How to post links on facebook story

How to post links on facebook story

If you have an Instagram account, you're probably familiar with Instagram story feature, where you can share pictures and videos that only last 24 hours for your audience to check out. You can also share clickable links on IG story, a feature that I like the most, especially useful for bloggers to promote new posts or for business to promote their sites.

A clickable link is the easiest way to direct your audience to an online page. However, Instagram doesn't grant this function to all users. Only accounts that have over 10,000 followers have the ability to add a link to stories. That makes it very difficult for small business or new bloggers who don't have enough followers to promote their pages.

So if you just start up a website and want to share the link through stories, here's the good news: Facebook now has a similar feature that allows users to add a clickable link through FB story. How great is that!

Some of you probably will ask: why do we even bother with Facebook Stories? It's quite true that there are not as many people use the story feature as on Instagram. Facebook is still in testing phase of adding links to stories. But this is exactly why you need to get in the game before everyone else does.  (I usually don't write about tech posts. But since I'm so stoked about this trick, I have to share my excitement with you.)

Without further ado, here is the step-by step tutorial for you on how to add a link to FB stories:

1. Copy the URL of the website that you want to share

2. Go to your Facebook homepage where you usually post an update.
This is a big different from IG Story. If you are looking for the "add link" icon in FB story mode, you'll probably be disappointed. The trick is: you have to go to your timeline in order to insert the link.

3. Create a post by pasting the link of the website that you want to share

How to post links on facebook story

4. Tap the "share" button on the top right

How to post links on facebook story

5. In the dropdown menu, make sure you choose the "Share to Your Stories" option, not "to News Feed"

This is the key step!
How to post links on facebook story
Share link to your FB story

6. Last one, tap "Share Now"
Voila, your link has now been added to your story, and it will direct your audience straight to your web page.

How to post links on facebook story

Not too difficult right? This feature is still relatively new and currently in testing phase. I'm sure there will be more updates, especially for business account/FB page stories. Stay tuned! But as for now, if you have a website or article to share through stories in your personal account, please give it a try and let me know how you like it.

How to post links on facebook story

How to post links on facebook story

In one of our previous articles (in Chinese), we have covered the five ways to embed URLs in Instagram Stories. In this article, we will teach you how to embed URLs in Facebook Stories.

How to embed links in Facebook Story of personal accounts?

To start with, you should first share the link that you wish to embed in your Facebook Story on your personal account:

Please note that you need to share the exact URL that you wish to embed in Facebook Story instead of content from the Facebook Page.

After that, click the “Share” button, and select “Share to Your Story”.

Now you should be able to see the URL widget in the customization screen of Facebook Story. At this point, you can edit the layout of the Story as usual, and then share it.

After publishing the Story, visitors will be able to interact with the URL widget. Users will be prompted with a dialog for browser redirection when they clicked the widget.

At the moment, this is the only way we have found to embed a URL in Facebook Stories of your personal account. Please feel free to share the alternatives that you have found in the comment section below!

How to embed links in Facebook Story of Facebook Pages?

Unlike Instagram, where you need 10,000 followers in order to embed links in Stories of your page, there is no prerequisite for Facebook Pages to embed URLs in their Story. The only perk for Facebook Pages with over 10,000 fans is the ability to customize the URL.

For Facebook Pages with less than 10,000 fans

Click the URL icon in the menu on the right-hand side:

Here you will find different Call To Action (CTA) Buttons, such as “Call Now”, “Get Directions” etc. Select “Learn More” to embed URL widgets in the Story. Note that the only URL that you can embed is your page website. This means that regardless of how many Facebook Stories your page had published, the only embeddable URL is the website you have specified in the contact settings of your page.

For Facebook Pages with more than 10,000 fans

The workflow is identical with pages having less than 10,000 fans.

The only difference is that you can customize the link of the embedded URL widget. This gives you the freedom to embed different URLs in each of the Facebook Stories of your page.

We are planning to test whether verified pages with less than 10,000 fans can embed customized URLs in their Facebook Stories. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below if you know the answer!

Using paid ads is another way to embed customized links in Facebook Stories. But we will leave it for another article as this one is for users looking to embed URLs for free.

Do you have any secret tips on how to embed URLs in Facebook Stories? And also, what’s your habit of using Facebook Stories? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section down below!

MORE Digital is a digital marketing agency based in Hong Kong. Our portfolio is composed of clients from a wide range of industries, such as real estate, media, SMEs, and game producers. If you had any difficulties with digital marketing, feel free to chat with us here or send an email to !

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Can you put a link in a Facebook Story?

Add Link to Facebook Story using Facebook App To post a link to your story, copy and paste the URL. Create a new post in the Facebook app. Paste the link in the “create post” section and write whatever you like about the link.

How do I share a copied link to my Facebook Story?

How to Share A Link to Facebook Stories.
Copy the URL of the website that you want to share..
Go to your Facebook homepage where you usually post an update. ... .
Create a post by pasting the link of the website that you want to share..
Tap the "share" button on the top right..