landscape or portrait.

4. Tap ‘post’.

How do you post together on Instagram?

If you’re like most people, you probably post photos of your loved ones, scenic landscapes, and food photos on Instagram. But what if you want to post a photo of yourself and a friend? Or a photo of your dog playing in the park? You can post them together on Instagram, but it’s not always easy. Here are four tips for posting multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram together:

1. Enable Posting Multiple Photos Together on Your Account Settings

To post multiple photos together on Instagram, first make sure you have enabled posting multiple photos together on your account settings. This is easy to do; just go to your account settings and scroll down to the “Photos” section. On the left side of the screen, under “Uploads,” click “Add Photo.” In the “Photo Details” window that pops up, tap “Enable Posting Multiple Photos Together.” Voila! You’re good to go!

2. Use Hashtags for Posts with Multiple Photos

If you want to use a hashtag when you post a photo with multiple photos, be sure to include the hashtag in the caption of

How do I stop Instagram from cropping my photos?

If you’ve ever tried to post a landscape or portrait photo on Instagram and been disappointed with the result, you’re not alone. Instagram often crops photos tofit its user interface, which can leave parts of the photo missing. Here’s how to post multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram without getting cropped:

First, make sure your photos are properly cropped. If your photo is too wide or too tall, Instagram will crop it to fit the screen. To check if your photo has been cropped, open it in a separate app like Photos or Photoshop, and look for black bars at the top and bottom of the image. If there are black bars, your photo has been cropped and you’ll need to fix it before posting it on Instagram.

If your photo isn’t properly cropped, follow these steps to post multiple landscape and portrait photos without getting cropped:

1. Select all of your photos ( CTRL+A ).

2. In Instagram’s toolbar, click on ‘Photo’ (it looks like an eyeball).

3. Under ‘Editor,’ select ‘ Multiple Photos.’

4. Drag each of your photos into the new window (or use the arrow buttons) and choose whether you want

How do you post pictures on Instagram without cropping 2020?

If you want to post multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram without cropping them, there’s a few different ways to do it.

The first way is to use the ‘Multiple Photos’ feature in Instagram. This will let you post multiple photos at the same time without having to crop them differently.

The second way is to use the ‘Add Media’ button on a photo. This will add a caption and media file beside the photo. You can then post it as normal.

The third way is to use the ‘Shared Links’ feature. This will let you share a link to a photo with your followers. They can then click on the link and view the photo inside Instagram.

Why won’t Instagram Let me zoom out on multiple pictures?

If your goal is to post multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram, you may be experiencing some difficulty doing so. This is because Instagram only allows users to zoom in on a single photo at a time, no matter how many photos are uploaded.

To get around this limitation, you can either delete any preexisting photos before uploading the new ones, or use a photo-editing tool like Photoshop to crop each photo into a square before uploading it.


If you’re like most people, you love to post beautiful landscapes and portraits on Instagram. But sometimes it can be difficult to choose which photo to post next. In this guide, we’ll show you how to post multiple landscape and portrait photos on Instagram without having them overlap or look confusing. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to showcase your beautiful shots in the best possible way!

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Can I post both portrait and landscape on Instagram?

Image Posts However, Instagram has long evolved from that initial model and now allows you to upload your portrait as well as landscape images. For Instagram posts, you can choose from three different aspect ratios—1:1 (square), 1.91:1 (landscape), and 4:5 (portrait).

How do you post multiple picture orientations on Instagram?

Tap Post, then tap . Select up to 10 photos and videos from your phone's library. To adjust how each photo or video is cropped, tap it then touch the screen to adjust how it fits in the frame. Keep in mind that the orientation you choose (square, portrait or landscape) affects all of the photos or videos in your post.


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